I feel like breaking rules today, so instead of parceling this award out to my wonderful Blogger friends, I invite you to help yourself. If you're visiting and commenting, please let me award you with this butterfly award.

Yesterday afternoon, Johnny and I went to see Will Smith in Seven Pounds. It's one of those films that must be seen from the beginning, so don't be late. There is purposely some confusion, but everything is made clear at the end. I give it a big thumbs up! Johnny does too.

I think this one will win some Oscars. Every actor nails their part. The script is one that will have people thinking and discussing for months to come. It's a phenomenal film. I urge you to see it. You won't be disappointed.

Hi Sally,
Congrats on your award!!! Those are always such fun! Thanks for the movie review, as well. I've been wanting to see it! Enjoy your Wednesday!
Good Morning Sally
Thank you so much for the award. A very pretty one indeed! I'll be back for it.
Thank you for the movie review. Thats one thats been on my list of ones to see since the previews started!
have a lovely day
The previews for that movie look good. I'm still curious about what the seven pounds mean. My first thought is a baby!
take care,
Nice to finally hear about the film. The trailers sure don't give much away. I'm a big Will Smith fan, so can't wait to see it! Thanks for letting us 'take' the award! LOL!
Hi Sally, congrats on your awards and thank you for passing it on.
I am a Will Smith fan as well, we share a birthdate and year! yup, we're practically twins! lol!!
Good Morning, Miss Sally! That movie sounds great. Thanks for the review. And congratulations on your blog award! You deserve it!
Sheila :-)
Congrats on the award and for the review. Movie sounds good!
i am so glad you reviewed that because I have heard mixed reviews! I think I will have to go see it!!
Good morning Sally, thank you for the movie review. I want to see it now! smiling.
Congrats on your award. Thank you for giving it to your blogger friends. You know I am a reader too.
When I post some of my E-mails that have been forwarded to me, I wonder if my blogging friends have seen it before. Sometimes they have.
Since I have only used the computer since May 08, I am new to lots of the E-mails I share. I really like this one today.
Blue. :D
I saw one on a blog. I showed it to DD and now wished I had bookmarked it. DD loved it. I have another chandelier for my DR and she wants the DR painted and put in her room. It is way too big though. But a friend suggested that we look for a smaller one and paint it, and make a swag out of it. Oh now I wished I had bookmarked that blog. I was just surfing one day and stumbled on it. I would look great in a Fla house. I was just like my brass 8 arm Dinning room chandi. It was spraypainted two toned one of the lighter blues on your back ground and an aqua blue. And they add prisms. It was beautiful! If I ever find it again, I will post if for you. I would be pretty in a Fla DR or a girls room or a Cal room or a sun room. or a Whimsical room.
Mornin' Sal, It is so nice to know that there is something worth going to see. I love going to the movies so I'll try to get to this one very soon.
Thank you for the Birthday wishes and hugs to you!
Sally, you deserve the pretty award, because you do have a cool blog. And thanks for the review of a good movie to see.
Congrats on the award and I did take it for my award album, thank you. I love Will Smith, I just knew it had to be good.
Congrats on your award, Sally. You do have a GREAT blog.
I haven't seen the movie yet--but have heard good things about it.
Glad you received this pretty award...
I am totally and forever and ever in love with WILL SMITH...I cn't wait to see this movie...
xo bj
Congrats, Most Smiling One on your award! Now I just love Will Smith and would love to see this film. Thanks for the review.
Glad you liked my little song!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I tend to love most of what Will Smith does...he just seems like such a charming man. I haven't heard about this one but I'll be watching for it when it hits pay per view!
Good evening Sally, My hubby and I both like Will Smith so I'm sure we would both like the movie. Congratulations on the award :>) Thanks you for sharing the news story about the hawk with me. I am watching Charli closely.
Hi Sally, thanks for the movie review, this is on my list to see. Congrats on your award!
I will watch for this movie when it comes to cable. We don't live near a movie theater so that is out. But I enjoyed the review.
Roberta Anne
Congrats on your award! I need to go see this movie!
My cousin wanted me to see the movie with her and with your thumbs up i guess I will go. Thanks for the review. Congrats on your award! ~ Robyn
Thanks for the review. I've been thinking about seeing this movie, but wasn't sure what it was all about. But I love Will Smith, so I'd probably see it no matter what!
Sally, thanks for the movie review. I was wondering about that film, now I think I will want to see it. Congrats on your award! Have a great day.
Congratulation on your butterfly award...it's rretty. Thanks...I will accept it and I will come back for it. Thanks for sharing about the movies...want to see it. you ahve a wonderful day. Smiles and Husg'
You deserve lots of awards.
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