People! Beverly at
How Sweet the Sound hosts
Pink Saturday.
Pause at her
Place to see
Plenty of other
Pink items that
Pink Participating
People are
Putting out for
I think that I've got it right this time. Blogland is filled with so many Decorating Ladies who put me to shame. It seems to me that you guys can take a chewed piece of gum, wrap it in twine, spray paint it black, stick a couple of feathers in it, place it on a pedestal, surround it with a cloche, and use the finished piece as a fantastic centerpiece at your weekly dinner party where your many guest ooh and aah!
On the other hand, I can work for hours and end up with something that a normal-thinking person might reasonably assume was made by a kindergarten child and left outside overnight in the rain! I've lived for decades, and I never knew what a cloche was! A while back, I bought an item that I
thought was a cloche. I called it that and proudly showed
pictures, proclaiming myself to finally be an Official Blogger. I was very kindly straightened out. It was not a cloche. It was an apothecary jar. (sigh) I was still not official.
Oh. (*blush*)
Folks, I've made another purchase, and this time I
think it's a cloche. Take a look and let me know. I do so want to be an Official Blogger.

I found it at Marshall's. (Thank you, Shelia from
Note Songs.) Then, I went to the renowned Dollar Tree Store and found this lovely little teacher, dressed in her
Pink sweater and holding an apple. I collect apples, so this is perfect for me! I've placed her on my mother's black plate. This plate is ancient and has no markings. I have no idea where it came from, but Mama always had it. Tell me please, am I an Official Happy Blogging Lady at last?
Check out my LOVE book giveaway. Happy Pink Saturday!