Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

We've purged and thrown away so many things that we once thought were worth keeping. We've donated tons to Salvation Army; I can't wait to see some of your posts showing me my stuff that you've found to take home and cherish. And, we've packed. Oh, how we've packed! Would you believe, we're STiLL packing!

We've visited favorite restaurants to say our good byes, and spent time with special friends, who we've encouraged to come visit us.

Now, I begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and boy, does it look bright! Closing is close: the 18th. Then on to our temporary home--the apartment.


Patti VZ said...

YEAH! You are keeping on top of things, so by the 18th you'll be ready to go and not stressed with all the last-minute shoving into boxes just to get done. Sounds like you are doing great!

Becky K. said...

Looks like you are right on track.

It is hard to believe how fast time can fly. You'll be in your new home before you know it.

Dixie said...

I know finding the apartment was a big hurdle... perhaps now you'll be on the downhill slide...

hope all goes well...

April said...

Isn't it a good feeling to finally get to that point? Let the new journey begin!

CJ said...

Yay!!Isn't it exciting to start everything fresh once again?all the best with shifting

♥ Chaitra

Barbara H. said...

You're doing great!! I just cleaned out my closet yesterday -- doesn't it feel good to get rid if things?

Cindy said...

We moved about three years ago, and I cannot believe how much "stuff" we had! We thought we could rent one storage unit, and ended up with 2 bigger than a garage. And the Salvation Army loved us.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

It sounds like you are so organized and really checking everything off the to do list right on time. I know you will be thrilled to be in your new lovely home and start the decorating process. I can't wait to see what all you do. Continued good luck. Hugs, Marty

raxx a day in the life said...

I'm happy to hear things are going great, you dont sound the least bit overwhelmed (like I might be), good luck on the move and keep us posted.

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Well be praying for your step into the light to be a pleasant one. I know you are looking forward to it.

Darlene said...

YAY good for you! The saddest part of the move is leaving all your good friends and of course your favorite restaurants!!!

Knitty said...

I bet your friends, neighbors and favorite restaurants and shops will miss you a great deal. I hope your move isn't so far that some won't come visit you. What fun you will have find favorites places in your new home town!

Four Paws and Co said...

Sally, you're such an inspiration! No, I'm not moving but we have sooo much stuff. I'm going to take a load to donate this week!

Did you finish packing the kitchen yet?


Musings of A Minister said...

I'm excited for you. I know you are tired. But what a great adventure you are on. I say a little prayer for you and Johnny every day. Press on!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yeah-Rah, Sally... Glad you can see the 'light at the end of the tunnel'... Sounds like the WORST is over.

Just remember though--when you are in that apartment for a few months, don't get upset when you can't find something!!!!! That WILL happen! ha ha

Glad things seem to be going so well. I always felt good once I 'purged' some of the STUFF I had collected all through the years...


Judi said...

Hi Sally
It must be a very happy time but a bit of a sad time...but it'll be nice to have friends from your present home area come and visit you.
I'm glad things are coming to an end as far as packing..did you find an apartment?
have a restful evening

Unknown said...

Ahh, cheers to your new adventure! Throwing out the old and in with the new...may your move go as planned.

Heather said...

WOW You are busy! I have read through your last several posts! I can not imagine. I have been cleaning and purging the last two weeks- I don't see the light yet, in fact, I have so much junk piled I can't even see the tunnel anymore!!
Best of luck with everything! I will keep stopping in to check on your journey.

Needled Mom said...

The goodbyes are always hard, but it sounds like you are doing a great job with the short time that you have left.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you got all of that done is such a short amount of time. You have even had time to blog. I would be a basket case. I commend you on a job well done :>)

Charlotte said...

I'm excited for you. A whole new chapter is about to open in your lives.

C. JoyBell C. said...

That photo speaks of so much promise and hope.

Terry said...

Hi Sally
Best of everything to you sweet lady as you continue to eat the moving elephant one bite at a time .
May your new temporary apartment be a place of rest and relaxation for you both as you await the arrival of your new home.

Anonymous said...

Sally, are you here in Tampa now too? We were out of town for the weekend and missed all the announcements. I look forward to seeing you in church this weekend! Welcome to Tampa and Grace Family.