Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.
They've Plotted, Planned, and Preformed to Perfection so you can take a Peek.
Last November, the builder planted three bushes. I did not know what they were. I've since learned that they were pink camellias.
One camellia bush had a bloom, and I took this picture:
Our move-in date was December 17th. All the bushes are blooming. Now look at how happy Miss Camellia:
Here's a close-up:

Oh, I am so jealous, I can NOT get a Camellia to live at my house, they will look so good for about a month and then phuttt...it's gone. Your's is so pretty and looks like it is quite happy where it is.
Hope you have a great week end.
Sally~ you just killed me with that tongue twister and its past 1 am here.. and my head is already spinning!
Happy PS girl!
I'm a new follower from Pink Saturday. I love your camellia!! :O)
Happy Holidays from Sally Lee by the Sea. http://SallyLeeByTheSea.com
I love all your pink P's and that camellia is gorgeous.
Looks lovely! How nice to have blooms this time of year!
How nice to have something so pretty blooming in December! Lucky you!
Sally, I'm unsure what impresses me most, the pink camellia blossoms or that string of "p" alliterations. ;)
Please be sure to come by and enter my fantastic year-end giveaway, too. Click the picture in my sidebar for details.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Beautiful pinks! Happy Pink Saturday.
What a perfect pink choice for Pink Saturday. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary
cute pinks...
My golly Miss Sally, look how much Miss Camellia has grown! Lots of blooms too!
Hugs, Ann
Hi Sally I am late with my PS comments. I think camellias are the most perfect flowers. They are almost wax like. These pink ones are gorgeous. Lucky you to have such lovely flowering bushes.
I am happy to see you posting on Pink Saturday Sally. HAPPY SMILE here.
Hugs, Jeanne
Ooh, I love camellias. We have several bushes planted along one side of our house, and they are quite tall. My husband prunes them every year, but they stay about seven feet tall.
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Sally.
I love camellias, and these are really lovely! That's one of the things I miss now that I'm no longer living in the deep South - flowers blooming outdoors at Christmas-time. I'd definitely rather have a pink Christmas than a white one!
Glad to see you on Pink Saturday. I love all flowers and these you shared are very pretty.
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