At church, I tend to sit in the same place every week, but I've been thinking that I might meet some new, interesting people if I move around a bit. Are you a one-seat sitter?
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Oh, yes, I am a one seater, BUT I find it is the seat that works best for duties during the service. Rationalizing? Maybe.
Hi Sally, I just linked to SS right under your link. When our children were young we always sat in the same pew every week for 15 years. We knew just about everyone in our church because it grew from a couple hundred to nearly 1000 in the years we were members. Also the people that attended our church were neighbors and people we knew from community activities like the sports program. We were active all those years and we had the same pastor. It was the saddest day when we left our church because we moved too far to stay there. After that we sit in different places each week. I still miss our church but I am sure it would not be the same right now. We have moved four times since we left our church in 1984. We re very happy in our church right now. Warm and loving people and very small. Maybe 200 members.
Whew, you hit a memory Sally. A good one too.
Happy Sunday.
Hugs, Jeanne
I do sit in the same seat most Sundays....well two...the Piano Bench and an end seat in the front row.
It works for me...but I do find that if I sit further back I am so easily distracted.
Becky K.
everytime I see those birds...long legged....it makes me smile. simple and good post.
I do tend to like to sit in the same area if not the same seat. Sometimes it's crowded, though, an I am ok sitting in another area.
Not the exact seat, but definitely the same section. What creatures of habit we are in so very many ways!!!! I don't personally see any harm in this practice, UNLESS you get offended if someone sits where you usually sit. That's when it's become more than a habit :o)
Try it. It works. You will meet some new and interesting people. But you will go back to your old habit of sitting in one place. It may be a new, regular place but you will eventually settle in again. You don't have to sit on every pew in the building.LoL And "interesting" is not all it's cracked up to be.
Isn't if funny, how if we don't sit in the exact same seat, we still tend to radiate toward the same area! In addition to church, I do this on my commuter bus! LOL.
One day, I through all the other riders off by sitting way in the back. It gave me a completely different prespective and a chance to meet some new folks. But, the next day it was back to the old spot. LOL
it depends on what i have to do that morn...
be it choir or other event...
i do move about about a bit...
but then, that is rather muse like, i suppose :)
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Happy Sunday to you!
Oops! ... Guilty, as charged. Funny, how proprietary we are!
I had to chuckle at your post today, as a Deacon in our church I find that most people are creatures of habit and get seriously undone when their regular seat has been occupied by someone else. I try to move around a bit myself so I can meet and greet new faces but I do like being up front better than in the back.
We are creatures of habit, aren't we, Sally? I remember that a friend told me once that she visited a new church. After sitting in the pew, some man came up to her and told her to move---that that was his seat. Needless to say, that lady never went back to that church...
Have a great week.
Betsy--on the road to Arkansas
I move around , never the same seat twice.I dont want to get into that habit.but I do see some people in the same seat week after week.My mother's people who lived in the country bought and paid for their family bench and that's where they sat, Gramma had 17 children and her in laws and her own parents lived with them..... imagine that for a moment !
Good post Sally !
Good one Sally! We have always sat in the same seats! Sitting towards the back was always a distraction. When we weren't in ministry, we sat in the second row. When we were in ministry, of course, Hubby was always up front and I sat in the front row. My main job was to critique his message and pray for him. But we always went out of our way to meet people, especially those who were new to the church. Happy Sunday.
I usually sit with people I know..
I'm not a one-seater, but I used to have a certain area of choice. Sitting in a different zip code can feel a bit odd, for sure, but I do it regularly now.
Yep, we tend to be drawn to the same pew each week but I do have a defense. As a family we all meet together at church from different household so we pick an area inside to sort of meet up.
p.s. Have a great week Sally. Much love to you.
Yes, I do have the same seat in church each week, and it's the same as Becky K's, the piano bench. Then I go out to teach Children's church.
I plan on participating in my first Blue Monday tomorrow. Hope I get it figured out in time.
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Fun comic. :) And a great question, and very thoughtful. ~
Hi Sally
That sounds like a good idea changing seats and sitting with other people for a nice change and way of meeting.
I move around...
have a lovely day
I was smiling even before your blog opened up. I knew I would be smiling soon, so I might as well go ahead and smile. This is so true. In churches where Clif was the preacher, I sat by myself or with my kids. Ever so often I would decide to sit in a different part of the building. It was a good experience, but seems like I always gravitated back to "my seat." lol
Thanks for the smile.
YES, YES, YES definately a creature of habit!!! Have a glorious day!!!
This was good! Yes, I too am one of those people.
God Bless,
Hi Sally,
We almost always sit in the same seats every week....we are creatures of habit! :o)
Hi Sally: I am a same seat sitter. How funny, I guess I need to change that too. Blessings, Martha
Hahaha! That is so funny, now that you've pointed it out. We always walk to the left side of this church. At our previous church, we always walked to the right side. It would be a good idea to stir things up a bit!
That is to funny Sally because my husband and I always sit in the same row at church. Our Bishop had asked us in a meeting once to sit around the church in different seats and fellowship other members. Its amazing what I have been missing sitting in the same place every sunday!
i usually am, but our teens have "taken over" my seat up front, so i GLADLY moved.
you're right about meeting new people and they have a better view of someone who isn't "stand-offish."
It is funny how we have the same pew, like we have our name on it or something. Then if a visitor comes in and sits in YOUR seat! Heeehehhe!
Have a blast today filled with sweet blessings!!!
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