Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time to Laugh: Meteorologists Predict Intensely Brisk Autumn

This is one I GUARANTEE that you will laugh out loud while watching. It takes 2:03.

Do you get the feeling that newsrooms are exaggerating the news just to scare the public so that you'll stay tuned?

Extreme Weather Alert: Meteorologists Predict Intensely Brisk Autumn

I've watched it over and over and laughed each time. You need to push replay just to be able to read the jokes that crawl on the bottom of the screen. Let me know if you like it as much as I do.


Dawn said...

Oh my goodness that was funny. I'd have laughed louder but everyone is still asleep here!!

take care,

Holly said...

Ha-ha! Well, Sal, it looks like you're in Florida so it's possible that you do NOT relize how serious the leaf fall CAN BE in areas that REALLY have a lot of accumalation. :>
~ Wink ~ Wink ~

On a more serious note, I believe the media does market fear. It's their number one product and I chose not to buy it. Some folks like to be scared though so- they can go for it!

Have a great day!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Is this not meant to be a farce? I mean, the "Onion News Network"??? :)

ellen b. said...

Very funny Sally! Now I'm heading over to an elderly neighbor to see if I can help out with that pie!!

MySharonAnne said...

lmao that was so funny. I loved the falling leaf watch. too funny.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Oh yes we certainly do have to watch out for those falling leaves but here what is more dangerous are the falling pinecones and pine needles..They can stab you so be careful when you are out and about around pine trees..!! SMILE!! That was cute thanks so much..Sandy

ROXY said...

OMG, this was so funny!!! I will have to play this for my honey today. He loves The Onion!! Thanks for sharing and a great laugh!!

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Hilarious!! Will have to check out that network, it looked so realistic, makes you almost believe falling leaves are dangerous!

Gwendolyn said...

ROFL...I just e-mailed this to my entire extended family. I'm going to go watch it again now. I'm glad that my daycare kids are taking an early nap! :o)

Knitty said...

I just sent that to many friends and relatives. Hilarious! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

That is funny. I may borrow it. :-) Wish I had a pie-baking elderly relative nearby.

Grandma Faith said...

You are so right, that IS some funny stuff! The boys did have a hard time getting the apples. They were pushing the apples all the way down to the bottom to bite them. They were all soaking wet and loving every minute of it.

bj said...

OMGosh...this is sooo funny. Thanks a million for sharing it with us!!
love, bj

nikkicrumpet said...

I don't find this the least bit funny....I've been assaulted by those falling leaves...and I don't see how you people find humor in that kind of tragedy!

Coloradolady said...

Funny...very funny. I am worried about the frigid 50ish degree weather. Thanks for the good laugh.

Salmagundi said...

Funny stuff!!! Sally

Killlashandra said...

That is pretty funny. What a great spoof on the weather reporters. I love the 2 inch predicted leaf fall and the squirrel warning. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! Now that was very funny. I think they were serious. Boy, I bet you really have to watch out for the increased squirrel activity!! We had better start the prayer chain for these poor fallen ones!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

This was a good one Sally..Watch out now..here comes a falling leaf...:)

Susie Q said...

Thank you for the wonderful laugh dear friend!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh, Sally. Watch out for falling leaves!

LA Nickers said...

"elevated squirrel activity"

That's hilarious.



Needled Mom said...

With the way the media is these days, I would not be surprised if this had been a serious program. Too funny.

Amarie said...

Omg, that was too much! The media is rediculous lol. Everything is "breaking news" or a major event, but this was so funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear...as if we don't have enough things to worry about now we have to live with leaf falling warnings...squirrel activities and even those darn acorns!!!

I could hardly keep up the first time I watched it. There was so much going on..*lol*.. Tooo funny!

Hope you've had a great day

Anonymous said...

Sally, you did make me laugh today too. Falling leaves have never been so dangerous.lol


artis1111 said...

TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kathy

Anonymous said...

Dangerously crunchy! Love it.

Kathy b