It's Blue Monday!
It's a good idea to place the blue bird logo at the top of your post so that others can easily find your Blue Monday post. Please remember to place the link for Blue Monday. I will DELETE those who do not follow this simple rule.
Please remember to visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links; wish them a Happy Blue Monday, and they will return the favor.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" was said about 2500 years ago by the Greek historian, Herodotus. He said this adage during the war between the Greeks and Persians about 500 B.C. in reference to the Persian mounted postal couriers whom he observed and held in high esteem.
Today many people believe this saying to be the
U.S. Postal Service (U.S.P.S.) motto. In fact, it is not their official slogan. According to the U.S.P.S. they have no slogan at all!
Johnny and I went to drop off some mail, and I realized that in my never-ending quest to find
blue, this institution certainly qualifies.
This is another post office close to our place. Weren't they smart to choose such a beautiful color?
Look at these beautiful blue babies all lined up and standing at attention, just waiting to be fed.
I found a couple of trucks that had finished the work for the day.
Here's another lot with trucks "resting" from their labors!
Ah, beautiful blue. Happy Blue Monday!Blue Monday Participants1. Linderhof 2. Lana G! 3. Secret powers in my Garden 4. Dreams and Time 5. Baba's Special Babies 6. LaVoice 7. Pie 8. Cindy@Fairy Tale Cottage 9. Rajesh, India 10. Carly's Photography 11. carolynUSA 12. Jeanne,backyard neighbor 13. lazyclick, India 14. Dena E 15. Rach @ No Slippy Hair Clippy 16. ~CC Catherine 17. Candy @ The Little Round Table 18. Rinkly Rimes Australia 19. Riet, Holland 20. Vivapinay, Philippines 21. mizhelle 22. Farmor, Sweden 23. Milla 24. Loui 25. Hedwig - SE 26. Mary@OnePerfectBite | 27. Carpe Diem Sweden 28. LUNA 29. Dave Q, UK 30. Loveleng 31. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita 32. Race@Wahm's Cozy Corner 33. Race@Beyond Horizons 34. LOLA @ THE LOLA DIARIES 35. Linda@Lindanjake 36. Hagemor Norway 37. Vintage Rose Studio 38. Siromade Australia 39. Inspired Living Spaces 40. DANIELA 41. Anne Fannie 42. Irene Photography, Norway 43. MIN FOTODAGBOK SWEDEN 44. Judith, UK 45. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage 46. Turid, Norway 47. hip chick 48. Debbie-Dabble 49. RockCandy 50. Eden, Australia 51. Homemaking In High Heels 52. Jan, Australia | 53. Carlotta 54. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen 55. Beth @ Food As Art - GIVEAWAY 56. Kathryn 57. Maria's Space 58. Tracy F. @ Honeysuckle and Hissy Fits 59. Blue Laws at Charm of the Carolines 60. ...Molly's Country Memories 61. bj@SWEET NOTHINGS 62. Helen 63. Tina@Beansie Babbles 64. cindy 65. Ann @ Tin and sparkle 66. The Tablescaper 67. Becky K 68. Shannara 69. Kathy @Me & My Memes 70. Shirleys World 71. Jenn Raley - Weekend Blues 72. Joy- Books and Life 73. DB Ranch Dressing 74. Dhemz 75. Manang Kim,USA 76. Terry 77. Teresa C. |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

What a great blue -- the USPS!!!!
Love it!
It will be interesting to see if they go through with no mail delivery on Saturdays. Great Blues!
Great post...great history lesson as well. I had never read that before. Thanks for sharing. I love little historical tidbits!
Great finds for Blue. Happy Blue Monday!
Mine is here.
Good morning Sally, God bless our your blues for today.I am sharing my two grands wearing blues for their prom this past Friday night.. come over and see them.
Hugs, Baba
Nice stuff. Perfect choice for blue Monday.
Hi Sally, you are so right. what could be more perfect than the US Postal Service. Lots of blue. A good post idea.
My post is a bit different. I hope you like it.
Have a wonderful week. Thinking of you Sally and hoping all is going well. You are always in my prayers my dear friend.
Love, Jeanne
Hey Sally,,,its just me...So glad I decided to join in with this fun!!!
Hugs Dena
Ahhh I missed Blue Mondays! I've been too busy for memes for a while now. So happy that I can join you again this week :) Nice blues. It's a very serious, "reliable" kind of blue, for me!
You did a super job on the your post office tour. The ones around here do not have that much blue on them. I can hardly wait for the postman to come each day. I have always loved going to the mail box and still do. I have a regular old plain box on the street. My blue bird fell right out the sky this week. Rest assured I will see that it is back in the rightful place next week. Take care.
Hi Smiling Sally! Great "Blues" today! Reminds me of the days when my Grandfather (Our townships postman when I was a little girl) would beep the horn and I'd go a running out the door to get the mail...and my lunchtime kiss from him. He didn't retire till the age of 75, after he'd completed 33 years of working for the USPS. I still think that's why I get so excited about getting the mail today...but he's no longer making the deliveries. :( Praying you are having a lovely week! ~CC Catherine
Hi Sally..
after a rainy , gloomy week, and now SNOW,
I needed something more cheerful and colorful..
hope you enjoy my selections..
hope you are mending well..
warmest (gentle) hugs..
Post blues....;D
Wonderful blue!
WE've got yellow post-color.
Happy Blue Monday..Luna
My first time here, ...hope you enjoy my entry.
Wow that's very appropriate for your theme! btw i'm so sorry to accidentally clicked the Enter key without finalizing the correct URL at #32 kindly delete it! thanks vm! I have the right link at #33
Fabulous blue! Happy Blue Monday!
The good ol' post office! I seem to go there weekly!
Who would've guessed that a postal "organisation" would be so neat .... love the logo and the rows of psotal vans all lined up ready for action!!
Thanks for the opportunity
Gena @ Vintage rose Studio
Inspired Living Spaces
The make me feel blue when they break something too!
Happy Blue Monday...
Hugs, Ann
It's funny we both postet pictures of postboxes! Happy Blue Monday!
Interesting post Sally - our post office colours are Red
Hi Sally,
I think there are blues to be found everywhere~ It's my favorite color you know! Thanks for hostessing this fun meme.
I love the post office! I love getting mail! I love the little trucks that they drive like Europeans.
oops! I commented on last weeks post about the prom dress.....oh well. I am not crazy about THE POSTOFFICE where I live....their hours are short, delivery is slow and the mail person gives us a hard time about everything.
Sally, I had to laugh because you bet me to it!! Actually hubby , Joe, is a letter carrier and in a future post, I planned on featuring him dressed in his uniform, which I still might! LOL!!
Joe says "Sally, I really did n't want to see all of these postal things for at least another 2 hours today" LOL!!
Happy Blue Monday!!
In this age of computers, there is still something really special about getting snail mail.
Happy BLUE Monday Blessings ;-)
Beautiful post office.Love the blue.
Happy Blue Monday
Sally, you certainly have some spectaular blue, there, but of course most of us would walk right past them, you also have the eye to notice them! Thanks.
Love that particular blue. They do great work shipping pkgs. to my dh who's deployed. Thanks!
This was a terrific post Sally! I am curious to see what changes they has really changed everything...hasn't it.
♥, Susan
Always learning something new Sally! You are a great teacher, Happy Blue Monday!
Very interesting postal trivia! I'm trying to enter again this week. I'm not usually this computer challenged ha! We'll see.
Happy Blue Monday to you sally! oh ow I've missed you, just as I thought I was running out of blue, I came up with some more LOL, great P/O post today!
Don't forget the bills they bring me.. Now THAT makes ME blue!!! Happy Blue Monday, Sally!! ~tina
Love the red white and BLUE!!
It is still the cheapest way to send package so KIDOS to the big blue post office.
Yoli :)
You're so clever to notice this blue. Something we all see everyday and don't appreciate! Very good.
Thanks for sharing where that slogan actually came from --- so interesting. And the pictures you took are so vivid. Happy Blue Monday.
Whew! It took me a while today but I found some blue to add to today's post. I was stumped! Then I poured a tea candle...with camera in one hand a and teapot in the other. The things I do for this
Love You, Sally.
I didn't want to miss stopping in today.
Becky K.
Very nice blues there! I hope you're doing well, Sally.
WOW Sally, I always thought that was the post office motto and had suggested a couple of times they chance around here it sure isn't true, Our little post office is close most of the time..opened 2 hrs in the morning and 3 in the evening, on Sat only open 3 hrs.
But they sure have a pretty color blue for their trucks.
Hope you are recovering well.
The post office has great blues! Happy Blue Monday Sally!
Morning Most Blue One! Oh, I love the USPO!! I love my mail man. He does a terrific job! Great blues.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
You were able to do it again, Sally. You found blue that most of us are so used to seeing that we overlook it. I hope all is well and that you are having a great Blue Monday. Blessings...Mary
Sally you always have such interesting posts. Who would have known about your USPO to be so interesting? Not me.
I do love mail, yes I do especially when it comes from my dear bloggy friends. Love sending out hand written notes too.
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie
P.S. I see how difficult it was for you to not show Mrs. Magpie lol She's a tough one to photograph lol
The P.O. is such an institution in the U.S.'s history that I hate to see it have financial problems. Oh well, we will adjust! Hope you are feeling better. Sally
Hi Sally,
Since my hubby works as a letter carrier here in Canada, {after retiring from the Ministry}, I got a kick out of your post today. The Canadian logo is red, white, and blue. Our mailboxes are red.
They may not have a slogan here in Canada either, however, it seems even when the weather is unfit for other folks to be out, our Canadian letter carriers are expected to get the mail through!
Have a wonderful week.
Happy Blue Monday! I was concerned about you because when I checked last night (always check to see you post is up before I post mine), I noticed you hadn't posted all week. I hope you are well and that nothing's wrong.
I enjoyed your USPS Blue this morning. Sometimes, blue is right in front of us and we miss it. What a regular the USPS has been in our lives. Those old "hungry" blue postal boxes just a part of us. THanks! Jenn
Happy Blue Monday!! Great post!! We need those blue suited men and women more than some people realize.
Sally, since Blue Monday entered my life, I find myself seeing blue everywhere and my first thought is, "is that Blue Monday worth?" It's fun. Thanks for hosting this!
a parade of blue....happy blue monday Sally!
Oh how cute. I love yours. I posted mine in a Mosaic today. I hope you like it. Have a great week,
Hi Sally, I surely do miss your posts... I hope you are doing okay now...
the Blue Monday post ---using the post office, is perfect... There's LOTS of blue!!!!
Very nice captures.
these are neat shots :)
Howdy Sally
Happy Blue Monday to you .
This was a really neat post.
Thank you so much for making
Monday such a blessing !
Until next time
Happy Trails
Hi Sally,
You definitely found some pretty blues with the USPS! Enjoy your Monday.♥
fantastic blues as always Sally!
thanks for the words of encouragement that you left for me today. My Dr. says with my "threshold for pain" and my "sheer determination" I should do great in rehab and be mended soon! (I do have a trip planned to the art retreat in TX called Paper Cowgirls, at the end of June)... so I've got to get up and attem'!
big hugs! Dixie
ps... I've still got one of the books you sent me to read... so I hope to get lots and lots of reading done in the next 3-months!
postal truck is one of my favorite vehicles
I made it in time! Yay! (I did post a bad link though and put myself in twice, SORRY!)
And no wonder I like the post office so much!
Yep, good ol' post office, blue indeed! I was just there today to mail my first ebay sale. I had an overload of Polish pottery that I decided to sell duplicates on Ebay, lol....Christine
snailmail's more personal i think, than emails!
and that's a very "blue-utiful" post office!
I can't seem to post in the Mclinky... but you can see mine here
I love it when I see the post man...or woman. She usually has a book or two for me. But I don't like the bills they bring ;)
Great blue post, we always need the blue....
Here is my blue monday
Great post!!! especially since that is my employer!!! Believe me...I see lots of blue!!!
Hi Sally, I came over to ask a favor. I did a post on our grandson Caleb. He is 13 years of age today. If you have a moment come over and comment. He is excited and will be looking for comments.
Thank you so much.
Love, Jeanne
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