***Today's pictures were taken last week, before Isaac began to show his ugly self. Don't worry about us, though; we might get wet, but we're hurricane proof!***
Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!
Today is the beginning of the Republican National Convention (RNC). Here's the left side of the Tampa Bay Times Forum where the main action will take place. In the left lower corner you'll notice the VIP entrance. Of course, it's Blue!
see a movie, or even bowl a game or two.
Of course, the welcome sign has a couple shades of Blue.
Some are displayed at Channelside, and Johnny and I went to find them.
We found plenty!
Most of them have a shade or two of Blue in their decoration.
She sure went heavy on that Blue eye shadow!
They sponsored the elephant to the left of the giant bowling pin.
I took a close-up of it in the picture below.
We tried to get a good shot, but it's placed up against a store window.
All we got was the reflection behind us, so I resorted to grabbing it from the internet.

Blue is used to outline his suit collar.

Some of the tiles are shades of Blue.

Happy Blue Monday!
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