Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and wishing them a Happy Blue Monday!

On the 45th day of my hospital stay, I present a picture of Johnny who’s my most faithful supporter. He has spent most nights with me. He has stayed by my bedside.
During this past month and a half, we have celebrated his birthday, Father’s Day, and our 53rd wedding anniversary.
Johnny and I fit. Everyone at the hospital has noticed how dedicated he is, and so today I salute, Johnny.
Tomorrow I will be transfered to a rehab center where
my recovery can progress.
Thank you to Pierce Tolar for his valuable assistance.

So glad you are getting better, though I know you have a long way to go,you are going to get better. Time stands still when you are stuck in a hospital doesn't it.
Dear Sally, glad to know your progress :)
Nice to know Johnny...
Glad to know you are on the road to recovery. Rehab does work wonders. This is my first linky for Blue Monday. xo,
glad to know you are getting better!
God Bless you more!
holding on for that 53 years of togetherness will make each day a better one for you, Sally. You, Johnny and your life and love inspires me.
thank God, you're OK now Sally a little more time and you'll be perfectly well ... salute to Johnny too... Get well .. :) God bless you.
Slly, so glad to hear you are recovering. The blue shirt you see on your faithful Johnny helps, I am sure!
were glad to hear that you are getting better :) we'll pray for your fast recovery!
Oh Sally, You can't know how much it means to me to see your post. Johnny is your devoted hubby without a doubt. I have a son named Johnny and I have to say I love that name and your Johnny for being your rock!! I have missed you so much. I pray that your next step to recovery will be speedy.
Love you, Jeanne
Last week I was up in the mountains camping with 45 of my favorite teenage girls and missed your first 'post-ICU' Blue Monday. So glad to see that you're on the mend! Congrats on your 53rd wedding anniversary!
Glad to hear that you're recovering Sally, and you are such a lucky wife to have Johnny in your life.
I salute you Johnny!
I am so much glad you are doing better Ms. Sally, I hope to hear you some more.
Pleased to see Johnny's smiling! That means he must have something to smile about! You!
how sweet he is Sally.
happy to see you back. praying for your fast recovery.:-)
mine is here: http://www.bisdakbloggers.com/2011/07/25/blue-monday-37-the-place-to-be.html
Thoughts and Prayers coming your way-quickest recovery! What a wonderful man!
Johnny is a wonderful man and I knew you were in good hands. I'm sure you're anxious to start rehab and each day will be better than the day before. Take care sweet friend and give our love to Johnny too.(((Hugs)))
Hi, Sally!
So glad to hear that you are feeling much better now. God bless always.
I salute to Johnny too..
It´s so nice to see you back Sally and many thanks to Johnny for caring for you! :)) Hope you will be well soon! xo Tina
Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy Blue Monday, dear friend. I have a big Blue Monday smile on my face because of finding you here.
My love and prayers to both you and your dear Johnny. I know just what a blessing it is to have a grand marriage.
You've come a long way baby is a great understatement for you. You are definitely one of God's miracles. I know you will dazzle the rehab staff with your determination and faith. We will all be holding you in our hearts and holding out our helping hands to you in this big step.
Love to you.♥♥♥
45 days is a very long time to be in the hospital. As you take your next step forward, I will keep you in my thoughts hoping for successful rehab and strong spirit. It is good to know that you are being supported by love, not only from someone close to you but by many in blogland who care about you. Take good care.
Hello Sally,
It is so wonderful to hear of a very long lasting marriage and the respect you have for each other.
Thanks for allowing us to see how special your dear husband is.
Prayers for the work ahead of you in Rehab.
Becky K.
Sally, I have been thinking of you and your family,so happy to read that you are better.
Prayers for complete recovery!
hi Sally, so happy to hear your better. A move from the hospital to rehab is improvement and I hope soon there will another move from rehab to home.........Thanks for introducing Johnny, what a wonderful guy! God Bless you both. Thanks Sally for your wonderful Blue Monday party.
The French Hutch
Sally... it's wonderful to read YOUR WORDS again... Your Johnny is an ANGEL! Work hard in rehab... we want you back!!
What a sweet example you and your husband are setting for all around you, including those lovely grandchildren! Continuing to keep you in my prayers. I'll be interested to hear how it goes at the rehabilitation center as a dear friend of mine will be going to one after an upcoming surgery. Monday blessings to you. :)
Hi Sally *tiiight hugs*
Salute to Johnny for being so dedicated to the love of his life. Marriages such as the one you both share are not known by so many. How special you are to each other and how comforting that is.
I am SO happy to hear you are feeling better and can move on to rehab. You have been through so much....and you are in my thoughts...
I hope today is a wonderful uplifting one for you...and Johnny
Sally I am so glad you are doing pretty good. I always continue to pray for your fast recovery. And with Johnny at your side I knew it made a lot of difference. Congratulations to a 53 wedding anniversary, gush I don't know if in this generation many could make it. You could make a book for it Sally ^_^ Who could have the authority to talked about married life..is the people who made it beyond 50 years, right?? Okey now I knew you are smiling because for sure you have soooooo many things to share. And for me who is married for seven years would love to hear those times where both of you also had to struggle but won at the end.
To Johnny: Thank you for taking care of our beloved Sally. I think this is my first time to see you in the blogland and you are a handsome man inside and out. And hey is that smile made Sally's heart melt?? ^_^ ^_^
Happy weekdays ahead and God bless you and your family!!
Kim, MI
Oh what a blessing He is for you. What a wonderful thing to see that you two have "fit" together for 53 years. So glad you have graduated to a rahab center after such a tedious 45 days.
Sally this is the best news I have had lately. Thank goodness things are moving in the right direction. However, you are one of the lucky ladies. You have two great men watching over and taking care you. The heavenly man and your earthly man, Johnny. You have been down a long, tough road, but you have passed those spots now. Take care.
I am sure the rehab will be a lot of work for you, but it is something that YOU will feel good about doing to help with your care. It is a big step forward. It is nice to have such a faithful cheerleader!!!!
Happy belated anniversary.
Oh, Dear Sally! God bless you and God bless Johnny for being by your side. What a witness of love! Love you and still praying for you, sweet friend.
Shelia ;)
Sally, I'm so glad to learn that you continue to make progress! I'm sure it's in no small part due to the attentive care you're getting from your Johnny. Bless you both!
Aw, Sally, how sweet. A belated happy birthday to Johnny and happy anniversary to you both. You got a good one! (Then, so did he. :-) ) Glad to hear you're continuing to recover and pray you will still more.
Glad you are doing better, Sally... Your hubby is wonderful... Aren't we glad we have such wonderful men in our lives?
Hugs and PRAYERS,
Hi Sally!
It is so wonderful to see you back online. You do have yourself a keeper; I'm so glad that you and Johnny make each other so happy.
I'll try to do a post later today. God bless,
Kathy M.
I am very sorry but I had the wrong link in my first post.. I would have removed it but couldn't find a way.. I hope you are feeling much better?
Dearest sally!
So glad to hear you are doing better!
am wishing you'll join our surprise birthday party for Shellbelle..
we are having such fun..
and she was so busy, she had not a clue until checking her blog this morning..
have a beautiful Blue Monday..
filled with smiles!!
what a dear sweet delightful man..
no wonder you two fit so perfectly!!
hugs to Johnny!!
I'm happy to know that you're getting a bit better. I pray for your fast recovery. Get well soon Sally!
Love you and pray for you and send you some energy hugs to help you get better faster!!!!!!!!!!
Sally, Praise God you are on the mend. Your husband reminds me of my h so dedicated. Blessings to you both. Debbie
So glad you've had reasons to smile, Sally! 53 years with a soul mate is awesome and needs to be celebrated. Trials such as you are going through are so much easier to bear when shared with someone you love deeply. Congratulations to both of you. Belated happy birthday to your Johnny. I'm sure the best gift you could give him is for you to be on the road to full wellness.
That brought tears to my eyes! I hope you are feeling better, Sally! What a man you have! :)
I'm so glad to read that you are feeling a little better, Sally, and will be going to rehab! Hopefully very soon you will be home! Your husband is such a dear sweetheart. {{Hugs}}
Hello from Frog Hollow Farm! This looks like a fun meme - glad to have found you at LuLu Musings!
Ciao, bella! xxoo
So glad to hear from you and what a good man you have there with you.
Keeping you in my prayers and hope you do well in the rehab center!
May God bless you, Sally, as you enter rehab. Congrats to you and your husband on a long and happy marriage.
So glad you're getting better. Johnny is truly a keeper! I know you feel blessed.
Best wishes to you Sally! Keep smiling!
Sally, We are so glad that you are doing better. Yes, I would agree that you and Johnny are a perfect fit. My sweet Bob and I were married 53 years on June 15th. We are also a fit so I know what you mean.
Young lady, take care of yourself and get back in the "blue" very soon. Your family is precious for keeping us informed on your condition. Hugs, kisses and prayers to all of you. Ginger :)
God bless you, Sally. Happy Anniversary to you and Johnny too! What a wonderful testimony! I pray you will enjoy good health very soon. Take care and I hope your week goes well for you.
Sweet post. So glad to know you will be leaving the hospital. Loads of luck for rehab. You have a good man there to support you, nothing but good thoughts are sent your way.
Sally, I want you to know I've been praying for you. Lots going on here, too, which I can't even begin to put into words, but it's been a whirlwind to say the least. Mr. Magpie is still recuperating, and I am the nurse. I haven't had my computer (I left it in S.A.), but I stole Fred's laptop to catch up with your news. I love you and think of you often. Get well soon so we can go to lunch!!!
Hi Sally, sending you all my thoughts and prayers as your recovery begins in rehab. I have been out of the blogging world and was so sorry when I clicked your blog to see you are so sick. I wish you well.
Hi there, Sally!
I'm so glad you are feeling better and ready to begin your rehabilitation.
I missed you and was so pleasantly surprised to see the link up and running this week.
I hope you continue to progress swiftly and are home with your prince, Johnny, soon.
I'm sending healing thoughts and hugs your way. La
I am late linking but have had my post up since Monday! I am glad you are getting better. You sure have a faithful following and a devoted gentleman at your side. You are so blessed. I am so happy I came over here a few weeks back and joined, I have always enjoyed reading all the posts but am enjoying more by participating. Love to you! Anne
You AND Johnny are both so blessed. You are an inspiration to so many. My prayers are with you as you continue to recover.
Dear Sally,
I am glad to see that you are able to start rehab --that's the beginning of the real "get better" marathon!
If it's like most Rehab places, the cushy hospital life is over and you'll be in boot camp! Good luck, God bless and hold you in His loving hands thru this ordeal. What a wonderful family you have -- a true testament to YOUR love and caring.
Get well, my dear!
Keep smiling....
Dear Sally,
Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery your way. Happy Anniversary to you and Johnny...Sending (((hugs))),
life is good when you have someone like the two of you are to each other...may your recovery be quick so you can regain your life at home and out and about...a beautiful story, Sally...God Bless...
I'm happy to hear about your recovery and what a sweet husband you have! Praying God's blessings on you both!
Visiting here from BJ's. I've been reading your blog, and just wanted to tell you and Johnny to add me to the list of people praying for you.
I am going to become your newest follower. I just realized that I have something blue to post!
Bless your heart...and bless Johnny's heart...I am so glad you are leaving the hospital. Praying you make a full recovery and get back in the middle of Blue Monday again. We have really missed you.
I wish you would post an address where we could all send cards..
lots of love, bj
Praying for you and Johnny, Sally ~ Hugs ~
It's good to have a trusted spouse/friend. Best wishes to all of you! :)
This was last week: http://dorincard.blogspot.com/search?q=blue+monday
He is a treasure dearSally but I thin khe would say the same about you too dear heart! You remain in my prayers...sending you hugs and love.
Hi! I'm a new blogger, and this is my 3rd "Link Party!" Anyway, thanks again for hosting this. Can't wait to check out the other posted links on here too! ;)
Hi Miss Sally, hope all is well with you. That is really nice that you found nice people and good friend in the hospital.
Oh my Sally. What a wonderful pair you make. Thank goodness for her great support to you!
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