Or are they perfectly still?

How about these. Are they moving? Turning?
Or are they perfectly still?

Now, look at these. Are they moving? One teacher said, "I felt like they were all moving...but slowly. Kind of like they were breathing."
Or are they perfectly still?

The pictures above are used to test the level of stress a person can handle. If you click on each picture, you can see movement more clearly.
The slower the pictures move, the better your ability to handle stress.
Allegedly, criminals that were tested see them spinning around madly; however, senior citizens and kids see them standing still.
None of these images are animated--they are perfectly still.
If you do happen to see the images spinning around madly, please lie down and rest!
Here comes Blogger Love!

Missy from Things in Life presented me with The Super Comments award July 23rd. The rules are to post the award, tell who presented it with a link back to that person, and then pass the award on to six other bloggers, linking them to the post. Since comments are so special to me, this is an award I cherish. Missy's blog is a good one to visit.
July 11, Barbara at The Purple Goat Lady shared the PREMIOS DARDO which means "Top Dart. The award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values everyday." Barbara is a proud Texan, but then isn't everyone who lives in Texas? I lived there for one year, and I was proud. I hope you'll visit Barbara too.
The rules are: 1. accept it 2. link back to the one who awarded it to you 3. award it to fifteen others.

I appreciate these two ladies and feel honored to accept these awards. I have been known to bend a rule or two, so I'm tweaking one of the rules--the last one. I would like if everyone of you who leave a comment to please accept the commenter award, and every one of you who bother to visit me to please accept the Premios Dardo award. That may mean that you should take both awards with my ❤ Blogger Love! ❤ You may copy and follow all of the rules (or not!). Just let me know in your comment if you're taking one or both.