It only takes 1:45 minutes.
And for a little chuckle, I give you...

Donna at Squawmama gave a GREAT BIG HUG to her blogging friends. Ruthie has shared it, and I do too. Please take it and place it on your blog to remember that you are loved.

Bridget from My Silly blog told me how to make a heart with a Mac. "Pull down the "Edit" menu and at the bottom there is a "Special Characters" option. Open that window and under "Miscellaneous" you just click on the heart in the third row of characters and it will pop into your comment window as seen above." It works! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Thanks, Bridget!

Good morning Sally, That video is too cute. One smart dog. Thank you for the big hug and I give one right back to you. Enjoy your day.
That video was great. It made me smile. I wonder if any one offered to pay for the raw hide bone to keep the dog out of the slammer? ☺
take care,
How nice of you to share this with everyone, Please come by and get your award from me.
Good Morning Sally
THAT video is wonderful. I just chuckled. How did that dog know to do that..I understand he could smell but still. He is a well trained dog and he sure scurried out of that store quickly!
Great...thank you for sharing.
Have a lovely day.
that video is hilarious!!! I visit angela's blog, but I must have missed that one. Thanks for sharing!
that video is hilarious!!! I visit angela's blog, but I must have missed that one. Thanks for sharing!
Good Morning Sally... That was the funniest video this morning... How funny that he kept going until he found exactly what he wanted... Smart dog... Thanks for mentioning me this morning... and glad you shared my little HUGS with all... Have a fun day
What a great video! And what a savvy dog. Wonder if he's been hitting any other stores? Thanks for the chuckle.
Hi Sally,
I saw that video on the news recently and thought it was so funny! I love it! He is one smart cookie! :)
Hugs to you, too!♥
Thanks for putting a smile on my face! What a DOG!! ;-) HE really knew what he wanted.. that is so funny!
Cute cartoon too! ;-)
Thanks for the friendship!
Too cute.
I love the PC one too. Some computer folks DO need to get a life, but I hope most of us will get Valentines on our own. :)
Morning Sally,
That dog is GREAT! It is funny that he could go snatch the bone and get out of there.
I hate that you can't make the ♥!!!
♥ On a Mac you can pull down the "Edit" menu and at the bottom there is a "Special Characters" option. Open that window and under "Miscellaneous" you just click on the heart in the third row of characters and it will pop into your comment window as seen above. I know it is not quite as easy as the alt thing but it not as complicated as it sounds. You could also just copy and paste it from somewhere else ❣
p.s. I ♥ dogs❣
How funny...I was on your blog at the same time you were at mine.
And thank you Sally! I finally know how to make ♥s. It's not quite as easy as on a PC, but I'll take it!
I don't know how I missed seeing that dog on the news (I do live in Utah, and I totally recognized the reporter.) I'm going to show it to my hubby when he gets home.
Hi Sally, this dog video is so bone missing is not going to break the store...the poor thing is hungry...thanks for sharing with us. Hugs, Baba
You are welcome! A Mac can do anything a PC can do (and usually better but don't tell the PC people I said that! lol)
The video was so cute. Thanks for the smiles.
HAH I'm so glad you shared the funny is that. I better not let the boys watch it....they'd end up living a life of crime for sure!
I cannot believe that doggie knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. Of course he couldn't pay for it, no pockets!
Roberta Anne
The video is halarious!!
I want to thank you for the book I received today called Confetti Cakes for Kids, its a delightful book, thank you so much!!!
Hello, Dear Smiling One! The video is a hoot! Be the sweetie today that you are!
Shelia ;)
thanks for the funny video!! thanks also for the "heart" tip. I did purchase a MAC and am trying to learn it in-between twin duties!! HA!! Have a great day!!
Sally - The video is hilarious. I'm still laughing! I also enjoyed your cartoon. It is cold and snowing today in PA. It must be wonderful to be in Florida. I talked to my best friend that lives in Florida and she loved telling me how beautiful it is there. Did I miss instructions for inserting a heart with a PC? Also, I've been trying to figure out how to put a line through words. I'm feeling very PC illiterate today.
Love the post today! it is great!
Sally... LOLOLOLOL! Oh, you just made my day. In this case, I'm glad the culprit got away! :-)
Sheila :-)
Hi, I've dropped in from Diane's at Crafty Passions, this is my first visit.
Wish my doggie would learn a trade! Knowing him, he'd only steal what HE liked!
The shoplifting dog is pretty amazing. What a neat video. Maybe he's been inside one too many Petco stores. :)
Great Video Sally... I laughed and laughed!!!!! Thanks!!!!
Thanks for the hugs.. Here's one from me--back to you!!!! I'll take it and put it on my sidebar. NEAT!!!
Hey the blog friends button....How ya been? Finally ca
Hey Sally; What a funny Video, love the dog.. Congrats on the sweet award, you are such a sweet heart to share it with every one, that is why you deserve the award.
Isn't that so funny! My Mom lives in UT and she called me to tell me about that when it happened.
Hi Sally thank you for the blogging love and hug from your post today. I will take it with love and hugs back. Thanks for your sweet comment about my desk as well.
Congrats on your award. You are a very faithful visitor and you deserve some blogging love from all of us. I am going to try the heart thingy on my mac. Thanks for the info. I loved the video. A good chuckle to make my day.
It's amazing a dog could detect a rawhide bone amidst all the other smells!!
Sally this is so funny...I seen this on our news about 2 weeks ago and just died laughing about that dog..thanks for sharing hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Too FUNNY :)
Oh sally! This video was wonderful! I am sitting here smiling from ear to ear!
I hope Kipper did not see it though...he might decide to take up a life of crime! : )
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