Friday, January 2, 2009

Finally, My Custom-made Shoes!

I remember Show and Tell from my kindergarten days; how I loved to have something to share. Kelli from Kelli's House hosts this fun meme. Go to her place to join in the fun!

Feel the excitement in the air? I'm going shopping to buy custom-made leather shoes! I first posted about it here. That time, it didn't work out. This doesn't look like a shoe store, does it?

"Hanger," yep that's the name of the place where I'm supposed to go to get fitted for my custom-made shoes.

Hm, I don't see anything that I like; do you? They all look "yuk" to me. As it turns out, Gregory, the nice fellow who fitted me told me that those would not be my shoes. Gregory explained that those shoes are not custom.
(Whew! I was worried.)

Next, Gregory put both of my feet into plaster casts, just like a broken leg is put into a cast. When the casts were hardened, he cut them off with a saw. You can see how badly deformed my right foot is if you look at this cast on the left. (The right foot is on the left--confusing, I know. Sorry.) It seems to be leaning to the right. That's how I have stood ever since I was eleven, broke my ankle, and my parents decided it was only a sprain. I was not taken to a doctor, and it healed crooked--like the cast shows. Yes, my right ankle is that thick; it always looks swollen.

When I tore my achilles tendon and had to have emergency surgery, something went awry with the nerve, and my right big toe now sticks up like a little mountain. It will not straighten out. You can see it here by looking at the cast on the left (that is actually the right foot cast). You can also see how the ankle rolls over so that the toe is not on the floor when I stand or walk.

Here's a little closer shot of that deformed right toe, looking like a little bump, which I call a mountain toe. That mountain toe makes it impossible for me to wear normal shoes. Therefore, the need for custom.

Here's a picture of the nice shoe fitter, Gregory. He liked the idea that I'm a blogger, and he posed with the outline he made of my feet. I know, I know--there's Big. Yes, God never wanted me to fall down, so He gave me a good sized foundation.

Four weeks later, I got a phone call The shoes are here! The ones pictured above look better. I had no choice in style. My only choices were either beige or black color and either laces or velcro.

This shot looks a bit more normal, but I'll tell you the truth: they're ugly. I do not like them; who would? However, it's these or shoeboxes. I have nothing else! I've been wearing men's tennis shoes in a huge size, just to accommodate that mountain toe. No, they are not comfortable; I feel as if I'm tipping over when I walk. Furthermore, I must go back today for an adjustment as there are two pressure points (that means two places where my foot gets red when I wear the shoe).

Oh, the cost? Sure, I'll tell you. They cost $536.26. If you'd like a pair for yourself, I can send you the address. Gregory will be happy to assist you.

We're waaay too somber; it's time to smile. I must finish this post with a chuckle.


Anonymous said...

Well Sally, they may not be pretty, but you'll be more comfortable, once you get used to them.No, I don't think I want to order these however, I'm sure I need a pair. :)


Raxx - A day in the life said...

Sally, I dont think they look ugly, but then I was in the military, I still have shoe issues, I can only wear Clarke's, Army boots can make you feet weird too.

As long as they are comfortable, they can look fab with some cool slacks. and, yeh, that shoe is expensive!

Anonymous said...

Sally, I had surgery when I was a teen and haven't been able to wear "regular" shoes since. I know, too, what you mean about God's giving you a good foundation--I wear a 12, and they just don't make pretty shoes in that size. I pray you will be more comfortable with your new shoes, though. I don't like having to wear men's shoes, although I have resorted to it when I had to.

Pink Princess said...

I don't think they're ugly either!
Maybe you can add a few cute things to brighten them??

Hugs from Marian and thanks for visiting my blog :)

Ingrid said...

They don't look ugly at all with all your foot problems they look like normal sport shoes ! One of my friends has one leg 4 cm longer than the other, she has to wear special shoes and they are rather ugly !!

Judith said...

stick a bow on them or paint buttterflies on them; however, they look way to comfortable to worry about it and for me, these days, comfort is what counts!!

My mother suffers with terrible bunions from having squeezed her size 7 to 8 feet into smaller shoes in her younger days - all for vanity :)

Thanks for popping by my page - take care, Juidth

Judith said...

ooppss I forgot to say I love the cartoon :)

squawmama said...

Good Morning Sally... Just wanted to stop by while I could and wish you a Happy New Year... Your shoes are not beautiful but they are not ugly either...and comfort is everything... We are up in North Florida in the middle of the woods and my internet reception is lousy... Sometimes I can pull up a blog and sometimes I can't... So if you don't see me as much it is only because I can't get on... We'll be back in civilization in a week or so... Have a GREAT day...


jlshall said...

Well, no they're not the cutest shoes I've ever seen. But (as my husband keeps telling me), you really do need to wear shoes that are good for your feet. I know what it's like to have shoe/feet issues - I have a short narrow foot with a high arch, and bunions. Nothing ever fits properly. Maybe I need to think about finding somebody like Gregory up here in Virginia! Hope you have a great day in spite of the shoes.

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
Sometimes comfort is more important that beauty especially when it comes to something on your feet!


Dawn said...

I actually don't think they look too bad!! They are pricey, but I'm sure worth it to be comfortable!! I hope you get a lot of wear out of them.

take care,

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have a cold. I pray you heal quickly. Thank you for sharing your shoe story. I think most of us take our feet for granted, I know I do.

Deare Diary said...

The older I get the more I am all about comfort rather than looks. I would wear them if they felt good to my feet. I don't know why but both of my big toes stick up. Oh well... who is perfect, huh? Loved the cartoon.

sara said...

Wow, that was an amazing process! I have a friend that has a pair of those shoes, or similar ones, and they are not all that attractive but the comfort she feels (after getting used to them) far out weighs that!!! She says she actually feels like walking again!!!

Good luck with them!

Salmagundi said...

At our age, comfort is everything! Hopefully, no one is looking at our feet - our faces are far more interesting and charming!!! Hope you get use to your new shoes. Sally

Carla said...

How interesting! thank you for sharing:)

Lorrie said...

Hi Sally, I think your shoes look fine. I think there are many similar styles today "off the rack." Ithink the most important thing is comfort and good balance when you're walking. I hope the adjustments that you're getting will take care of that. It is interesting to get a peek into the process of having them made.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea custom shoes cost so much! I hope they feel nice and comfy soon. Love the cartoon. :-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sally, no matter what they look like or whether you like them or not, OR how much they cost---it will all be WORTH it just to have comfortable shoes that fit you.

A couple of years ago, I finally broke down and bought some expensive (about $150) SAS shoes. I had never spent that much for shoes. BUT--once I did, I realized how great they felt on my feet. It was worth every dime that I spent. NOW--I buy GOOD shoes. ha

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sally
Your shoes do not look ugly. You are so fortunate to be able to get a pair of shoes made especially your size and I can only imagine how good it will be for walking too. It is difficult for anyone to walk in shoes that just don't fit right.
I know some other ladies who wear orthodontic shoes and they are not so bad.
I bet you are very excited...I know I would be.
Have a great day Sally..*Hugs*

P. said...

They don't look ugly at all, just normal.


Neabear said...

It makes me sad that your foot didn't heal properly in the first place. But you dealt with it. And definitely, these days comfort in the feet is more important than pretty but painful shoes. Thank you for sharing. Made for an interesting post.

Knitty said...

Many, if not most of us, have shoe issues after a certain age. Thank goodness we are open enough now to talk about things and recognize what someone else may be experiencing. My godmother was way too concerned with what other people might think if her shoes looked corrective so she wore "fashionable" ones that worsened her problem and caused her discomfort.

I bet your shoes aren't noticeable to others unless you point them out. I can appreciate your desire to have other style choices though. (((Sally)))

Does offer anything useful, or is the problem the disparity between your left and right feet?

Missy Wertz said...

Sally, I am glad that you have some good shoes to wear. I have bad feet and narrow feet that are hard to fit. I am so glad that they are making shoes for people who fit outside the standard mold.

I wish you could have had proper care when you were younger. Sorry you had to resort to custom shoes, but glad you have them now.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sally, I hurt my knee some time back and had to wear Birkinstocks... talk about ugly! LOL! Those look like the ruby slippers by comparison. :-) But I'm glad that you are comfortable. Truthfully, I don't think they are that ugly... I'm into comfort now! One of my best friends has a pair almost identical to yours in style. She's had knee surguries and all sorts of stuff, and she loves hers.

I know about ankles... I've seriously injured both of mine, and I injured one twice... have been on crutches and in casts, etc. I'm sorry you've had so much trouble with yours, and I hope you will soon get some relief. :-)


Sheila :-)

Needled Mom said...

What an interesting trip to the shoe store! They may not be gorgeous, but they work and that is all that really matters. Heck...we could decorate them for the different seasons. I see daisies in the summer. :)

Beth at Aunties said...

I am so glad you can find relief from the pain and can enjoy life a bit more:)
For that fact alone, they are a wonderful gift and beautiful! I am so glad there are places who cater those of us who need help when our bodies start to fail us and surgeries go awry. Comfort and the ability to have a normal life is truly amazing. I hope and pray they give you comfort and I am so sorry you have suffered so much pain!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Comfort is king when your tootsies are hurting! Just think of them as "basic black" -they go with everything.

I never know how much work went into custom shoes.

Especially like your cartoon!

American Homemaker said...

Your feet will be happy now :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sally I hope the shoes work out for you. My hubby went through the same process you did and it took some tweaking but they did eventually get it right. I hope you have a good day.

Cathy said...

They don't look so bad, Sally. I tell you, I wear comfortable shoes, and don't worry too much about how they look! I do hope you can get them to feel comfortable though. That is important.

Coloradolady said...

Honestly, mens shoes fit me so much better than womens.

Sally, these shoes look just like SAS shoes to me. Not ugly. But Gadds....the price.....

I hope you like them better once you get used to them.

Anonymous said...

Comfort overrides prettyness!!!
My son's custom shoes cost him $1200.oo so that price is not too bad at all.

Unknown said...

Hope they get more comfortable and "grow" on you.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

The shoes look fine..and the important part is that I hope they feel good on your feet!

akawest said...

That was interesting. I like learning how things are made. The process reminds me of how they made my daughter's back brace for scoliosis.

I don't think the shoes are as ugly as you think. Sure, they aren't sleek high heels, but most of us don't wear those, anyway.

FeeBeeKay said...

The best shoes in the world are the ones you are sorry to take off at the end of the day - you be sure to enjoy these, for happy feet make for a happy day!!

Hope you (and your tootsies!!) are enjoying 2009!


Jill said...

Well Miss Sally I hope they end up becoming more comfortable for you! You know there is definitely something to be said for comfort.

I liked the cute cartoon!

I've added you back to my blogroll, and little by little rebuilding my blog back.

Thanks for stopping by!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Hmm, I don't think they're ugly. They actually look pretty comfortable and your comfort is what's important anyway :0).
Hope they get them adjusted so they are no more pressure points.

Anonymous said...

I like those shoes Sally. How nice they can make them just for your feet. I recently had some of those custom made insoles that cost $200.00. That's not as much as you paid but then I didn't get shoes, only insoles. They really do help. Of course I am limited in what shoes I can use them with. I love the motorhome.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

The older I get, the more I realize that comfort is much more important than cute! However, those shoes do not look bad at all. Hope they get the pressure points fixed. I am a firm believer in healthy feet. When my feet hurt, my whole body hurts, and my attitude is not good. Just think of all of the wonderful things that will happen when you have shoes that make your feet feel good! laurie

Jules said...

Maybe I should have custom shoes made...I have a hard time finding shoes to fit my narrow feet. Love the "motor home". *lol* Thanks for sharing and for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sally, Your journey to get your custom shoes was very interesting. Comfort is the most important thing.
I do not think they are ugly. good luck with them.

I am in Atlanta visiting my sister for a couple of days. visiting will be limited. Have a great weekend.


artis1111 said...

I like them! Now you can at least walk.A lady I use to work for had a anke that rolled in. I hope these shoes help . Kathy

Magnolia Memories08 said...

Sally I am so thankful for the doctor that you chose, that could make the shoes for you and correct your little mountain toe. I have learned along time ago
we are not judged by our appearance we are judged by our hearts. Don't worry about the looks of your shoes.Noone will even notice your shoes they will only notice whats in your heart. I have. I do hope that as you wear them they will become more comfortable to your feet.
Happy New Year

bj said...

Altho they aren't the style I would choose, I have been looking all over this town for some tennis shoes with velcro...I love not having to tie my shoes. If I find a pair, I promise to send you a photo so that you won't feel like you are the only one with shoes that you really don't much like. Comfort is THE thing here, tho !!
I just hope these are very comfortable for you...when your feet hurt, you hurt all over.
Have a happy weekend, dear Sally.
love, bj

bj said...

Sally, I just re-read your post...not a person here would ever think you were feeling sorry for yourself because of your feet...YOU, of all people, remember the "I was sad that I had no shoes until I met a man that had no feet".
Thank you for telling your will give encouragement to others that are having the same problems. We all have different problem areas...mine being my legs, but, as you have told us many times, we all have so much to be thankful for anyway.....

Jean said...

I certainly hope your shoes get more comfortable! I have feet issues and work 2 jobs, both standing, so I know about sore feet. Jean

Julieann said...

I like them--and I am sure you will be very comfy in your new custom made shoes:)


Kelli said...

They look very comfortable and I enjoyed seeing the process of start to finish!

Andi said...

Hi Sally! I'm just trying to catch up with my blog buddies. This was a pretty cool post. I like your "custom made" shoes! God gave me big feet too...but I still get a firm grip on the hand rail when I go down stairs!!!

Hope the shoe adjustments make them nice and "comfy" for you.

Happy New Year! Hugs, Andi

Linda C said...

I think they look quite good with your slacks! Not bad at all. The great thing today is there are so many styles out there that these are not that different from all the others!

Hope they make walking good again for you:)

Linda C

Robynn's Ravings said...

And I've been whining about having to wear tennis shoes with everything because of a foot problem. Hope this isn't next. I miss cute shoes!!!! But thank you, Lord....I have feet!

Alice said...

Before I forget - I love your motorhome shoe cartoon!!!

My mom is diabetic and had similar shoes made. She hated them and only wore them once. (Thankfully her insurance paid for them.) I hope you get used to yours and get the hotspots taken care of. Hang in there :).

You are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to come visit anytime.

Gone said...

Ummmmmmmmmm...thanks, but no thanks...I don't think I'll be calling Gregory!!

But...these shoes will be perfect for you once you get the pressure points taken care of and learn to walk in them.

Thanks for the visit...glad you liked my tree and the Chenille!!! I'm always thinking...and I needed a TREE SKIRT...and the color was right. That's how I thought of it!

Patty said...

I can't believe I missed this post! You FINALLY got your shoes. I totally know exactly how you feel and wish you did not have to wear them. I hope the adjustments make them more comfortable for you. Thanks for sharing the story of the shoes. If you get a second pair, I can paint them for you. (My artwork would distract you so much, you wouldn't think about their attractiveness. Or lack of it.) xoxox

Anonymous said...

For some reason, you and your new shoes are on my mind this morning. How are your new shoes serving you? I hope the pressure point issue has been solved. I guess I just wanted to say that in heaven, if we wear shoes, you can wear all the pretty ones you want.