I'm stretching the idea of trash to treasure as I am neither creative nor crafty, so please bear with me. I'm offering what some people may think is TRASH and hopefully, after you've inspected, you'll agree that it's TREASURE.
I have special friends who live in Jackson, Mississippi, and they sent me these pictures in an email. (I say that right up front so that you Southerners don't hate this Yankee gal!
Redneck Tree Swing

Redneck cooler races
Now that's class. Notice that she is not spilling her beer.

Redneck windshield defroster

Redneck toilet paper holder

Redneck camper

Redneck motorcycle mover

Redneck revenge

Redneck motorcycle sidecar

Redneck discus

Redneck ice fishing

A Redneck Wedding
(Is that a mermaid on the far left? She is even pulling the top to stay down. )
Don't laugh, you know you are related to these people somehow!

The Treasure here is the chuckle that these Redneck jokes gave you.

I've gotten a similar email before. I will say my favorite it the tree swing! :)
take care,
LOL!! Funny! and ingeneous!
LOL, Sally! I've seen some of these before, but this one is news to me! Too funny! I love the one that says God will get you for stealing our mower. ;-)
Life is such fun, and people are so colorful! I can't imagine how those people can keep an upholstered piece as a swing when it rains! Maybe they cover it with visquene or something. Enquiring minds want to know! ;-D
Sheila :-)
You and your friends are quite the Redneck Comics!! LOL!!! ROFLOL!!!
Hi Sally,
I came across your blog via Diane and Lorrie's blogs. So glad I found you! Your blog is a lot of fun to read! I'm originally from Arkansas and have lived all over the south, so it's sad to say, but I can relate to a lot of these photos. And, yes, I do believe I could be related to a few of them in that last picture. :)
Sally this is a hoot!
Those are funny. I've seen one of a redneck wedding cake which was a multi-tiered tray of Twinkies and a redneck gingerbread house which looked like a trailer.
I thought maybe I had posted about those pictures, so I looked, and the wedding cake is here:
and the trailer house is here:
Cute Sally... I love Redneck jokes!!! The toilet paper holder probably still exists back there in de' hills!!!!
I love the wedding picture too.. I'm sure many of us have old pictures that could be used in this selection!!!!
Thanks for the smiles this morning.
My favorite is the church sign. ;-)
Like you said we best be careful.We probably are related to some of these.haha...Ann
I'm sending you the Butterfly Award! See my blog! :)
LOL Funny stuff!
Thank you for your prayers for my daughter, she is doing so much better. It is quite a relief.
Hugs, Bridget
HAHAHAHAHA...thanks for the laugh for the day!!!!
dude, i have that dress ( the mermaid)!! J/K be blessed!!
That was way cute. I came across your blog by way of Dawn. I dont have a blog myself but enjoy your and others so much. Thanx for the laugh.Darrlaa
Very funny ~ I bet the tree swing would actually be rather comfy! I don't think I'll be hanging my sofa from the tree anytime soon, though!
Too funny! These are new ones. Some of these people are very creative! ☺ Diane
A funny post, Sally, I like the "treasure" at the end.
the swing was hilarious!!!
Sally, I did get a good chuckle. I thought the couch swing looked mighty comfortable.
Oh hilarious!! And that was a treasure. Thanks for sharing those.
Yep! I'm chuckling. Thanks for the laugh. laurie
I've seen a similar email, but I think that's me in the pink suit in the last picture!!LOL
Oh my word! lol Girl I didn't know you could be so funny! lol lol Oh and what was up with all those sweet comments ...beautiful smile...nails..etc...was you wearing your glasses????? lol lol Love ya girl! ♥
LOL LOL...too funny...truly one man's trash is another man's treasure!
That sofa swing...PRICELESS!!!
The redneck wedding photo looks like something you'd see on "Keeping Up Appearances"-the British sitcom! I'm thinking they are long lost relatives of Hyacinth Bucket..
Nope, don't see any of my relatives here, and if I do, I'm not telling! LOLOL! I've seen the tree swing but not the rest! Now they were all just too funny!
Your backyard is amazing in your header picture! ...paradise! ~hugs, Rhonda
I've just moved to Mississippi and I sooooo want to fit in...this post will help tremendously!! ROFL!!
I really have to say though that the TP holder is a clever idea! But I do need to get a floppy hat with flowers for the next wedding.
Thanks for the treasure.:)
Oh, Silly Sally! This is hilarious! How did you find some of my relatives pictures! LOL
Love that swing!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I got this same email. Do you think we have the same friend???
Thanks Sally for linking-you are the real treasure!
Too funny, especially the wedding.
Roberta Anne
Oh my gosh ! The pics are so funny.Love your header pic also.
Thank you for the prayers Sally.HUGS.
You are too choice! They are so funny! Thanks for the smiles;-)
Those are definitely treasures, Sally! TOO FUNNY!
Hi Sally
*lol* great trash to treasures pictures!! *s*.
I love that wedding pic. Whew. You've got one of each colour and style and its making me dizzy.
Love the sign about the lawn mower too..*g*.
have a great day
Your cartoons are funny, but this--this is too much! I can't stop laughing. I don't know which one I like best. I think it's the group picture of all my relatives.
LOL I love this stuff!!! The swing and the wedding picture just cracked me up!!!
I think you have found some of the long lost Kentucky relatives of my ex husband. Truly. lol
Sally! Just how did you get MY wedding picture??
Oh, Sally girl...i missed this post somehow and I just laughed so hard, I wet my pants...this is PRICELESS, girl.....
hugs, bj
some days...you just have to grin and walk on :) lol...
cute post :)
This post is just great!! I loved it!! Thanks for the laughs! Rita
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