Thursday, October 23, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Coupling

Monica suggested this one: Got this idea from Literary Feline during her recent contest: “Name a favorite literary couple and tell me why they are a favorite. If you cannot choose just one, that is okay too. Name as many as you like–sometimes narrowing down a list can be extremely difficult and painful. Or maybe that’s just me.”

My Response:
I point to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet for my favorite couple of literature. From the time Romeo Montague spots Juliet Capulet at the party, his heart is hers. Once they talk, she is equally entranced. This timeless tale of star-crossed lovers who determine to be together--no matter what their families dictate, and even to the point of death--is my choice for this answer.

Who do you choose for your favorite couple in literature?


Marianne Arkins said...

I love Shakespeare... what an incredible talent!! But, I have to admit, Romeo & Juliet annoyed me as I grew older... how much of their trauma could have been avoided -- even their deaths! -- if they'd have settled down for a minute? All that angst and drama!

Still, they are certainly a couple who will never be forgotten.

Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally
Congratulations on receiving all of those awards! Oh my! Well you certainly of deserving of them.

Thank you I'm going to come back and pick up some awards. :o)

I like your choice of favourite couples in literature. I agree with you.

Have a great day!

Missy Wertz said...

I rarely read for pleasure during the school year. My time is consumed around my work and my DD's schedule which includes her homework, etc.

My favorite couple is usually my current book when right now I am in the middle of P&P by Jane Austin. I know there are many couples in that book. Elizabeth and Darcey would be my favorite. The next vacation we go on, I will finish that book and start another.

Anonymous said...

Morning Smiling Reading One!! Oh, I guess my favorite literary couple would be Archie and Veronica! Do they count? I used to read Archie comic books way back in the day!! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Ted said...

Sal - The quintessential literary couple! A good one.

squawmama said...

Interesting choice.... I too love Romeo & Juliet but would have a hard time narrowing it down to my favorite... This was a fun post and I enjoyed it...


artis1111 said...

Cathy and Withering Hights...Kathy

kari and kijsa said...

We will have to go with the Jane Austin couple- what romance J & D! S many wonderful ones though!!!

kari & kijsa

Karen Harrington said...

I put Romeo and Juliet on my list too.

Grandma Faith said...

Since I am reading "The Silver Chalice" by Thomas Costain, I'm going to say Basil and Deborah. Their love story has truly touched my heart. I'm not quite finished with the book, but I sure hope it ends better than Romeo and Juliet. Love ya, Faith

S. Krishna said...

That's a great choice, Romeo and Juliet!

Suey said...

I'm thinking you can't have list of literary couples without including this one!

Susan said...

I thought of Romeo and Juliet too, but I ended up with Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series.

Bridget said...

Romeo and Juliet are the quintessential couple but I've always had a fondness for Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester.

Just popping in to say hi. I just got home last night. It is going to take me a long time to catch up on all of my blog reading but I will try to read everyone's posts from last week!

Hugs, Bridget

Madeleine said...

This is indeed a great couple :}

Unknown said...

Hmm, I didn't even read the question to mean characters, but now that I reread it, yeah, I can see that...well, I'll stick with my author couple...LOL. Great blog, btw. Thanks for sharing.

nikkicrumpet said...

Crumpet and Ozzie...their love story touches me deep in the depths of my heart. :) Have a glorious day!

Unknown said...

Oh my. Can't really think of a literary couple. Can I do a movie couple? I can't remember the character's names, but from the movie, 'untamed Heart', Christian Slater and Marissa Tome. It is one of my fav movies.

Shimmy Mom said...

While I love Shakespeare, I have to admit that I felt very let down at the end of Romeo and Juliet. I wanted them to live "happily ever after", not croke! lol
I think my favorite couple is Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blyth from Anne of Green Gables but
I also love Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. and
The parents in Swiss Family Robinson, (by Johann David Wyss) I love how their trials only strengthened their relationship, their family and their faith in God.
Lastly, I LOVE a very little known book called Love Comes Softly, by Janette Oke. It is the first in what is refered to as the Love Series. (It was made into a Hallmark movie, but it was NOTHING like the book.)
So I'd have to say that Marty and Clark are one of my favorite couples. I loved watching their relationship turn into love throughout the pages.
Great post.

Anonymous said...

Well Sally, I can't ever forget Gone With the Wind's Scarlet and Rett. it was my all time favorite book of fiction. That includes the movie.


Gone said...

Thanks for the visit, Sal. I'm praying and working and trusting that I'll be me again...real soon!


bj said...

Congratulations on the beautiful awards...
This is a no brainer...
SCARLET and RHETT will always and forever be on the top of my list....oh, I get all soft and dewey just thinking about how he loved her.....*swoon, sigh, double sigh.....
love, Scarlet

Anonymous said...

Definitely a classic choice. I'm always thinking tho "what about Rosaline?"