With Diane's permission, I'm stretching the idea of trash to treasure as I am neither creative nor crafty, so please bear with me. What do you think about when you hear the word, "interview"? Do you think that it something that is TRASH or TREASURE?
Shimmy Mom interviewed me. Here are the results:
1. With all the books you've read which one is your absolute favorite, besides the Bible?
I don't have an absolute favorite, but I have many favorites. I'll tell you my favorite author is Angela Hunt. She writes Christian fiction, and she's written 115 titles. Her motto is "Expect the Unexpected." I love her recent triology, the Fairlawn series. I just finished reading the third, She's in a Better Place. I'll have the review up on my book blog soon, and it will be published in March. I put these links here for you to use if you're interested in getting some GOOD books to read.
2. What made you start a blog?
I had two friends who nagged me to begin a blog. I always left comments on their blogs. I never thought that anyone would read anything I had to say, so I didn't see the need. My son, however, is the one who really got me started. He said that it's be a keepsake for the children. Since I love my grandchildren, I look at blogging almost like a scrapbook/journal. Of course, now I'm addicted!
3. What is your biggest regret?
I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I'm refusing to answer, but I honestly have no regrets. Nope, not one.
4. What is your greatest accomplishment?
Aside from my two wonderful children, my greatest accomplishment is returning to school 28 years after graduating from high school. I worked full time and went to college full time. I graduated in 4 years with a GPA of 4.0.
5. Where or what have you always wanted to visit or do that you haven't done yet?
I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon.
Would you like to get Blog interviewed too? If so, here are the directions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

WEll put! I have always wanted too se the Grand Canyon too...and so many other places!! Oooo would LOVE to go to China, and wlak on the great wall.. og go on a boat ride in Venice! :-)
So much to do, so little time..
I would assume asking you to pick your favorite book would be like asking you to pick your favorite child :) I would love to see the Grand Canyon too!
take care,
I'm also proud of you for going back to school and a 4.0 score. Girl, how great is that? I've been to the Grand Canyon, it's more than you could ever dream it to be. Leave it on your to do list, you won't be sorry.
Enjoyed reading your post this morning, Sally. I'm impressed with your dedication, determine and grades in your college education.
I don't think I could pick a favorite book-I have too many!
WOW to go back to school and carry a 4.0...that is IMPRESSIVE! It was fun learning a bit more about you.
4.0 wow! My daughter is working on her master and her goal is 4.0 SUCH a great accomplishment. You host a Monday blog (right ?) I'm so new to blogging, how/what do I do to join?
I am so jealous that you have already gotten to read the 3rd book in Angela's trilogy....I am anxiously awaiting mine!!!
I am from AZ, so have seen the Grand Canyon...you really must someday...it is amazing!!!
this sounds like fun, so yes, "Interview me"!!!
Fun interview Sally! I would love to visit the Grand Canyon!
Congratulations on going back to school later in life!
Thanks for linking,
Girl you are amazing...went back to school and a 4.0 on my word...golf clap here!!!!! Loved this interview...I will have to check out those books you are talking about..I have never read that author..I would love to see the Grand Canyon also..that interview thingy sounds scarey to me girl..I don't trust you with asking me questions!!! lol lol Just keeping it real here girl! lol lol Love ya girl...great post...have a beautiful week!
Loved reading this, Sally! You are amazing! I will check out your book selections, and I totally agree about the Bible. I'd love to see the Grand Canyon, too... my sister did recently, and she said it was AWESOME!
Sending much love your way...
Sheila :-)
Good Morning Sally
Interesting reading. You did amazing with accomplishing so much and beginning a new career after raising your children.
I'm so glad you started blogging too...and mostly glad that I found your blog!
have a lovely day
Hi Sally!
I really enjoyed reading all of your answers. I'm very impressed that you graduated from college with a GPA of 4.0! How awesome! You really must go see the Grand Canyon...I've been twice. The sight of it all just takes your breath away as you stare out into the vastness of God's creation.
Interesting interview, Sally. I hope that you get to the Grand Canyon sometime soon as it is spectacular.
I'll give a wave as I fly over you!
Good morning Sally, I really enjoyed reading your interview. A GPA of 4.0 is awesome! You have me beat :>)I hope you have a lovely day!
Sally, Thanks for this post. I love learning more about my bloggy friends with these types of posts.
I'm so proud of you for going back to school and getting your advanced degree. AND--a 4 point average. Wow!!!! CONGRATS...
I got my master's degree when I was a single (divorced) parent while working fulltime.. It CAN be done!
Thank you Sally,
I love these things. I think it's so fun to learn more about people. I have been to the Grand Canyon, I'd highly recommend it. And I am now in my second term of college. It's only been 13 years since I graduated, but I decided to finally go and get my BA in Special Education. A 4.0 GPA is most impressive. I didn't get that last term.
If you want to do an interview, you can interview me. I don't mind answering some more questions.
Have a great day.
My favorite Christian author is Liz Curtis Higgs, a really fun lady. I want to go to the Grand Canyon too!
Roberta Anne
Yes, you are a lucky lady. I must read at least one of these books. We have tons of books in our house, but none of these. Hubby always buys books. I may have to buy one. lol
You're a lucky lady, but I have seen the Grand Canyon - twice. lol
Hope you get to see it soon. Pictures do not do it justice.
I enjoy Angela Hunt's novels also!
I'm glad you decided to be a blogger!♥
I'm packing my bags, let's go to the Grand Canyon. I think we can find a few other bloggers to come along with us!
I'm so impressed by the fact that you worked full time and you were a full time student all at the same time. Way to go Sally!
Hugs, Bridget
I enjoyed your interview, Sally. Wow, no regrets, you have had a wonderful life. And you are very smart going back to school with such great grades.
I sure wished I had lived my life wheer I had no regrets. :o(
I admire the determination it took to go back to school..... & the intelligence it took to pull in a 4.0
Enjoyed getting to know you some, Sally!
Loved your answers Sally... I hope you get to see the Grand Canyon some day... Always great learning more about our friends...
You are one amazing lady...I have no doubt you'll realize your dream of seeing the Grand Canyon. ;-) Bo
SMART! VERRRRRRY SMART!!!! I think I know enough to get me into trouble. Now that was smart of me to know that! hehe... Way to go 4.0 Kathy
I enjoyed your interview so much. I am so impressed with your determination to go back to school and obtain your degree. WOW!
I hope you get to see the beautiful Grand Canyon...It is breath taking and one of God's beautiful creations...
Living in Utah it is a place I have had the opportunity to visit many times over and we have enjoyed each trip. It's beautiful Florida I'd love to visit!!!!
I will have to post some pictures of that gorgeous area on the Outdoor Wednesday posts.
Thanks you for your sweet comments. It in not like me to post something thing so controversial. I just felt a strong prompting I had to. Thank You!
I love the 'interveiw me' post! Your answers were very interesting.
Hello Sally, I would say your are definitely a treasure. No trash here. I loved reading your interview.
I am tempted to do the interview but I will pass. I am so busy getting organized before surgery on Mon. I am getting my other knee replaced next Monday. OUCH! Here I go again. Your prayers would mean alot to me my friend.
What a fun post. We saw the Grand Canyon and it is certainly a spectacular site! Hope you get there some day.
thanks for hosting Blue Monday.
I always have trouble picking a favorite book or author, too.
Good job for going back to school!
I hope you get to the Grand Canyon one day!
YEP...I was right...YOU ARE ONE OF MY HEROS....
And, the GRAND CANYON...by all means, keep it at the top of your Bucket List....it is way past MAGNIFICENT...
and regrets ?....oh, yes, I do have a few...:o(
XO bj
I really enjoy these interview meme's...and I hope you get to the Grand Canyon some day...it truly is breathtaking....as long as you don't get to close to the edge lol
I think that your returnng to school was such a great accomplishment! You are an amazing lady. I often think about gettin my Masters but fear my brain has atrophy! *grin*
I do hope you get to the Grand Canyon someday...: )
I am giggling about Nikki's "don't get too close to the edge" comment!
I love learning new things about my blog friends!
I love answering questions so if you need another interview-ee, just ask!
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