Allow me to introduce you to Brittany, my granddaughter. Her proud Dad, our son, took this picture.

Brittany is a senior at Cypress Bay High School and quite active in voice and drama. She's President of the drama club. She has an amazing stage presence and can hit some awesome notes.
Although I'm a proud Grandma, this is not just my opinion. Now, she has proof that it's not just her family cheering her on. She recently competed in a county-wide competition and received straight SUPERIORS--the highest rating--in every competition--solo, large group, and small group. Most importantly, she won the Critic's Choice Award for her solo; that means that out of all Broward County Schools, she ranked best!
She's a sweetheart too. I wrote about her here when she went on a mission trip to Peru last summer. Her Papa (Johnny) and I are busting our buttons!

Judith from Judith’s Quiet Moments gave me The Spreader of Love Award. Judith is a Salvation Army Officer who lives with her husband, Nigel, in the UK.
Then, Susan from A Southern Day Dreamer gave me the same award. Susan is amazingly proficient at things-computer. She’s been Blogging for less than two months and she’s soaring!
Since I am permitted to “nominate as many blogs you want to,” I will offer this to YOU if you’ve come to visit and leave me a comment. You KNOW I ❤ comments!

Congrats on your granddaughter's amazing accomplishments! She's a beautiful girl...I'm sure you're busting with pride!
Congrats on your award...since I don't have it, I'll go ahead and snag it, if that's alright! You'll get the credit on my sidebar. Thanks a bunch, my friend...enjoy your Friday! ♥
Sounds like your granddaughter has a wonderful voice. To win Superiors in every catagory is amazing! I know your are just the proudest Grandma!♥
Congratulations on your award! Hope you have a GREAT Friday!
I am sure you are very proud of her. I would be. That's a great picture! She certainly has a nice collections of awards there!
Congratulations on your awards as well.
take care,
good morning Sally
congratulations to your granddaughter! Oh my goodness. You and the whole family can certainly be so very proud of her.
She is so beautiful too.
Thank you for sharing such a lovely story and picture.
Congratulations to you for your awards. You certainly deserve them as well. I would be honoured to take the award. I will be back for it. It isn't an easy thing to put on Wordpress...unlike the instructions I receive from you...but I will be back! Thank you.
have a lovely day Sally... Marc is in Jacksonville this and next week and lucky to be away from this cold.
Your grandaughter is beautiful and I know you all are so proud of her accomplishments! Her awards and trophies were amazing! Looks like she has one bright future ahead of her! :)
Congrats on your "trophies"/awards too! :) ~hugs, Rhonda
Hi Sally, Your granddaughter is just beautiful and then to have a lovely voice too. I can hear the pride in your voice :>) Please tell her Charli and I are sending congratulations her way!
You have every right to be so proud of your lovely granddaughter and her wonderful accomplishments. How blessed you are!
Have a good Friday :-)
Your grand daughter is lovely. I have a daughter who got straight superiors in both singing and viola, all during high school, so I know just how hard your grand daughter had to work for those, and how talented she must be.
Whoa - if I keep commenting on your posts, and then posting the awards at my place, I won't have space to put anything else on my blog. You deserve every one of them!!!
Sally, that is great news about your precious granddaughter! She is such a darling girl, and I would love to hear her sing! I know you are proud of her and with good reason! :-)
You deserve those awards, friend, and you do spread that love around. You always make me feel loved, and I love you right back! :-)
Congratulations to your granddaughter! That's awesome and she looks very happy about those awards too. I hope she keeps up the good work in drama and goes far. It's a tough field to get into after high school. Best of luck.
Oh, how wonderful for your sweet and pretty granddaughter. I know about bustin' buttons...been there..done that!!
Like those little clapping hands, too...
Congrats on the award and thanks for letting us have it, too. You are such a sweetie..
xo bj
Sally, this photo says it all. Look at those trophies. I would be bursting my seams too. She is not only talented, she is beautiful as well. Love your bragging rights today.
I rec'd my book yesterday. I am thrilled. I am stock piling reading material for my recovery time on my new knee, Again. sigh!
Orchids to Brittany and congratulations to you and Johnny. I can almost see your big smile!
You certainly have a right to be proud of your granddaughter. She's lovely, and wow, what talent.
Congrats on the award.
I know you are so proud of this very talented grand-daughter!
Wow Sally... You do have a talented Granddaughter. Where will she go to college? Will she major in Voice and/or Drama??? Sounds like she could have a great future ahead of her in theater--if she chooses. We have a neat playhouse here (Cumberland County Playhouse)--and they put on great plays year 'round.
Congrats to you too. I took your award to put on my sidebar. Thanks so much!!!! That is the easiest way to do it I think--when people are not left out!!
Congrats again to your grand... Wow!!!
I would have love to have heard your granddaughter sing!! She sounds wonderful!! Send her a "congratulations!!!" from Norway! hehe rumors travel fast.. Now it has reached Norway! ;-)
So nice of you to spread the LOVE.. I 'd LOVE to take it home with me.. thank you!!!
Monica ~♥~
Give her a big congratulations from the blog world. That is WONDERFUL, you have every right to be a proud grandma. this is a wonderful show and tell.
Congratulations to you granddaughter, so cute and so talented! Congrats to you too for your award!
Glad you love comments and one of the fun things I like to do is stop by each day and read what my blogging buddies are up to and then post a positive comment because in this world there are way to many folks ready to tell everyone what is wrong. OK that was a little bit of a rant!
Your grand daughter is lovely and you must be so proud of what an accomplished young lady she is.
Have a Great Friday!
Roberta Anne
Your granddaughter is beautiful, Sally...and what an accomplished young lady. You have every right to be proud! :-)
Sally how wonderful for your grandaughter to be awarded Superiors in her singing competition. You should definitely be proud of her! Have a lovely weekend!
Sally how wonderful for your grandaughter to be awarded Superiors in her singing competition. You should definitely be proud of her! Have a lovely weekend!
congratulations on your grandaughters achievemnts :) take care, Judith
She is so pretty, Sally, I know you are proud of her. I would love to hear her singing.
Sally, it does look a lot like it except there is no Wall Mart. Kathy
I took the Spreader of Love award because I liked what it says..nice!! Thanks.
Yes, I have worked for my church before but I have to go there..plus like you said no pay..I need that. I have looked on line and well you know the scams that are out there. I just think some wise,business person is missing a great chance.
Your granddaughter is beautiful..Congrats on her awards..Great and you should be proud!!
I know that you are proud of your sweet GD! And you should be! Look at all those awards! Kudos to Britney!
Oh, and congrats on the award!
Congratulations to your grandaughter! That is wonderful news, she sounds like a very lovely young lady.
Congrats on the award... much deserved!
Sally did you know I have a Brittany and she was also in vocal and drama? She attended a great school of Arts here in Ottawa, then she decided in grade 11 after numerous award and plays that she "didn't want to do it anymore"... all that work, time and not to mention $$.
I hope your Brittany reaches for the stars. It sounds like she's on her way.
Congratulation proud one.
Love Claudie
No wonder you are bustin your buttons Sally ! She is beautiful !
Awww Congratulations you have every reason to be proud!!!!
What a beauty, and, apparently talented too! Congrats to her, and of course Grandma:)
How wonderful for your sweet and beautiful granddaughter. I know you must be proud as a peacock...
Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on to us. You are such a sweetie..
Wow, what a wonderful and talented young lady! You sure have a lot to be proud of!
And she's beautiful to boot!
You have a good reason to be proud. She is also a very pretty young lady. If you could see me you would see me clapping for her. Congrats to her.
You have every right to be proud of your lovely granddaughter! These days with some young people running wild, it's very refreshing to see the ones with integrity making something good of their life.
What a beautiful and talented young lady. You have every right to be pround of her.
your granddaughter is beautiful :)
Hi Sally, Brittany is adorable...and TALENTED! She needs to go on the show where folks sing and compete...I never watch t.v....is it American Idol? I think that's it. Wish you could link to a video or put one on your blog so we could hear her sing.
:-) Please tell her we are very impressed with all her accomplishments! How exciting to win all those trophies! Congrats on all YOUR trophies/awards! :-) Susan
You have a beautiful grandaughter....and she can sing too...bonus!!
Sally - Your granddaughter, Brittany, is a beautiful young woman. How proud you must be of her. Aren't grandchildren wonderful? And - congratulations to you on your award.
Good Job Brittany! Lovely girl who's mighty talented!
Congratulations for having such a talented and smart granddaughter! She's beautiful too. I can imagine how proud you are of her...Christine
Hi Sally,
I know you are proud of your granddaughter. She is a beautiful talented girl!
Congratulations on your awards! You do spread bloggy love!
What a talented young lady!
What a lovely and accomplished young lady Brittany is! My children went on mission trips when they were in high school and college. It was a wonderful experience.
Sally how great and proud you must be about your grand daughter..great post girl..I love learning more about my blogging buddies here..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I am commenting on your topper today :). Your backyard looks just like my sister's. She lives in Rockledge, next door to Cocoa Beach. Her little back yard is pretty much identical to yours, you lucky ducks!
Love your page. Your granddaughter is beautiful and I know you are so proud of her. Thanks for sharing with us today.
You are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.
Congratulations to your granddaughter and her wonderful accomplishments!
What a beautiful and talented granddaughter you have, Sally! You and Papa have every right to be "bustin' your buttons"!
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