Sometimes, it SEEMS as if Mr. Linky is not working, but I've discovered that if more than one person is linking in at the same time, it kinda slows down. So, if things seem to jam when you are linking in, just keep trying, and you'll meet with success.
Please leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit and leave one for you. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and leaving comments. If it's too much for one day, come back later in the week. Make someone's day when you wish them a Happy Blue Monday!
Today my Blue comes from CNN who reported that a Florida man with a Blue truck cut open his truck to track down a purring sound. (I copied these pictures from CNN. I did nothing to change the color.)
Errand Frazier of Vero Beach heard the purring sound, and investigated by setting up a camera and leaving some food over night. Somehow, the food was consumed, but the camera failed to record the meal.
So Frazier cut open his Blue truck! "I seen this little rascal peeking at me," Frazier recalled. "I said, 'What in the world? You hitched a ride!'"
He had no luck getting the kitten out. He drove to the Humane Society where it took three workers to extract the kitten!
The kitten has been adopted and is living happily ever after. The full story can be found here.
Happy Blue Monday!
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What a kind man!
You will have to look hard to see my blue this week, a hint, forget-me-nots in the chimney!
Oh! I am present today, inspite of on what happenned to me.
TY for sharing Sally. I will go and read how the construction of the truck right after this.
Happy Blue Monday.
Very nice story! The kitten is very cute. This cat is very lucky too. Thanks for sharing.
That story made me smile:) Thanks to Mr. Frazier! Thanks for sharing, Sally!
Hi Sally - blue is in ONE star and on the bottom band of the basket. Happy Blue Monday.
Dear Sally,
i like the kitten, so sweet. And the story with the man and car is curios ;-))
Have a nice, new Week.
Greetings of Germany
good blue
a blue day for the kitty!
"You hitched a ride?" That made me chuckle :) So cute of Mr. Frazier. I'm glad Kitty is out. Thanks, Sally for happy blue Mondays.
Great blue and lucky kitty
<3 Simone
Interesting story, I have to think there could have been another way to get the kitten out, but cute little kitten.
What a nice person! Poor kitty. Glad to see there is a happy ending.
Looks like the kitten found his home sweet home in the truck. :-)
A story in very nice blue and with a happy ending!
That truck is quite blue. We had a kitty get trapped under our house once, for about a day we could hear it before we figured it out and re-opened up the hole that had been closed. Out came kitty and ran off.
Sally, cute story with a blue-tiful ending. Thanks for sharing.
Any truck that purrs is a delight, but especially one that's blue!
Oh my! Surely there was some other way to get the kitten out. I hate that he cut his pretty blue truck, but what a kind hearted man. Thanks for reminding me of Blue Mon and thanks for the linky. laurie
Thanks so much for the party!!
Wow, I can't believe he cut a hole in his truck! What a sweet story...thanks for sharing.
HI Sally
That is a purrrfectly gorgeous story, glad the kitten was safe,hope the truck driver was insured!
Wren x
interesting story...glad the kitty was safe.
Sharing some more blue from Japan today. How sweet that man cut up his truck to save the kitten. Sally
Great search and rescue story, Sally!
Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for hosting, Sally.
No dumb cat. He found him a nice blue home and fought to keep it. At least, the truck owner had compassion enough to help it.
very nice of Mr. Frazier, happy Monday :)
Lucky cat for choosing the right vehicle to crawl into. So glad the man was a sweet, caring one.
I love your blues today...and I hope your week is going to be a good one.
Thank you for hosting.
What a nice man and what a lovely cat and story happy BM Sally
Awww I do like a happy ending! But his poor truck :(
I'm so glad there was a happy ending to the kitten being found and adopted. Sadly I've heard to cats being killed because they crawl inside cars and trucks seeking warmth and shelter. I've heard it is good to bang on the hood before starting one's car if you think a cat might have taken shelter in you car.
Happy Blue Mionday, Sally--better late than never ;)
Love kitties and happy endings!
Happy Blue Monday. I hope my post shows up...lol
Hi Sally!
What a wonderful story :-) Far better than most of the news these days! Am off to Greece for a few weeks so may not be able to join in again until we get back.
Hi Sally, better late then never! I saw this story on the news. What a cute kitten and how the heck it climbed under that truck without incident is amazing!
I hope your week is wonderful!
Hugs, Anne
Awwww...this story melted my heart! I would love to start each and everyday reading or hearing this kind of news. What a really nice man.
Thanks for your visit! I'd love to try pizza everywhere in Chicago, it's all different. This crust was dense but had a crumbly texture almost like a crouton. SO good! :)
Oh Sally I meant to come back by yesterday and I forgot. I did visit the links though just forgot your comment. That was one smart and lucky kitten. So glad the blue shirt man was so kind! Thanks for the linky. And thanks for coming by my Blue antique post! The first Blue mantle Wow! I feel special!
Have a great week,
How do I link up........there is no place to post a link today
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