This is a figurine that I call Pink Lady. Johnny bought her for me one Christmas. She's dated 1997. She's a Lladro, made in Spain, 9.7 inches in height and 4.9 inches wide, and I keep her in a place of honor--on the top shelf of my curio cabinet in my living room. She dances with my other Lladros.
My camera refuses to take a clear picture, so I must go to great lengths to compensate. Here are some better shots.
I'm certain that Johnny picked her out because she reminded him of me. I look EXACTLY like her! Yeah, that's it! And, I wear an outfit like this one too. Uh huh! And, I skip through the house with a bunch of flowers in my hand--just like the Pink Lady.

Have a Happy Pink Saturday!

She is so beautiful, no wonder she has the top spot. That's so sweet of your hubby to pick that out for you.
She's so pretty!!! What a thoughtful husband you have :-)
She is really cute!!
I am sure you're right about the reason why he bought it for you! ;-)
Happy weekend
Oh I love the dancing girl. Happy Pink saturday.
She is lovely! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Pink Saturday.
I can just see you dancing around your grassy back yard through the palm trees in a dress like that!! ha!
Morning Pink Sally. I knew she looked like you - you wouldn't even have had to tell me. She's beautiful! I love the fact she is so happy and Pink!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Good Morning Sally... Your pink lady is divine... She would rate a top shelf in my curio cabinet too... And how sweet was your honey buying that for you... You know it reminded him of you... Have a beautiful PINK Saturday
Good morning Sally, Your husband did great picking out this glamorous pink lady for you..I love her flowing dress and she reigns over the other figurines..have a good week-end. Hugs, baba
Isn't it amazing the grace that people can put into these ceramics??? She's a beauty, Sally! She looks like she might start dancing through your house at any moment. Sounds like a good idea. We should all dance through our houses...
Happy Pink Saturday!
Sheila :-)
Sally, I am going to be smiling all day thinking of you skipping around in your flowing pink skirt. ;-)
Your Lladro is beautiful, and so special. You have a lovely collection.
Happy Pink Saturday.
She's lovely! Just like you. :-)
Beautiful Lladro!
Pretty pinks!
Happy Pink Saturday.
What a coincidence! I look exactly like that, too! Oh, well, maybe not exactly like that. And I stopped skipping long ago. She's really a beauty - I can see why you'd put her in a place of honor.
How sweet of him to give you that! And whether you skip through the house in reality or just in your mind - isn't it fun?
Have a great Pink Saturday, Sal!
Oh Sally she is just beautiful girl..I just love Lladro..the pastel colors of it are so wonderful I use to become to the Lladro society years ago and learned all about the clay that they make these with..so expensive but so worth the $$..I only have a few that my Late DH got for me..years ago and I like you keep them out of harms way..great PINK Saturday post Sally..and Yes that Mustang Sally is so you girl!! do you know Sally is my nickname that my Dad gave me..hope you have a great weekend dear friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gorgeous! Happy Pink Saturday!
What a sweet guy your hubby is! He has such wonderful taste too - she's a beautiful figurine!
Happy Pink Saturday! ♥ Diane
Why, of course you look just like that lady in pink. What I would like to know is how do you take a bath or shower holding flowers in your hand?
That's exactly how I pictured you, too. (Except dressed in blue) LOL She's a beauty (and so are you!) ~ Happy Pink Saturday (Hey I'm a poet and don't know it) ~ Robyn
Such a pretty "pink" figurine, Sally...thanks for sharing and have a Happy Pink Saturday!!!
Hi Sally,
She's beautiful!!! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!
Beautiful for "Pink" Saturday, Sally. She's beautiful.. Nice collection of Lladro's you have. Your hubby is a 'keeper.'
of course she is like you Sally - lovely and delicate - Judith
I really love figurines like that. The other ones in the background on your first picture are charming too.
She is just beautiful and I love the sheen of her dress. Have a great weekend.
from Roberta Anne
She really is in motion, isn't she? Lovely. Sally
Oh I love how she sashays! Too charming! Happy PInk Saturday!
I absolutely love that figurine. Perhaps this is the way Johnny sees your spirit. Love the other figurines in the pictures too. Of course I like the pink one best because pink is my favorite color.
Oh how pretty she is!
I did my first ever Pink Saturday post today and who should show up but Sheila The Quintessential Magpie...on looking over her blog I saw Blue Mondays...surely I can come up with something for that too! ;D
Happy Pink Saturday!
I am getting so frustrated with my blogger, I went to your page and the post I saw was blue Monday from a couple weeks ago, then I hit refresh and there it was. It has been doing that lately. Happy pink Saturday.
Your husband is so sweet and thoughtful. I'm sure she reminded him of you!
The workmanship on this is amazing; she looks like she's wearing fabric. Lladro is so lovely.
Your Lladro figures are lovely and your Pink one is beautiful! Happy Pink Saturday Sally!
What a pretty lady and I'd like video next week of you skipping through your house in a pink dress :)
Good evening Sally, You have a beautiful figurine. I love how she looks as if she is dancing. I have noticed some lovely little flowers at the end of your posts. So Pretty. It makes me think of spring.
Hey Sally...love the way they captured the folds of her skirt like that..I could see you dancing thru the house twirling just like that..I could even picture you being a little sassy like our little Sofie and swishing your hips from side to side like Mae West! lol lol Girl I can't believe you can't hold a paint brush! Get you some old wooden crates and practice! lol I hope you are having a great weekend sweetie!
Sally, I can see you dancing around your computer between blog posts just like that lovely figurine.
Hi Sally,
She is a beauty and very deserving of top shelf placement.
Happy PS
Perfect Post. (wish I could make my P's pink!)
He sees that in your SPIRIT and your heart :) Besides, they don't make figurines as lovely as you Ms Sally :)
She is so elegant!
What a sweet husband you have..and what a beautiful lady she is in that pink dress. She's just wonderful. Happy Pink Saturday and have a great week. See you Monday..:)
Ahh, such a pretty lady! Yep you and me in flowing skirt, flitting about the house with flowers...
Have a great Sunday!
She's gorgeous!! Johnny must be special to buy something so pretty and pink for you! Happy pink Saturday!!
I LOVE LLADRO's. I have the same girl with the lamb! Your lady is GORGEOUS!
SAlly...what a pretty post, she really looks like she is dancing the way you photograped her!! My mother-in-law collected Lladro's and that is how I came to know him. We gave her a few pieces for gifts, and now that she is gone I am reminded of how she loved them.
Thanks Sally!!
Your comment about skipping through the house with flowers in your hand is cracking me up. :)
Oh, I missed seeing this Pink dancing beauty yesterday. We had to take a day trip for a funeral...
This is such a pretty piece. Johnny did GOOD !
Gday Sally. I just popped over from Charlottes . Ohh im in love with your Pink dancing LLadro, She is beautiful..ive seen a lot of blue but never pink...
Have a good weekend
Hi Sally,
She is so pretty!
Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
Love, Ann
I love this pink lady...
angels hovering oh so close
Sally... I love Lladro too... and your pink lady is beautiful... and it wouldn't surprize me at all if your Johnny sees you exactly that way. My Ricky has told me many times that when he looks at me he sees that girl he fell in love with. I have to admit, I see him in my minds eye much younger than his 58 years... isn't love grand!
hugs... Dixie
She is a real beauty! I love the Lladro figerines! Wish I had one
hi sally.. I love your dancing belle! I want one too!.. hehehehe you got very nice collection.. it must be pure heaven to have a collection of lovely Lladro belles
Hi Sally, love your figurine's swirly dress and flowing hair. She is so pretty.
Very cool. I love the softness of their figurines.
I just adore the way her skirt flows around so care free. It just makes you so happy inside to look at her.
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