Funny, as I age I find that my things are VINTAGE. There are two groups of synonyms for vintage. I think I'll choose Group 1. If you'd like to chose Group 2, please don't tell me!
Group 1: classic, typical, traditional, essential, prime, pure, first-rate, first-class, archetypal
Group 2: out-of-date, dated, antique, old-fashioned, old, outmoded, antiquated
This is a scatter pin. It's made of some kind of metal. It did not cost much, and it lives in my jewelry box. I may have worn it once or twice.
Here is another metal scatter pin with matching clip-on earrings. Remember those? OUCH! My ear lobes would stay red for the longest time after I removed them! Because this was a matching set, I wore them more often. However, I haven't worn them for thirty-six years--ever since I got my ears pierced and found pain-free earring beauty. I do prefer pain-free beauty, don't you?
They live in my jewelry box too. My fifteen-year-old granddaughter, Jenna, loves to rummage through my jewelry box and try things on. Whatever floats your boat!

GM Sally! I'm the first to comment on this lovely sunny saturday morning! (at least for us! tee hee!)
I was a clip-on girl too! I remember the pain! lol!!
I dont know how you find so many pink cute thingies to show!
Yes, I remember those painful clip ons' as well.
Hi Sal! I will be happy to join in on Blue Monday. Thanks for the invitation and for your visit and sweet commment....Christine
Morning, Miss Sally! Those pins are very "in," so I can see why that cutie likes to peek in your jewelry box! Hope you're in the pink today!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Sheila :-)
Oh I remember them but because my mom & Grandma had them... I loved playing with them too... by the time I was able to wear earrings piercing was in... So I wore pierced earrings forever... I love your pink flower set... Maybe you could have them converted... Have a wonderful day... Is it cool there??? IT is cool over here in Pinellas County...
Memories, Mary... My mother used to wear jewelry like that. When she died, I inherited her jewelry box. I still have it--tucked away somewhere. Wonder what will happen to that old jewelry (none of which is worth much money-wise). Maybe a granddaughter will want it someday.
I used to play dress up with clip on earrings so I too remember the pain of them. Thank goodness we don't have do that anymore.
Sally, Oh yes I remember the dasies pins & earrings from the 60s & 70s..I worn a few back then. Ouch is right LOL..Thanks for the memories!
Happy pink Saturday ~Mary~ :-}
Oh, I had almost forgotten that earrings used to CLIP on...talk about PAIN....
Thanks, dear one, for sharing these...
Happy Pink Saturday!
I do remember this earrings, great post!
Thanks for the flashback!
~ Gabriela ~
Going through my jewelry box is on my To Do list. I also remember clip ons, eek! I love the pinks. There should be some way to incorporate them into present day crafting. Scrapbook embellishments? Glued on a painting? Garden art?
Smiles from :>) Roberta Anne
They are indeed vintage loveliness...you should have the earrings converted...maybe for your granddaughter as a gift!!
I am participating but didnt get my name in on time...shame on me!! Come visit me!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I used to have a pin like that! I wonder what happened to it? hmmmm
hey, check out my post today!
Good Morning Sally, Love your pink earrings. I have a box filled with all my Moms costume jewelry. I make jewelry so I think I will remake some of it.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Sally,
I love jewelry, especially pink! Thanks for sharing.
I had some of that enameled jewelry when I was younger too. I haven't managed to keep it, though, it's all disappeared.
Hope things are nice in FL this week - we are spending some time in Tampa.
Happy Pink Saturday, Sal!
Now Sally... take those pretty pins out of your jewerly box and pin them to a pretty pink sweater, or how about a jean jacket! They are sooooo cool... and you'd be soooo cool too... oh, but wait... you're already so coooool... so you'd be so... coooooler?
hugs. Dixie
I think I have a set like that floating around in my jewelry box, too. I'm a daisy girl. Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn
GM Sally..girl I love the jewerly and so remember the earrings and how those things did hurt and had to take them off to answer the phone..have a great PINK Saturday ...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Love your pink alliteration there!!
I like the first group of synonyms, too!
Your pinks float my boat Sally. I'm just cruising along visiting all the gals. I'm only half way there and getting nothing done today. Well I did make pancakes for the kids and hubby.
Love Claudie
My daughter loved playing with her grandmothers jewelery very similar to this. I never acquired much and it was fun for her to go through her grandmother's jewelery box...
Have a wonderful weekend Sally!
I must be the only female in the universe without pierced ears. Yes, I wear clip ons and yes, they pinch and hurt. LOL Your bright pink offerings for Pink Saturday remind me of Goldie Hawn in Laugh-In. Was that the name of the show? LOL
Blessings, Lana
I remember clip on ear rings even though I didn't really wear them. Love those pink flowers ones you have. Thank you for the nice comment about my little granddaughter. Have a wonderful day.
I'd wear this set all the time, Sally! I had all of my mom's clip ons and screw ons changed to pierced. It really wasn't much money.
I like definition number one too! Vintage jewelry is in big demand now-love your collection!
Happy Pink Saturday Sally
Those were cute little pink earrings and clip. I remember how they hurt too. They would come out with different kinds and they still hurt! I wonder whether they could be changed into pierced earrings?
I would imagine they would be fun for your granddaughter to play with.
I hope you are having some nice warm weather...and having a great day!
I choose number 1 too, Sally. Your jewelry is pretty. I think I am in the very rare group that does not have pierced ears! I bought some clip ons for a recent class reunion.
I love your vintage (#1) enamel jewelry. I do believe I have a few pieces, too.
Happy Pink Saturday, Sally.
I remember wearing all these beauties. So painful but we all wanted to be hip.
Ooooo Sally, I love your pinks. You always have the most scrumptious pinks to show us. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful day.
Sally your post today gave me a good chuckle. I choose #1. Your scatter pins and earings are very pretty in pink. Thinks like that are just not the going thing. Maybe you should give your granddaughter some of your jewelry now. I bet she would be thrilled. I am seriously thinking of giving some of mine to my granddaughters. I just don't wear so much of it anymore.
Love your pink post today.
I remember those metal flower pins during the 60's, but I had pierced ears. I do remember my mom rubbing her sore ears from the clip on earrings though. ☺
Happy Pink Saturday! ♥ Diane
I had some metal jewelry similar to these back in the 60s. I like your first definition.
Happy Pink Saturday to you Sally! Love your vintage pins!
Hi Sally,
I'll have to agree with you, I'll take group 1! Love your pins and earrings! They are very pretty and yes I remember wearing clip earrings. They do hurt! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!
Sally, very sweet PS post! I agree with the first group of words for Vintage, as do you. At my age I think everything I've had for the last 10 years qualifies.
The pink daisies are special. I adore daisies! :-)
Happy Pink Saturday!!
I couldn't wear clip-ons if I wanted to...they KILL! I used to love looking through my grandmother's jewelry, too! Great memories!
Lol Sal....I have such a lovely collection of vintage ( consider myself part of group #1 also) "OUCHY" earrings! I inhereted lots of the "ouchys" from my Noni,and because of that (especially when they have a matching pin) I hate not to wear them! So...I have started to use the on the points of a collar,on lapels on a blazer,on a plain bobby pin(oh god that is aging me too)and it is a great way to still use them! I have some vintage rhinestone ones that I mix up on one side of a black blazer ....and girl...I'm BLINGIN!
Very pretty pieces! I used to love to rummage through my Grandma's jewelry too. :o)
My grandmother still has an array of clip ons. We use to love to play with them.
I use to collect pins like this I have hundreds of different kinds,I refuse to get rid of them, they are soooo pretty! I always dreamed of wearing them on a straw hat one day.
Oh, its nice to see the flower pins! I just love old jewelry
Hi Sally, Happy PS! I've been wanting the same daisy pin for so long and haven't got the chance to have it.. thanks for sharing it with us!.. have a great weekend..xo
I flutter to vintage like moth to a flame my husband says ! :)...
My Nanny' jewelry box was a treasure trove!
Sally - thank you for sharing your pink pins; they are really lovely. Happy Pink weekend. Chloe Patricia
Oh...definitely put me in Group 1. Friends say I was just born in the wrong decade but I love vintage, love how things were made...everything about it!
I like to believe I am group 1 also! We should all be thankful for pierced earrrings!
I do remember the clip on ear rings and pins to match....I had a bunch of them....now the grand daughters play with them...I am a bit late with my Pink Saturday visit....have a wonderful day...
Mo :-)
Sally, I think I have a pin just like that...somewhere! I wore mine in high school, about 40 years ago!! Yikes...that sounds sooo long ago!! Thanks for the memories!!
Sooo cute!
Hi Sally!
making my way to the Pink Saturday girls that I couldn't get to. Wow, it has taken me three days to leave 147 comments but I didn't want to leave anyone out! This has been so much fun!
I have similar pins...you should wear yours! I was fortunate enough to inherit my collection of pins from my grandmother and my late mother in-law. I always try to wear one piece everyday.
Lovely Pink Post!
Deanna :)
Pretty pinks, reminds of a pin I had on a dress in the late 60's. Had my class picture taken in that dress.
Nice to meet you, my first Pink Saturday.
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