This is a vase that came to me from my mother. She got it from her Uncle Charlie--my grandfather's brother. You see, Uncle Charlie first married Margaret and Aunt Margaret bought this vase. Unfortunately, Aunt Margaret died. When Uncle Charlie married his second wife, Aunt Betty, she wanted the house to be filled with things that better suited her taste. So, my mom got the vase.
It's hand painted, trimmed in gold, and measures 8 1/2" high. There are no markings on the bottom. It has been glazed.
The painting goes all around. Here's a shot of the back with a smaller, paler rose. You can see the third gold arm here. Notice how the tan color from the top turns to yellow.
My camera doesn't let me get sharp close-up shots. This is as good as I can get. I hope that you can make out the carvings and the gold paint.
I've never seen another vase like this one. I wonder if anyone knows any history about it. If so, please share the information with me. This vase has been in our family for well over 70 years.

Sal, that's a most beautiful and unusual vase. I'll be watching to see if anyone has info about it.
This is such a pretty vase Sally. How nice that it's been in your family for so many years. I hope you keep it out where you can see it all the time.
Oh, isn't that pretty??? You should take it on "Antiques Roadshow"...no telling what it's worth! Of course, the sentimental value is priceless.
Hi Sally,
Don't know anything about your vase except that I think it is very pretty!
Thanks for telling us about Vintage Thursdays! Sounds like something I might like to check out!
That IS very pretty and so unique. I also have never seen one like it. Such beautiful craftsmanship, the rose, the gold and the fact that it has lasted 70 years!
It's a lovely vase. Looks like a piece that should be on PBS The Roadshow. I bet there is some great history behind it. :)
What a lovely, old vase. Since it has no markings, I am unsure as to how you might google information on it. Maybe someone out in Blogland will know...
Have a happy day, sweet Sally.
love, bj
Hi Sally, I love your vase story and now you are the lucky owner. I think it is beautiful. I know quite a bit about antiques but this has me stumped. Try E-By for antique vases. Sometimes you can spot one like it and maybe some history. Do this when you have time to spare. it takes awhile.
Sally, look on the bottom of the vase for any markings that might help you identify the maker. And eBay is a good place to look to see if there are similar ones. Markings, though, are very helpful.
Sheila :-)
Beautiful and so glad that you have taken such good care of it...How pretty...
That is a beautiful vase. Isn't it a shame that it cannot talk and tell you it's story?
Beautiful vase, Sally. You need to get it appraised on Antique Roadshows...
We were supposed to get 1-2 inches of snow last night. It didn't happen. Just a few flakes this morning!!!! Am I surprised??? ha
Well, I read all the comments to see if anyone else knows anything about it. My grandpa or grandma would have. Or my uncle. My uncle died 2 years ago. Then I thought Jeanne would, but then I read her post. But she knew a place to go. I was going to suggest Antiques Roadshow as well.
What an unusual shape. Without markings it is hard to tell its origin. Have you checked the painting with a magnifying glass - sometimes there will be a hidden signature. Beautiful. Sally
A beautiful vase--hope you find its maker.
It's a really pretty vase..I love those roses.. Happy VTT and have a great day.
That's lovely and even more special since it was handed down to you. The arms are so graceful.
That is a beautiful vase. I love vintage things. Have quite a few. I have put some of them on my blog but i don't think that many people saw them. I am considering Vintage Thingies Thursday.
Hi Sally!
I have never seen a beautiful vase like that before. It really is unusual and lovely.
How special that your mom got the vase and now you.
Thank you for sharing.
Do Grandparents count! hehe Love the vase! Kathy
Sally, what a beauty. I love the shape, very unusual.
I actually have a vase similar, not is shape but style. It has the same gold, roses, and look but it is a regular shaped vase with a handle. It has a marking on the bottom, one I have never seen before......never thought much about it until you posted yours. This said vase belonged to my husbands Great Aunts and it has to be about 70-80 years old. How in the heck do you research markings???
Thanks for sharing your vase and I will see if I can figure out something about this one I have....
Welcome to VTT. I am glad you are here and contributed!
what a pretty vase! I wish I could help but I don't know anything about it!
I've never seen another vase like this either. It is very unique. My mother had an Uncle Charlie too. Come to think of it so did I, but we just called him Charles.
Love the washed look of the painting which adorns the piece!
Simply lovely vase! I couldn't stop staring at your Floridan banner...living in Indiana, it looks extremely inviting this time of year! LOL.
I don't know anything about that kind of vase (or any vase for that matter!) but I do think it is very pretty.
take care,
Sally..I just love this vase girl..and I do know years ago girl's took painting classes and would show off there art work on them..and they did't sign them...also allot of nuns did this for fund raising events many years ago..And it looks all hand painted to me..from the turn of the century..also from what I can tell looks like it from Germany..thats about all I can tell you on this piece without seeing it in person..Try the Reno Brothers at Antique road show..hugs and smiles Gloria
This vase is great; I love the 3 handles! I would think it is probably German based on the little research I did for my pink dresser dish last week. If there are no markings that will make it much more difficult, of course. Try searching eBay as Jeanne suggested, or I often use Google images, which leads me to photos of similar things and then information. But it definitely takes a while.
What a gorgeous vase, Sally..i love the unusual design and the colours are perfect..lucky you to score it :)
OOOO! So pretty! Very unique. Thanks for showing us. laurie
Love that vase Most Smiling One!
Hope you're being a sweetie today!
Shelia ;)
Good evening Sally, Your vase is beautiful. It's so delicate and lovely. Very pretty.
Oh, Sally, that is a beautiful vase. I love vases!
That vase is absolutely gorgous! WOW.
Hope you're having a good week
PS I got a great chuckle out of the redneck pics below. My hubby & I are both from the south. Too funny!
Wow, three handles! Maybe it's from outer space!
This is absolutely stunning. It is a beauty and new discovery from every angle. Thank you for sharing! ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
what a pretty vase Sally - very delicate and I love the painted flower. I hope you do manage to find its history. Take care, Judith
That is a very lovely and unique vase. I've never seen one with three handles. I hope someone will have some helpful info for you-I'm agreeing with others that it's definitely something to take to Antiques Roadshow!
HI Sally!
What a pretty vase, a real treasure. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
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