Jill at
At Home in the Country in Hickory Hollow held a "Celebrate the Seasons with Hickory Hollow" giveaway, and I won! The mail came today with bills, catalogs and a package. Look at the cute heart next to my name.

Inside the package, I found a towel. I love the fall colors of the towel: maroon, gold, and two colors of green. To fancy it up even more, a pumpkin cookie cutter is attached with colorful yarn and green satin ribbon! A recipe for Autumn Pumpkin Sugar Cookies is sewn right on to the towel! I heard a rattle, and in the bottom of the envelope, there were three hickory nuts from Hickory Hollow!

Jill is much better than I am at photography, so I swiped this from her blog so that I could share the recipe with you.

Jill made the nicest card too. It says:
"Life's blessings are abundant when each and every one is not only counted, but cherished."
I'm going to stick it in a frame and keep it as a fall decoration for years to come."
You know, some people just have a knack about making a person feel good. Jill has that knack. Thank you, Jill for thinking of me.
I've been Boo-ed.
Shimmy Mom gave these instructions: "here is how the
Blogging Boo will go. Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "B00-ED." Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends. (Then put the picture in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been "boo-ed and to send the picture to someone else.) Have a great Halloween everyone."