Monday, July 28, 2008

It's Bloggy Giveaway Time!

Last time there was the Bloggy Giveaway, I didn't have a blog. I entered a bunch of giveaways, but I did not win a one. However, I had fun trying! This time, I have a blog, I'm giving away something, and I sure hope I win something. I hope you do too!

Please feel free to look around, and vote on my poll--look for the baby--found to your right.

This giveaway is for a $10.00 Target card and is for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.
To enter, leave a comment and an email address in code. For example:
(The reason for the code is to protect you against scammers.)
Only one comment will count; I eliminate duplicates.

I'll close the comments 7 PM EST August 1st, and use to pick the winner. I will contact the winner via email for their snail mail address. The winner will have three days to respond. If I do not hear from them within three days, I will select another winner.

Be sure to enter the other giveaways found here.Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button


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Jan said...

How fun. I am always up for some Target shopping. Very cute blog Smilinggal. Thanks for all your super comments over my way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having this giveaway! I love target. My e-mail is Im08Just97Me (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mistress Meeyee said...

I need to do some Target shopping! I love that place,it's an addiction with me.rachel at daddyrich dot net

Anonymous said...

Love Target - enter me please. And thanks for entering my bloggy giveaway!
blog (dot) sandists (at) gmail (dot) com

CityStreams said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Sacred said...

This would be awesome!! I would love to have a target card!

Thanks again,

Evan Pangburn
sacredmpp at gmail dot com

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Target is the best!! Thank you!


Adventures In Babywearing

Brianna said...

Oooh, I can spend a few bucks at Target!


Thanks for stopping by Kristin McLane's blog to enter to win a copy of my book!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I love Target. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Yarni Gras! said...

thanks for the giveaway...I'd have to buy a book for me if I won.......maybe I will!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

That Mother Teresa quote in your blog header is one of my all-time favorites. And it would be hard to come away from a blog called "Smiling Sally" without feeling happier!

I love Target, so enter me in the giveaway, too, please. Thanksabunch!! -Julia :-)


buzzd said...

I love target! Thanks!

Forgetfulone said...

I sure could use a Target card.

Anonymous said...

Target or BUST!!!

Unknown said...

With back to school around the corner I need a Target card.

My email address is in my profile. Hope that's okay.

Melissa said...

I never have trouble finding things to buy at target! :)

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!


CrystalGB said...

Wonderful giveaway. I would buy pants.

Stephanie said...

How fun!!! I would love to win!
grayjones5 at yahoo dot com

jenny said...

wow i could use thisthanks

Frugal Finds said...

I could use this for my frugal back to school shopping!!!
Frugal Carol

Ames said...

Welcome to blog world :) Thanks for the giveaway!


Heather said...

Thanks for the chance to win! mikeandheather[at]hotmail[dot]com

PS said...

Thanks, this is a great giveaway!! My email is in my profile!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I love Target and could always use something there.

Thanks for the great giveaway


Jes said...

please enter me! thanks

Jes (AT) beautyfromchaos (dot) com

suzanne said...

Love the gift card- school supplies will have to be purchased soon. :)

Erica said...

Love Target, could use it in so many ways :)


Unknown said...

I love Target's!

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

Henry said...

i heart target..

Deborah said...

please enter me!

Jenny said...

Interesting poll! I am always finding myself in Target (we don't go to Wal-Mart) so I'd love to win. Thanks!

the_other_alice_ (at)

Springjoy said...

alaskawildrose AT gmail DOT com

Thank you. :)

Katrina said...

I love Target!

Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...

I would love a chance to shop some more at Target! Thank you. :)

Carrie said...

I love Target! Please include me!

Unknown said...

Target is one of my faves! ppreacherswife at gmail dot com

michelle said...

I would have no problem spending a Target gift card. There is something for everyone there.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Tammy said...

Oh I'm falling over my own two feet just thinking about winning a Target Gift Card! lol! Thanks for the chance, and congratulations on your blog!

Angela said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
redfantum at aol dot com

mishmish said...

great giveaway Target rocks :D

mishmish 1010 at gmail dot com
no spaces :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new blog. Love Target and hope to win.


torinem said...

Good luck!

tornem (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Hope I win! Thanks for the GREAT giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Target is one of my favorite places. Thanks for the chance to win. daphne10171 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

i would love to win this! i need baby things for my new little one!
agodlyhomemaker at

daisy said...

Hey Miss Sal,

I'll throw my hat in the ring for a chance at a Target card...thanks for stopping by! And my comment should link to my blog, should I be so lucky to win your drawing!

Happy carnivaling! Or would that be carnivalling? Whatever...

Alitheia said...

Love Target, so count me in =)
Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

Michelle said...

I can always find something at Target! Thanks!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I could use this target GC for school supplies!
Great giveaway.


bethany said...

I'd love to use this gc to buy stuff for my new baby!! Thanks so much!

Ellerenee said...

Everyone can use a Target card! Thanks for the giveaway.


Claire Roach said...

Oh, I dig Target! Sorry you didn't win anything last bloggy carnival. Hope you do this time! Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com

Betsy said...

Thanks for the contest!

betskev at

Anonymous said...

I love Targets home decor!

ali said...

nice giveaway. thanks

Just Me said...

I want to win this one as a gift for my best friend who is the Target-a-holic!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

Thank you so very much for offering this wonderful giveaway !
I would LOVE to win !!

Anonymous said...

I could use some things for college. Thank you for the giveaway.

3boyzmom said...

I love Target!! I can get everything from TP to groceries to clothes!!

Lydia said...

So nice to join now that you have a blog!


Qtpies7 said...

I am pretty sure Target will be teh store of choice for my dd's college dorm room supplies, so I could use all the help I can get!

Kristan said...

more diapers! :)

Unknown said...

I could always use a gift card to Target for school supplies!

Anonymous said...

I would like to win this for my mother!


windycindy said...

Who doesn't enjoy Target?! Please enter me in your gift certificate drawing. It is appreciated. Many thanks, Cindi

Niwi said...

Any excuse to go shopping at Target!

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I would love this for school shopping! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Fedora said...

What a thought-provoking poll! That was hard to decide :)

Thanks for the contest!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance!

dkkwhcs at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

Yea, Target!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

Killlashandra said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway. :) I put determination in the survey and was surprised to see how many people put kindness. My toddler is determined to get into EVERYTHING. LOL

killlashandra at hotmail dot com

EB said...

Thanks for this giveaway! I love Target!


Blessed said...

I love target!!!


Maude Lynn said...


kelli at pfrog dot net

Hélène said...

Please enter me.
schola.athenarum at gmail dot come

kristine said...

yay target!!!!

kristinemjones at hotmail dot com

Kama said...

I love Target! GC's help me finish out my registry (due in September).

CanCan said...

Ten dolla at Target makes me holla!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

majellamom said...

Count me in! Thanks for the giveaway!

Nicol said...

I love gift cards! This would be great to help redecorate my dd's room!


Tara said...

love me some Target!

Liz said...

What a great giveaway! I really liked your baby poll! Very interesting! lizzy_142(at)hotmail(dot)com

World's Greatest Mommy said...

Target is the best place in the world!


Nikki said...

I dont have much luck on these contests either but still try. I did once win a box of coupons. lol

Please enter me.
homeschooling mom of 6

Come and enter my contest. Lesson plans
for apples, election 2008 and math games.
Math games are good for all .

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Count me in.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Maggie said...

Yay Target!! Thanks!

LadySnow said...

GC are email is
candle_by_night AT yahoo DOT com

Kristofer said...

i heart your great giveaway . . . i heart target too! thanks, kristen


heyhazelhazel said...

I laugh i the face of spam! Hahhahaha!
I live on the edge!

Teri said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love target! princessteri8(at)yahoo(dot)com

Amber said...

Love Target! Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said...

I heart tar-jay. Thanks for a great giveaway! laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com

Someone Being Me said...

Yay for Target! I would love to win this so I have an excuse to go check out the new Target that just opened Sunday.

Mommy Minded said...

would love to have it for schhol supplise!

FaithfulMommy said...

Checking our your shelfari shelf. Count me in on the Target gift card.


Scatteredmom said...

This would be great! It would give me a real excuse to drag Hubs in a Target on our next vacation to the USA. :P


Lori said...

punkypwr (at) gmail (dot) com

Sandra said...

I would love to be entered in this...I have so many things on my shopping list and this would certainly help make the trip more enjoyable.

owatz (AT) telus (dot) net

melissa said...

gift cards are always fun to win


Maureen said...

Great giveaway! maureenseverin (At) gmail (dot) com

kamewh said...

I love Target! Thank you for the giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Angie(quillysilly) said...

I'd love to email is linked to my blogspot profile! Thanks for the very useful giveaway!


Kathie B. said...

count me in. Thanks for the chance. Visit me at

the blubaughs said...

love target!

Carol said...

I would love to win this. Thank you for the chance.


Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Love Target! I never win anything either. My email is on my profile page.

Kristin said...

gotta love Target!

frugallm said...

I could really use this for school supplies!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Jodi said...

I love Target, I could shop for hours if I had the funds.


Unknown said...

We LOVE Target! I'm in there so often that I should just pitch a tent in their parking lot and save the gas money! Thanks for the chance to win!


Dani' said...

I love me some Target1

Suzie Williams said...

I voted in your poll. You can find my email in my blogger profile. I love Target!

GiBee said...

It's a good time for a practical gift!


The Via Colony said...

You gotta love a good gift card give-away!! Thanks for the chance to win=)

Ginny said...

Congrats on the new(er) blog!

I didn't win anything until the 3rd round of bloggy giveaways, keep trying!

mommiof4 said...

I love Target! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog. I hope you win something this time around. Kathy
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

mom2boys said...

I love Target and it would be great to win something. Thanks for the giveaway!

me and my sister said...

shopping, girls, a natural combo

Richelle said...

Count me in, please! richelle262(at)yahoo(dot)com

christene said...

love the target..
cjinhb at msn dot com

megan97364 said...

yea for giftcards!

Kim said...

What a wonderful giveaway! My email addy is in my blog profile.

Thank you for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

Amanda said...

Please enter me in your contest! :)


ps I like the bookshelf at the bottom of your blog; I've read a few of those books, too!

cl said...

Shopping at Target is so much fun.


Genevieve P said...

I love Target!
parknj at basicisp dot net

Unknown said...

target is just cool.
ebienic (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mommie Daze said...

My favorite store!

david_colleen (@) mei (dot) net

Re said...

TArget here i come :)

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca said...

Congrats on the new blog!! Thanks for offering and great prize and the opportunity to win!!

Peculiar said...

I can really use all of the Target GC's I can get...REALLY. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I'm at 4bizkidz at bellsouth dot net.

Meredith said...

I loves me my Target. Just ask anyone who knows me!

rosesaremyfavorite (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Yay Target! And I hope I win something too.

grammy said...

Go Target!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win too.

Cmerie said...

pick me

Sweetpeas said...

Gotta love Target! My e-mail is in my blog profile.

Tes283 said...

Target is fun. Time for a down-payment on a game. I have been good.

Amber D. said...

I love Target. I also love Shelfari- I have one too!

Kyra said...


superkyra21 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Barbara H. said...

Great contest! I can always find things at Target.

barbarah06 (at) gmail (dot) com

Alyce said...

Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Meg said...

Id put this toward a cute, new maternity shirt. Good luck in the giveaways this time around! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think it's so cool that you've been married so long. I've been married almost 14 years and I love hearing stories about people in it for the long haul. :)

bewitched at rocketmail dot com

danandmarsh said...

I don't know anyboday that wouldn't want to win a Target card!! Please count me in for your giveaway!
Happy Carnivaling!

Anonymous said...

I love Target! Best wishes to all entrants.

Cherie J said...

Please enter me. Thank you!


Rockin' Mama said...

I heart Tar-jay
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Kathleen said...

Gotta love the Target, thank you for the generous giveaway!

martianlove a t gmail + com

Karen Coutu said...

YAY! I love Target!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!


Anonymous said...

With school starting soon - who couldn't use a Target gift card.

Thank you for the chance....

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

A very useful gift card. Thanks.

She Became a Butterfly said...

i could use a gc!!

pookielocks at yahoodot com

The Dales said...

Man, I love Target, I spend way too much money there so a GC is right up my alley!!


me and my sister said...

shopping target ia always a good time, school shopping time, perfect

shaunjoy said...

Love Target!


Lindsey said...

oh man, I love Target.

lindsey.hefner at

Unknown said...

Ooh, fun. You're so kind! Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

I NEED this! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

Alaina said...

Welcome to the blog world! I love Target!

alainamj (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

alex said...

Target is my second home!

alexandra dot hancock at gmail dot com

Audra said...

ohhh target.... Thanks so much for the great giveaway audrajjensen(at)msn(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I love target almost as much as I love my hubby lmao! ahdrad2932(at)msn(dot)com

Katie said...

What a great prize. Good luck and thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, thanks!

sunnymum said...

Great to see so many people value kindness as a trait for their children. Thanks for the great giveaway. Hope you do win something this round on another blog. We're giving away a subscription to Country Home, if you'd like to stop by our blog. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Target is a great store... I really like their clothes!


Anonymous said...

Target rocks!


Karen said...

We are getting our 1st Target in our town next month! This would be great, thanks;)

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Molly C. said...

Target is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love Target. Fun place to shop

greenly said...

Love Target! Thanks!

Angi said...

I would love to win!

yourcouponbuddy (at) Yahoo (dot) com

lace said...

Target is such a great store. I'd love to get some cute new items for my house.

purplepassion126 said...

Love shopping at Target--thanks!

Fae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

love target, thanks!

Kristyn Martin said...

Target is my fave! Thanks for the chance! ~

sassy2 said...

How exciting!

ssbeeners (at) hotmail (dot) com

"J" said...

I love Target!!! Count me in for sure!!! I'm like you...I didn't win anything last time! =( Boooooooo-Whooooooo! Good Luck to you too!!!!

Thanks for a GREAT giveaway!!!!

musingsfromleftfield (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! Can't beat free Target cash-LOL

taysmommy said...

me and Target are bff!


Alison said...

Target rocks! Thanks for the giveaway!

hairlinefracture [at] gmail [dot] com

Emily N. said...

We love Target.

gotfire at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Love Target! We have a new one within walking distance!

Please include me in the fun!

KJ - California

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I adore Target! I always end up with things in my cart I didn't expect to buy, lol!


Sarah Z said...

I could buy a new book!!

Thank you!

believedreamcourage (at) gmail (dot) com

Tammy said...

I like your wallpaper. I would pick up some school supplies if I won. Thanks for the contest.

Unknown said...

woo hoo i love target!! and well pretty much every store there is out there haha

lc_intocable at

megret7 said...

Spent way too much at Target just last night!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Would love to spend this on my little with no guilt at all. Thanks for the giveaway

Audra Silva said...

I love Target. Thanks for the chance to win! :)


Thrifty and Chic Mom said...

Gotta love Target!

Ilissa said...

I am in the same situation. Last time the bloggy giveaways carnival was happening, I didn't have a blog. So I decided to make one and now I am hosting a bloggy carnival giveaway too. Congrats on starting or blog! Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Target gift cards sure are popular! :)

Uniquely Yours said...

I love Tar-shay! This is where I'll be doing all my Christmas shopping this year! Thanks! Make sure you stop by my blog to enter for a Princess Bracelet made by yours truely!

Unknown said...

We're always picking up something at Target, thanks for the chance.

I had no clue there was a bloggy carnival til too late to enter, but I am having a back to school and a $50 Amazon GC giveaway over on my blog if you are interested.

Lisa Garner said...

Target is great! I would love to win. Thanks for having this giveaway!
lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

Paisley said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I love shopping at Target!

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