Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Story with A Happy Ending

Nineteen years ago, I had a hysterectomy to remove what the doctor described as "something that must come out." Turned out, it was a grapefruit-sized ovarian cancerous tumor!

I am a fortunate person; I never knew I had cancer until it was removed. I never had any symptoms.

I visited an oncologist for the following five years. The day of my fifth anniversary of the surgery, I celebrated! According to the oncologist, I was cancer-free! He and I said good-bye.

I made an appointment for that anniversary date with Dr. Erik N. Freling, my GYN, the man who discovered and removed the tumor, thereby saving my life. I commissioned one of my students to paint a dripping wet life preserver leaning on a dock. I had the artist label the life preserver with my name and my doctor's name. I titled the painting, Lifesaver, and I presented it to him on that most important day--July 9th. He placed it on his office wall.

We've all been touched by cancer. October is the month we think about pink. I wish for you and the people you love a cancer-free life.

PS This afternoon, I've added a BOX OF BOOKS GIVEAWAY to my side bar. Check it out.


Eleanor said...

Your story touched me and I love your little lifesaver tribute to your doctor. Five years ago (on this Friday) I lost my husband (of 31 years) after brain surgery. But God has been my Lifesaver and I am living with great gratitude and contentment at Thatchwick Cottage! Enjoyed your little Doughboy story too and I see Blue Monday is growing in leaps and bounds.

Anonymous said...

I love reading a story like yours. I hope I live to see the day where all cancer stories will have a happy ending.Treatment is getting so much better, but we have a long way to go. You made me smile.


Dawn said...

That is good news!! I am glad you had a happy ending. :) Those are the kinds of stories that just lift your spirit!

take care,

Gwendolyn said...

I love hearing stories like this! And I love what you did for your doctor. :o)

Unknown said...

What a scare that must have been!

Anonymous said...

*hugs* Sally
How fortunate you were and I can imagine your gratitude for the doctor who saved your life. I like the tribute you gave to him also and that he hung it up. It meant something to him thats for sure too.
I am so happy for you.
Enjoy this very lovely day.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh Sally how wonderful! I am a survivor also, going on 3 1/2 yrs.

Anonymous said...

That's amazing! I am so glad that it all went so well. What a unique and touching gift.

Killlashandra said...

That is an excellent story. I love your painting commission for the doctor too, what a great idea.

And congratulations for being cancer free for over 5 years! :)

Anonymous said...

Morning, Smiling One!! Oh, Praise God the cancer was removed and how wonderful for you to give the painting to your doctor. A wonderful happy ending.
Well, you know what? We'll just share Cary Grant. Wasn't he the most handsome thing! I heard he was a stingy person though. That ole Brit!! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Raxx - A day in the life said...

This really is a happy ending Sally!! Happy 5th Anniversary!

ellen b. said...

Wow that's great story Sally. Congratulations on 19 years being free from cancer!!

Darlene said...

What a fabulous story!! Congratulations!

squawmama said...

That is an excellent story. I know I probably already told you that I am a Breast Cancer Survivor almost 2 years now... I love survivor stories and also wish for a cure for all cancers... They have come a long way but so much further to go... I know there will be a day when a shot will cure...I love your painting for the doctor too, what a great idea.

Baba said...

Good morning Sally, thanks for sharing your great story.My step-daughter has been cancer free for over 6 years , after her breast cancer surgery..she was in her early 40's then with young boys..It would be a blessed world if a cure is found for cancer..Have a good day.
Hugs, Baba

Anonymous said...

Wonderful story!
Wish I could have thought of the painting for my doctor at the time,I too went through the same kind of surgery for ((something that needs to come out)) and 10 years later here I am .

Anonymous said...

My constant prayer is that we soon find a cure for all cancers.

Congratulations for being a survivor. You were so blessed to beat ovarian cancer. Many are not diagnosed until it is too late for a true cure.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I would love to see cancer just plain gone in this world!! I am hoping someday to see just that!! I am so happy that you are fine.
You said something about labels on my blog needing help with them.. let me know what you mean..Just email me a

nikkicrumpet said...

What a cool thing you did for your doctor! And you are so blessed that it was taken care of before it became a problem!

Brian Vasil said...

That's awesome, Sally. You have been such an encourager in my life and I appreciate your willingness to share this with us.

Don't look may have just made it on my blog roll! :-)


Anonymous said...

Grapefruit-sized?? Wow! I rejoice with you that things turned out so well. I'm sure your doctor cherished the life preserver.

Needled Mom said...

I read with such joy the miracle of your surgery. You have truly been blessed as that is such a horrid form of cancer. I have lost two dear friends to it. Congratulations, it is wonderful to read such good news.

Pear tree cottage! said...

There are so many stories with sad ending that your "good" ending story touched my heart.

What a lovely blog you have the blue gives me the hopes that our summer will soon be here and I can walk along the oceans edge with a grandchild or two this summer.

From Australia I send my good wishes.


Aleta said...

I'm happy for you to be a survivor. My aunt had breast cancer and her strong spirit amazed me. She didn't given in and when you talk with her, she would make you smile. People are stronger than they think. It helps when there's family there for them.

This was a lovely post. What a beautiful tribute to your doctor - the lifesaver..

Cathy said...

That was a sweet thing to do , Sally. It is wonderful you are cancer free.

Susan Hickam said...

Congrats on your anniversery Sally! That is the kind you want to have. I enjoyed the posting from yesterday and yes it made me smile. As far as my little Dryad goes - I intend to keep pencils and such in it in my craft room. I did get the book-it came very quickly and I read it the same night(paid for it with a headache- really should pace myself with reading but I don't always). Fun and light reading -enjoyed it. Thanks so much.

Lilly said...

What a wonderful and inspirational post. Thank you.

imjacobsmom said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful story! I am so glad that you had a happy outcome! I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and I had a near death experience! That could be a post all on its own - someday! Im just glad that your a SURVIVOR! ~ Robyn

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Incredible story of God's protection on your life :) No wonder you are Smiling Sally :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
It is great to hear a story such as yours! You offer hope to those that are fighting the disease.

I think I'll make that Dr. appointment I've been postponing!

Justine said...

What a great story, Sally, and how wonderful that you had a painting made for your doctor!!!!!!!!

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

Each anniversary must be significant to you. That is a big deal and a really sweet story about your gift to the md.
Thanks for sharing,

Kathy b

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

That's a very touching story, and what a gift that you gave the doc!

sweetmemorymakingmom said...

Sally, GOD Bless You! Thank you so much for sharing your story! How prescious life is isn't it! Love the woman and the life preserver....lifesaver! Funny!

hugs, Ellen