Happy New Year, everyone!
So, any Reading Resolutions? Say, specific books you plan to read? A plan to read more ____? Anything at all?
Name me at least ONE thing you’re looking forward to reading this year!
My Response:
I do have a special book that I've been salivating over. She's in a Better Place by Angela Hunt. It's the third in the Fairlawn trilogy. It releases in March. I have a copy, but I've put off reading it. It doesn't make sense to review a book that people can't purchase. The first two books in the series, Doesn't She Look Natural? and She Always Wore Red are excellent.
I've joined five reading challenges. You can find them here. I guess you could call that a resolution. I'd rather use the word, "decision."
How about you? What are you looking forward to reading?

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones Sally. I tried so hard to get to everyone yesterday but ran out of time.
May everything good be yours in 2009.
Blessings and love...Jeanne
Hi Sally - sorry I'm a tad confused :/ is Reading through Thursday a new group which you have created?
I am currently reading Dear Fatty by Dawn French
lots of love Judith (who gets confused very quickly!!)
I recently purchased all of Fannie Flagg's books, and I am looking forward to reading them.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Sally.
Happy New Year, Miss Sally! Hope it will bring abundant blessings to you and yours!
Cute cartoon! I'll have to share that one with Mr. Magpie. ;-)
Now to your question... I want to read more of the Bible this year. There have been hectic days when I didn't have time to sit down and really delve into it (and sometimes missed reading), so that is a numero uno priority with me this year. :-)
I was given a book called ANNA'S STORY for Christmas, so I will read that. And I will also read a book someone gave me about Sally Hemmings and Thomas Jefferson. Sometimes history has unusual twists, and I read about this particular twist year's ago in grad school... now there is a well researched (according to a close friend) book on it. I'll read it and decide from there.
When I read biographies, I like to know that the people have done their homework and done it thoroughly. Otherwise, it's speculation at best and fantasy at worst. The best ones I read last year were the John Adams, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and Andrew Jackson biographies. Robert Rimini (a professor from the University of Illinois) is one of my favorite historians, and he's an Andrew Jackson scholar. I really enjoyed a book he wrote about Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans. Very inspirational.
That's it from this potato patch!
Again, New Year's blessings...
Sheila :-)
Hi Sally...
Enjoy your blog! I'm an avid reader right there with you. I'm looking forward to reading a book I got for Christmas "Saturdays with Stella" (Allison Pittman). The subtitle is "How my dog taught me to sit, stay, and come when God calls". Cutest pup on the cover!
I would love to read this year, but with my degree programme I doubt I'll find the time! Unless books on economics and management count! lol!!
When I'm done though I would like to try a few books from the Oprah book club! my final year begins this year!
Good morning on this, the first day of the new year.
Altho it is old, and I've seen the movie about a killzillion times, I want to read THE ROBE. I have made a commitment to myself to read in my Bible every single day of this new year....even if I only get one verse read ! Other than that, I will choose books as they come along to me. Oh, Sally, I am sorry to say that I don't read like I used to before.......blogging. I will try harder, tho..
love, bj
I've heard of Angela Hunt, but haven't read any of her books. I'm going to focus on some classics this year.
My favorite author is Debbie Macomber. So my goal is to read more of her books I have not read yet. Also to read the book I won from one of your drawings. And in general to get through the many books I have here in the house. We have too many. I don't have room for them all. So I read them and then donate to our local library for their book sales. I only keep books I really love, like the Debbie Macomber ones. I also keep devotional type books, our bibles, many of my craft books and so on. But I ended up with many paperbacks from my mother-in-law. Most of those I don't need to keep and it is good to pass those on. I should probably donate some to the skilled nursing facility as well. They keep a small library going there for the residents. I have some Christian fiction that might be good to donate there. I also want to try new authors (new to me) that I have not read yet. Many vague reading goals I guess. LOL!
I have to reread THE GREAT GATSBY because the juniors are reading it and it has been, ummm, a long time since I did. I am looking forward to reading SCARPETTA by Patricia Cornwell and AN ECHO IN THE BONE (when it comes out) by Diana Gabaldon. Francine Rivers has a new book coming out this year. The working title is FLOODWATERS, but I don't know how it will end up. Happy New Year, Sally.
Happy New Year Sally. Charli is threatening to move to Flordia and stay with you until spring. She hates winter. LOL I told her there are alligators down there but she doesn't believe me.
Happy New Year! For Christmas my daughter bought me the first two books in the Twilight series. I started one last night. If I didn't need sleep I'd still be reading it! I'd like to read the whole series.
I don't think black-eyed peas and cornbread are a New England tradition LOL! I'll stick to the turkey :)
I hope you are feeling better.
take care,
Happy New Year Sally! Love your comic. I have a book I ordered that is by Kay Arthur I plan to read this year. The name escapes me and I am not at my desk... She published it about 2 years ago. I understand it is very good. And I am ashamed to say, I have had it new off the press.
I was looking for the BTT question late last night (early this morning) -- I wonder when they put the question up? But then I posted something else before I remembered it. I posted the next several books in the queue earlier for the "What's on your nightstand?" meme.
I've read one of Angela Hunt's books -- Uncharted. I liked her writing but wasn't thrilled with how the story ended. I'll have to try this trilogy.
Happy New Year to you!!
Happy New Yera to you too Miss Sweet Sally !!!
I don't read much fiction; but I'm looking forward to perusing Charles Faudree's new decorating book. Happy New Year! Sally
Great cartoon. I'm just getting started on Surprised By Hope by N.T. Wright. This is a view on heaven that I am interested in--not the traditional view. It's good to challenge our thinking occasionally.
Happy New Year Sally
I have never read Angela Hunt books..I love trilogies especially when its a set I just can't put down. By the time I'm done I am so into the characters I just want to read another and another. Perhaps I'll look out for Angela Hunt.
You have made great "decisions" on your reading for the next year. I am not entirely sure what I'll be reading but you've given me good ideas.
Enjoy this new day in 2009...
happy reading!
Hi Sally, Happy New Year!!! I got a great book for Christmas that I'm anxious to read. It is Mike Huckaby's book, "Do the Right Thing." I have been crazy about Huckabee since he ran for President. What he says just makes so much sense to me.
I also got a couple of books on birding..
Happy 2009.
Happy New Year Sally! I keep a list of books in my purse so when I'm at the library I pull it out and see if one is available. I rarely have just one book in mind.
5 challenges - wow! Happy New Year, Sal!
I want to read more blogs. I will try to get to know more people in blogland. Have a great weekend! Kathy
Hi Sally
I just wanted to say nope my birthday is actually January 3rd. Happy Birthday to your baby boy...he really has reason to celebrate on New Year's eve.
I didn't think to mention today that we celebrated my birthday early with our friends. I had mentioned it briefly the day before. So I'm lucky this year to celebrate and have cake early and then my family is coming over on Saturday.
Does your son live close enough to celebrate his birthday?
have a nice evening..
Hi Sally! ...and A Happy New Year to You! Hope this year is very good and kind to you! :)
I plan on doing more reading, period! This last year has been so hectic, I haven't enjoyed one of my favorite past-times nearly as much as I'd love to, or usually do! But I intend to read a lot more this year! I'll be relying on your critiques for possible material! :)
~hugs, Rhonda
Hi Sally, I don't read novels like I did a few years ago. I enjoy genealogy and look-up information in books at the library that can't be checked out. Happy New Year.
My goodness! Five reading challenges! I wish you the best of luck and I think you will do great!
Happy New year Sally! I wish you a very blessed 2009...
I am reading more and more biographies and historical books. I don't have a true list of must reads yet but Bill has some that will read as he finishes them.
I will stay on the lookout for the new ones as they come out...
Have a sweet weekend!
A new devotional book, "Springs in the Valley" and some other books I have won. :o)
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