Every now and again, when I rub my chin, I feel a little stubble--a tickle. When I touch ever so gently, I can feel a soft hair on my chinny-chin-chin. A look into the magnifying mirror shows me the culprit--an inch-long black hair! How does it get so long so quickly? I grab my tweezers and yank that sucker out.

I never know what to call these attempts at beard-growing that my chin is making, but I think I've found a solution.
We'll call them fallen eyelashes!
Have you begun to experience fallen eyelashes?
That was so funny...although the reality of it all is looming ever near, I'm afraid! Now, THAT'S not funny! :)
You are a riot.And yes, I've have a few, but they don't last long. LOL
You are a riot.And yes, I've have a few, but they don't last long. LOL
I don't get this phenomenon!! One day they are not there and the next it's 2 inches long!!! How does that happen? Why can't the hair on my head grow so fast?
My other indicator.....the black hole in my brain keeps growing!
I think some of us are just cursed with a few of those little fallen eyelashes growing our chins. I pull them out all the time. ;) I may be pulling a lot more out the older I get. LOL
Cute post, Sally... My husband has always laughed while saying, "Why do I not have hair on my head anymore, yet it grows out of my ears and nose???" ha ha
It's true--the older we get, hair grows where we don't want it--for sure!!!
Hi Sally, 43 degrees in So. Florida, amazing. That would be warming up here these days.
Oh yeah, chin hair, fallen everything. LOL.
Old age is a state of mind Sally. We think YOUNG don't we?
LOL! I started experiencing it when I took fertility drugs in my mid 30's. Have had to use the tweezers ever since. Now I have them above the lip as well!
Grey hair - I was 20 yes 20. I started dying when my hair got thin from all the plucking. LOL! Sigh
Sally, LOL! Now, let's not talk about that. ;-) But, yes, I have noticed a eyelash or two on my chinny chin chin.
Sheila :-)
You are just toooooooo funny. You made my day today!
Hahahaha...yep I get those "eyelashes" too! :(
So true. I use a 5x magnification mirror to check out those eyelashes. It's amazing what shows up. Scares me every time I look into the thing. Then when I look in a regular mirror I think, that's not tooooo bad.
So true. I use a 5x magnification mirror to check out those eyelashes. It's amazing what shows up. Scares me every time I look into the thing. Then when I look in a regular mirror I think, that's not tooooo bad.
huh oh, I got impatient and clicked post again. Sorry.
Oh yeah! We get hair on our chin ,and men get hair on their ears. Then later you start to get these eyebrows that have a life of their own. All of a sudden you will have one hair that grows three times faster and in the wrong direction. hehe I am SO THERE!!! Kathy
I accept that they sprout up but how do they get so long so fast. The hair on my head grows painfully slow so how can facial hair grow an inch over night?
Great post!
Roberta Anne
Hysterical! LOL LOL
hehe!! I think we all do from time to time!! :-)
I like the new word for them! :-)
Hi Sally
Yikes I hate talking about this subject...yes thats a good thing to call them. Implanted themselves those suckers did.
have a great day *lol*
hahahaha that was brilliant - Judith
OMG, you're just too funny! Fallen eye lashes! Thankfully I don't have the fallen eye lashes to draw more attention to my 2 chins! ♥ Diane
Sally...This post was so funny and forthright!! I wish you luck in concquering the fallen eyelashes! I highly recommend all of you who identify to read Forgive Me For My Neck by Nora Ephron. It is a LOL book about the horrifying discoveries we make of our bodies as we hit (gulp) middle age. :-)
It's great to be able to laugh at those fallen "eyelashes"! Fun post. laurie
Fallen eyelashes... I think my whole eyebrow has slipped down to my top lip... LOL LOL Yes I am always plucking and waxing... I just don't get it but I am sure it is the rapid decrease of hormones... Thanks for the great laugh
Oh Sally this is so funny! Yes, everything is falling and sagging these days LOL
Fallen eyelashes -- lol!! Yes, I've had a few...
Oh, Sally, sorry ~
No, I haven't noticed that yet, but I have seen some above my lip! How bad is that. I need to do something about it.
Oh yes... all part of ..... getting older!!
Chin hair does not have a chance to grow, I yank that baby so fast when I see it!!
What a pain!!
Yes unfortunately. My tweezers and I are never separated for long.
Now, which chin are we talking about...some of us have double chins *giggle* Always look at the positive. Sometimes not being able to see very well is a good thing HaHa
Fallen eyelashes sounds much better than hair on the chinny chin chin!
Thanks for the new name!
Sally too funny girl..I know the older I get the less hair I have to shave on my legs and more on my upper lip..wonder why that is??hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
My tweezer are next to my magnifying mirror. It makes it easier to get those "fallen eyelashes."
I have this one fallen eyelash that I can never get rid of. LOL I also noticed that the hair on my legs aren't there anymore. Not one! I can remember shaving my legs every day when I was younger!
Ah, fallen eyelashes. I lol at that! I'm experiencing that too-and it's like they come from nowhere. The hair on my head grows very fast, however I've been coloring my hair for nearly 22 yrs since I started getting gray EARLY (hereditary)so I get pretty frosty looking within 3 weeks. No reduction in hair anywhere else, either.
Thanks for the laugh, Sally!!
This is hilarious Sally--I'm not quite there yet, but I guess I need to be on the lookout!
Oh isn't this so true!! I hate this fact but I am still giggling at this post! Thank you for making me laugh at it all!
No falling eyelashes, but the doctor says I have the eyes of a 70 year old!
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