Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #96

Janet hosts Friday Fill-ins here. Drop by and see what others have to say. Join in if you'd like.

The Book Giveaway Carnival runs from November 3-8. Don't miss it!

1. My favorite food seasoning is the "trinity": celery, garlic, and onion.

2. A baby's laughter is music to my ears.

3. Lucky is how I feel.

4. My love of family is something I take very seriously.

5. Many people are voting early in my state of Florida.

6. A new light for my microwave was the last thing I bought at the store.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening with my husband, tomorrow my plans include blogging, reading my novel, and going to my church and Sunday, I want to go to small group, blog, read my novel, and maybe, just maybe read the newspaper!

Check my sidebar for my book giveaways.


Four-eyed-missy said...

Great answers, Sally.
It's election day in the US soon, I hope everything turns out fine. I am also looking forward to a nice evening with my husband on a Friday night :)
Have a great weekend!

Jodi said...

Great answers!! Love your is everything.

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Halloween! :)

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Wonderful answers, esp #2 that really warms the heart!

Let's see, coconut water tastes mildly sweet, and there is even a tiny bit of salty to it, but most of all it's refreshing!

then of course there is the jelly!

bj said...

Good morning, Sally...i came over to see if I could see you in a Halloween costume! hee hee...

Your fill-ins were great today...
love, bj

Gone said...

I love cooking with the trinity, too!

Thanks for the visit and comments on my fan!! I'll be away without my computer for a couple of days :-( so won't be able to comment...til Monday!


Janet said...

mmmm, #1, delicious! Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

Life Scraps and Patches said...

It will be so interesting to see how the people of Florida vote. Hope your weekend is happy (and lucky.)

squawmama said...

Sally what good answers to the Friday fill-ins and love the Maxine comic... Have a Simply Spooktacular Day...

Happy Halloween

Darlene said...

Morning Sally,

That is funny!!! Hope you have a Happy Halloween!

Also, I received my book, thank you so much, I will blog about it sometime next week.

Missy Wertz said...

That's funny!

LarryG said...

Yes baby's laughter, it simplifies everything.
Feeling Lucky? that's awesome Sal!
See my Fill-in

nikkicrumpet said...

Have a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN Sally...and a BOO-tiful weekend!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Love the cartoon. I like the trinity too.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha!! Cute cartoon! Loved your fillin's too! Smiling One, do you realize how funny you are!! How dry I am, how dry I am, nobody knows how dry I am!! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

cre8tivkj said...

Ooooh, I LOVE the sound of baby laughter!

Sheeshintx said...

There is nothing sweeter than the sound of #2. Have a great weekend. Oh btw I love your comic!

Amber said...

LOL @ "the holy trinity" heehee
oooh, great #2, and I didn't know lights could both burn out and be replaced in a microwave. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Halloween!

Polly said...

How funny that you mentioned the trinity...I hadn't heard it called that until just this week on Paula Dean. Definitely yummy!

Yay for a new microwave light! I delight in the simple things. Something like that can be really exciting...especially if it's been out for a few's so happy when it gets back in there!

(I'm in TX and I voted yesterday!)

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Spooky Halloween!!

Jaden Paige said...

LOL I love your cartoon :D

Your weekend sounds very relaxing! Thanks for stopping by!

Jerralea said...

I loved your cartoon!

And I enjoyed your answers. I used to be a Florida girl, too.

Thanks for coming by my blog. I like your number 4, too. Looks like we think alike on the important things!

Danielle said...

Have a great weekend! And I love #2 as well there is nothing more innocent and infectious then a sweet baby laughing. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

You're doing a lot of reading this weekend. Enjoy

~Swankymama said...

Great answers! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :o)

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Sally, I love the cartoon!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Love, Ann

cmw said...

I used to have a Maxine t-shirt that read -- If you can read this, you're in my way.

I LOVE garlic, but if I have it these days, I'm up all night. It's worse than having a newborn.

Creative Writing Club said...

Hi Sally,

I loved the comment you left about your husband and the candy on my page. Sounds just like what my husband would do! Have a great weekend!

Christa said...

Happy Halloween!!! Thanks for visiting my Friday fill-in. Sounds like a lovely weekend in store.

Anonymous said...

Your Friday night sounds like my plans too, except that I add giving out halloween candy to the neighborhood kids. Hey maybe I will even hear some baby laughter! Happy weekend Sal!

Brandy said...

oh great answers and lol at the comic on the top. Hope you have a great weekend :)


Amarie said...

Awww, #2 is so, so true.

ShannonW said...

I don't use onion much since I don't like it. Enjoy your weekend.

Sara said...

love your answers...mine is up...

Piggy said...

Aww! I love your #2. It sounds like you're going to have a great weekend!!

christina ina said...

I almost put the same thing for #2!

Anonymous said...


I enjoy your blog!

Have a happy and safe week-end!

Dawn said...

A lot of your answers are similar to what mine would be. I so look forward to Friday's for that relaxing evening!

take care,

artis1111 said...

Candies from me ,and a cigrett for Maxine. Heee Kathy

Shonda said...

I like your weekend plans!

Thanks for stopping by.

Jack said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. Sounds like you have a fantastic weekend planned. Happy Friday!

Yvonne said...

Your weekend sounds lovely! Have a great one!

Sherrie said...

Great Fill-Ins! Hope you get to read your novel. Take Care!!


Lucy said...

enjoy that nice weekend!

Baba said...

Good evening Sally, well all of the Trick or Treater's are gone and we still have tons of candy left in our bowl..I think we had less kids this year...

I voted early and also 44,000 people have voted early in Savannah,Ga. I will be glad when we know the results on Tuesday!!!!

I love the sound of a baby's laugh too!!Babies are so special to me..
Have a good week-end. Hugs, Baba

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you!

stephanie said...

Your #2 is an absolute yes.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Ari_1965 said...

We don't have early voting here in MN, but we can request an absentee ballot without much trouble. Now I wish I'd done that. I suspect the lines are going to be long on Tuesday. I must remember to bring a book with me.

Wordy said...

#5: are you going to cast your vote?