Are you a spine breaker? Or a dog-earrer? Do you expect to keep your books in pristine condition even after you have read them? Does watching other readers bend the cover all the way round make you flinch or squeal in pain?
My Response:
In all honesty, I would have to answer: yes, yes, yes, yes, but I've changed. In fact, I've flip-flopped. When I was a child, I handled books as if they were precious keepsakes. They are.
When I got older, I used to break the spine by bending the book in half so that I could more easily hold it in one hand while I read. I'd press my fingers down the inside spine to force the book to lay flat while open. I'd think nothing of folding down those pages to keep my place. After all, bookmarks fall out! I confess that I've further messed up books by making notes in them, underling and highlighting lines in them. But no longer.
Now, my books are kept in pristine condition; it's difficult to tell by looking at a book whether or not I've read it. In fact, I hesitate to fully open a book too wide. This means I gently turn the pages as I read. Instead of dog-earring a page, I use a Post-it to keep my place. What changed me? I began to sell my books on eBay!

How do you read a book?

I posted somethig but it never sold. I bought a car on ebay, that was fun. Heee Kathy
Hi Sally. Oh, the books! Love the books, although I don't get the chance to read like I used to. You've given me a beautiful compliment this morning. Thank you, Dear One.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I treat my books very gently--like good friends, because that's what they are to me!
I am very careful of my books too.... Only I don't sell them.. My favorites I keep... and the others I give away...
I usually don't worry too much about the book...I bend the pages down if it's mine...a well worn book has a story of it's own.
I'm not reading much these days! And I miss it!!!!
I'm with Diane. I bend the corners of pages down...I press a book open, cuz I hate fighting to keep it open if I don't...I make notes and highlight in mine, too! Most books I read are Christian books...a few Christian Romance and cookbooks (yes, I read them).
They're mine. I don't usually give them away or pass them on and I have no intentions of selling them. They're MY books...and like Diane said...they have their own story!
Thanks for the visit and comments about my lamp!
Good question Sally. I read a book carefully and do not bend the corners. I am more careless with a paperback book. My mom was an avid reader and she would have smacked me if I disrespected a book. lol.
I am one of those who treat books gently and use a bookmark. There is no reason for why, I just do.
I do bend pages down on my books...but otherwise I'm very careful.
I try not to deface a book; but occasionally it happens! I, too, resell books at our local book store so I can buy more. Sally
I've been told that my books look unread because of their condition, but it isn't something I intentionally do. It must be ingrained from my childhood. Mom and Dad took care of books and of course teachers did their part. I always use bookmarks and have many lovely ones that were made by friends.
The books that I don't keep are either given to friends to read and pass on, are donated to the library or the Salvation Army.
First thanks for the b-day wishes and laughs...I'm still cracking up over the "go play"
I am a dog earer...I bought some beautiful bookmarks from Fifi flowers I'm much better now. But you can still tell the books I read at lunch time (food streaks and grease marks) in the pool (bottom edges water warped) and my favorites by the highlighter sections! I loan out my books to friends, family and co-workers...and when they give them back...they're always shaking their heads at me!
What a great idea!! I never thought about putting my read books on ebay. How much does it usually cost to ship a book? thanks for the great idea!
I sold a few of my books on eBay too, and that's why my reading habits changed as well. I used Post-Its for a while as bookmarks, but I had a couple of instances where removing the Post-It also removed some of the print on the page, so I stopped. I found magnetic bookmarks, and I love them. The company even looks for submitted photos, so I'm going to send them some of mine. How do they pay you if they accept one of your submissions? By giving you 200 free bookmarks! If any of my photos are successful, I can just see bookmarks being included with any giveaway on my blog!
I am still very fussy about my novels and poetry books. I look after them with great care and feel a little peeved if they come back to me with stains after someone has borrowed them. Textbooks I used to mark without a care. That was the only way I could get facts into my head. My Bible (the same one I recieved at 21) and my Christian devotional books, I underline mark. I am just determined to get those precious truths into the head and the heart! I also like to date my books on the flyleaf so I know when I purchased them and when I read them. If I do a re-read, I date them again. I also love buying second hand books with inscriptions. I love to wonder who the owner was and how they enjoyed the book.
Like you I've gone through stages of both ways. When I was younger I would break stines, wrap the cover around the back of a paper back, fold down pages etc. Now, whenever I see my son do that, I scold him.
I try to be careful not to open them too far, but I will open them far enough to read carefully.
Ebay is my favorite place to buy books. I wonder if I've ever bought them from you before. (I usually buy classics though.)
My daughter is like you , its hard to tell if she read it or not but I must confess I turn the corners down to keep my page,but the books are mine and I don't mind,I don't usually keep the books I trade them in or give them away,but otherwise I don't deface a book.
By the way my daughter watches me like a hawk when I read one of hers even a magazine she wants it pristine, makes me smile but I respect her wishes!
There's a good idea--selling your books. Never thought of that. Do people really buy used books on E-Bay?
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have been turning some of my books in for credit at local used bookstore. He likes the fact I take such good care of my books. It makes a difference when you decide to sell or give away.
Love the little boy and the pumpkin below, plus the statement. I'll have to share that with my son. :)
Robin of mytwoblessings
I cringe when I see pages folded down, I don't break my binding! I like it to look new when I am done reading it.
I give my friends guidelines when I lend a book.
take care,
Hi Sally :} actually we are the same, i did all these and now I am careful, due to the fact that I do not want my friends to think I destroy a book, i want them to have a nice experience when receiving said book in the mail, not OMG what is this :P, also BookMooch requires a book to be labled in what condition it is, so I am very careful, not quite as careful as you are, I have several friends who send me books which look like new.
A blogger today mentioned "stains" this is my pet peeve :{
Hi sally, I use bookmarks to keep my place in a book.I have some cute bookmarks that I love to use.I don't sell my books , but will share and trade my books around with my family and friends..Have a good night.
Hugs, Baba
I'm thinking the new Kindel reader would be a nice thing to have...I saw it on Oprah the other day, it looks nifty, but at $350 a pop way out of my recession budget.
I enjoy your blog very much!
I guess my books look pretty beat up. I carry them in my bag at school, and sometimes I just cram a folder in the wrong way and the book suffers. And if I like them, I write in them. Probably none of my books would sell on E-bay, but I tend to give away a bunch!
I almost always read books that have been read by someone else before me, so how I treat them is not much of a problem. I do love pretty bookmarks. Wanted to let you know I finished reading THE SILVER CHALICE by Thomas Costain and it did have a happy ending. Hope that doesn't ruin it for you, but I did want you to know it turned out okay for the young lovers.
My books are treated like treasures...always a book mark, never bending the spine...they look just like the day I bought them when I am through. Now, if they are used, let's just say I don't abuse them any more than they already were...lol
I neither bend spines or dog ear pages, my tragic flaw is I like to write in books and highlight those ideas I really like. :)
I'm still a bender and a dog ear-er. I don't think I'm going to change anytime soon. I love a wide open book!
I handle a book with care. I do not like anyone messing with my magazines either. I can't stand them to get all rumpled up.
Same like you, my fiction books are in pristine condition. My friends who borrowed my books always commented that they looked unread. If only they came back in the same condition. But alas, I can only continue to hope and dream...
Same like you, my fiction books are in pristine condition. My friends who borrowed my books always commented that they looked unread. If only they came back in the same condition. But alas, I can only continue to hope and dream...
My daughter is a pristine book reader. You can't even tell that she's read the book. I'm not quite as fanatical as her but I do try to take good care of my books. I have been known to use all sorts of stuff as bookmarks. :v)
ooo, you mean ole woman you...not giving candy to kids...nawh...I know down under that Maxine mask is our sweet Sally...hahah
Oh, I treat my books nice, too. One couldn't tell I had even read it.... I love books and I think their covers are so pretty. I like fiction and adore Readers Digest Condensed books because of the beautiful covers and the SHORT stories in them.
Have a happy halloWEEn...
LOve, bj
(something is wrong with my keyboard hEre....GOOD GRIEF !)
I have a ton of boomarks yet I still turn down page corners. And, my paperback copy of Seabiscuit had iced tea spilled on it so it's all wrinkled. The books from my childhood are still in pretty good shape though.
I'm usually doing something at the same time I'm reading so I need to prop the book open. I get very possessive about my books and do not part with them, unless of course I didn't like them.
Hi Sally,
I'm commenting a bit off-topic.
My dear, you've been tagged by a meme. Check out my post at I Meme It for "7 Bookish Things". And have fun!
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