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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bloggers are the BEST people!
This past Thursday, Johnny and I had lunch with
Donnie from New Blessing Everyday and her husband. When we first spotted one another, Donnie remarked, "This is just like a blind date!"
We met at Applebees and took this picture. Just look at all of the beautiful
blue items. Why, even the TV showed off its
I must confess, we talked so much and laughed so much, that we did not take any pictures of the guys or the food, but trust me, we had a great time! Donnie and her husband are good people; I have no doubt that you'd enjoy spending time with them too. Have you ever met any Bloggers for lunch?Happy Blue Monday!Blue Monday Participants1. Prosperity's Desire 2. Donnie 3. Milla 4. Dena E's Sharing BLUE 5. imriz 6. promdi 7. RIZ/whatchamacallit 8. LaVoice 9. Lani, Taipei 10. promdi/ 11. Sentimental Hearts/ Iris 12. Blue soup bowl, good soup :) 13. Nostalgic Marveling 14. Spice Up Your Life 15. Hyacinth For The Soul 16. Rose 17. Tracy F. 18. Rinkly Rimes 19. mizhelle 20. Pie 21. Fifi Flowers 22. Jan Australia 23. Mom's Place 24. Self Sagacity 25. Jeanne, backyard neighbor 26. carolynUSA 27. La Dame de Nage 28. Terry 29. Blue Ribbon Recipes and my Blue Birthday 30. Joyful in Vancouver | 31. Cat 32. Cricket 33. NatureFootstep Sweden 34. Rantis, Swe 35. Lesley 36. Vernz 37. Sheila (Very Merry Un-Birthday!) 38. Anni 39. Jaypee 40. Anette74Norway 41. Elaine 42. anemonen, Sweden 43. grace kids turf 44. Maritz, Philippines 45. Eden, Australia 46. Fe's Journey of life 47. Ella Maes Barn-Original Snow Baby Book 48. Shabby Pink World- Child's Toy Chest 49. Fe @ ETC 50. Fe @ Craft and fashion 51. Beverly @How Sweet The Sound 52. Crafty Gardener, Canada 53. Sweet Nothings 54. Melynda@MomsSundayCafe - Swedish Saffron Bread 55. Reach Beyond Limits 56. Shengkay's journal, PH 57. Seams Inspired 58. A Blue Valentine! 59. A Musing Potpourri 60. Linderhof | 61. Lazy on Loblolly 62. Manang Kim,USA 63. cindy 64. Bogie 65. Shaz 66. Life is a Battle 67. Lesa@DustyUs 68. Gengen 69. Grandmother Wren 70. Loui♥ 71. Cindy Adkins 72. Dhemz 73. Ann @ Tin and Sparkle 74. Cottage & Creek 75. srp 76. Little World of Fun 77. Sherry 78. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe 79. LIFE Moto-Gulf Royal 80. Monica 81. Joy- Books and Life 82. Christine 83. Marie @ Bonkers in Barnhart 84. Word From The Heart 85. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen 86. Lui 87. Shy 88. jerla, sandiego |
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hi, Happy Blue Monday to you!
I even stayed up so I could post this close to the beginning of your linky. What fun we had. Take care and we look good, don't we...lol...
OMGoodness Sally,, Donnie told me of your meeting/lunch together.. Wish I' coulda been there.. Its much warmer in FL too!!!
She is a special lady, just like you I'm sure!!!
Blessings and Love from our Sweet LORD above~~~Hugs DEna
Awesome! Metting someone you only know virtually! I had experienced once and it was fun, as if we know each other for a long time! Happy Blue Monday!
It sounds like the two of you had a lot of fun. Blogger friends are just the best.
agree with donnie, you both looked amazing.
Oh wow, it's nice to meet blogie fwiends in person! You looks good together.
great to know that there can be friendship blooming in the web.
Oh, how fun for you to meet each other! A great picture, too!
I've not met any other blogger, though I did meet a woman at a website with an online forum, she has become a very dear friend.
great things and friendship do happen even in the blogworld. keep it up.
Glad you two had fun! Happy Blue Monday!
Sally, what a fun thing to do. Yes, I've met Laurie of Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie. She was passing through and I met her at the airport. I took sack lunch for us to have over a quick visit. It's fun to connect with someone you've been sharing blog posts with. Glad you and Donnie got to meet.
Happy Blue Monday! ~ Sarah
two lovely people! fun and great time indeed!
Love your smile!
My Blue Monday.
Very heartwarming, glad you had a great time!
Love, Jan
wow! that was a great date of you guys. It is really good if we meet bloggers in person. You both are looking good Sally.
Happy Blue Monday.
It's funny to see you guys both together, since I know both of you from different venues. Anyhow, you two do look really good there in the picture, and I bet you both had a lot of fun!
Hi Sally, I know I am up late...again. I am so jealous that you and Donnie met for lunch without me. Smile. You know I am thrilled you were able to meet and have such a wonderful time. I love Donnie and have met she and her hubby this past fall in NC. I agree, they are delightful people. You both look fabulous and HAPPY! The food...who cares, talking and laughing is so much more important.
Love to you both,
On Donnie's blog, I love the picture of mermaid ! Too far for me ;-(
Howdy Sally
Happy Blue Monday :)
What a great treat for us here in blogland.
I am so glad y'all were able to get together .
Have a wonderful rest of the week .
Until Next Time
Happy Trails
What a great day you must have had! Thanks for posting this fun Blue Monday!!
How marvellous you got to meet your blogging buddy. I haven't yet had the pleasure but I know I will one day. You two also look very lovely in the different shades of blue.
Sally that is awesome!!! I just gave Donnie the Stylish Blogger Award..I just love her to pieces! Yeh for you two!
Happy Blue!
no, I never had lunch with any bloggers. I know of only one from my area. I meet him outdoors sometimes.
Glad the four of you had a great, blue, time. :)
OMG, I never met-up a blogger yet.. need to do this sometime... Awesome!
Would you believe I just lost my entire post to you for the second time? I am on Mr. Magpie's computer, it's LATe, and I keep messing up. LOL!
Yes, I have met some bloggers in real life, and one of them is the recipient of this note. Lol! I'm so glad you all had a chance to meet. I would love some day to meet Donnie and to see you again. Maybe I will host a FL bloggers luncheon some time this spring. I think that would be fun. Maybe we can talk Jeanne into coming down from NC again, too, in addition to the Floridians. :-)
Sending you love. I am traveling yesterday and today, and I waa so tired I fell asleep early, and now it is 3:15, and I'm just now hooking up to wish you a Happy Blue Monday!
Sheila :-)
So glad to know you had a great time. Never mind the photos ^__^
Oh yes, I've met plenty of bloggers here in Sweden by now and they have all become good friends! A fantastic way to get new friends as an adult!
Wow so fun. Have a great blue Monday.
What a great photo! You both look great. I have tried meeting a few bloggers here. It was such a great time.
Happy Blue Monday
that's a nice picture..I'm sure many talks during your lunch time there...happy blue monday Sally...
I imagine that you two had a ball getting to know one another. And you both have the prettiest smiles!
Happy Blue Monday, Sally!
How fun is that-I'd love to meet Donnie too-I follow her blog!
I'm sure it was a lot of fun meeting your blogger friend :) Happy blue Monday!
Happy Blue Monday, dear Sally. It is still very dark here this morning, but I need to head into work early today.
You and Donnie must have had such a wonderful visit. Two very special people sharing a very special time.♥
Great picture and great lunch! Sounds like a good combination...
Oh, I know you two had a blast, meeting and visiting with each other.
How fun that must have been.
Happiest Blue Monday.
xo bj
Hey! I'm a new blog hopper. Thanks for hosting. Looking forward to hopping around today. Happy Monday! :o)
Your lunch sounds fantastic! I have not personally met any of the bloggers but I feel like I know some of my blogger friends very well! It's wonderful to share with like-minded people!
Happy Blue Monday!
Hi Sally!
I've never met Don and Donnie in person, but I feel like I know them. Donnie is very sweet.
We have a group of Ohio bloggers (Buckeye Bloggers) who try to get together from time-to-time.
Have a great day! La
I have met some bloggers for get togethers. It is so much fun!
We will most likely do another Longwood Garden get together in the Spring.
You gals look as if you were having a wonderful time. So pretty, both of you.
My camera batteries died so I doubt I'll link up today but I have a goodie from Peru for next week.
Blessings on your day!
Becky K.
Sally, I wish I could have met with you and Donnie, that would be fun!..love doing the "BLUES", and it's cute the way you and Donnie both had on the "BLUE"!
Have a great week1
How nice! It's nice to see a picture of you girls together, too.
you look very happy together!
:-) the two of u are beautiful hehehe.. Wonderful... Happy blue monday.. Thanks for hosting this meme Ms. Sally
happy blue monday Sally. late post i am glad i am able to post my entry now. cheers!
Yes, I met a bookbloggy friend twice-- once in Missouri and once in Tx. We had fun both times and laughed ourselves silly!
Great photo-- you sorta kinda vaguely resemble Hyacinth Bucket in this one-- she is a character on one of my fave britcoms.
I never met any bloggers in our area if i did i will be happy to have lunch ehhehe. Mine is up also.
Hi Sally, What a neat picture of you and your bloggy friend... I love to meet bloggers... It's always so much fun...
Have a great week.
That's just Fun! There are great friends to be found in Blog Land!
Sally, I think it was wonderful you and Donnie could meet and have lunch. I would love doing that with some of my fellow bloggers. In fact, I would love to have been with you on this outing.
Hi Sally..
what a great treat!!I know you and Donnie had a wonderful time..
Yes, have met up with several bloggers in my area here in Denver as well as back home in Florida. Whenever I go home, I do schedule a date with each.. and oh what fun we have!! several have even become friends with my sis which makes it even nicer!!
All of my blogging buddies have turned out to be anything but axe murderers! just delightfu, down home folks with similar, beliefs, ideals, passions and a zest for life! what a fun way to look forward to each year's vacation!
maybe one of these days I'll end up in your part of the world!!
happy blue Monday!!
warmest hugs.. Loui♥
This is so awesome that you got to meet each other!!! It looks like you had so much FUN!!!
How fun to have met one of your bloggy friends...glad you two had such a good time!
awwwwww...how cool Sally! Glad to know you guys have finally met....:)
have a good one!
How great! I haven't been able to find any bloggers that live close to me. The only one is about 1 hour from here. Love all your blue touches.
Yes, so far I have met three. Two ladies I have had lunch with and one I have met up with twice. It is always amazing how much we have in common.
It is good to see the person in real from whom you just used to know over the NET I guess you had so much fun
What a fun time you must have had! How great that blogging friends can meet face-to-face and spend some quality time getting to know one another. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
~ Lynn at Cottage and Creek
Oh how fun. Thanks for sharing this. I would love to meet some of my blogging friends! Come see me my title today is Varoooom (in Blue of course!)
Have a Blessed Week,
sally nice to see an old friend and reminiscent the past.
Sounds like so much fun! The only blogger I have met in real life is one I knew back in college but hadn't talked to in nearly 30 years, so it was neat to get reacquainted.
You both look great, I bet it was fun to meet! Happy Blue Monday.:)
You two ladies look wonderful! Yes, it is almost like a blind date.
Looks great...it's nice to be here and join your blue Monday for the first time.
Hi Sally, Meeting up with fellow bloggers has turned into such an unexpected blessing! Who thought that when we decided to put into words those little thoughts in our heads that we would be forging new relationships. I like Donnies blog too!
♥, Susan
Oh I know the feeling! I met with some bloggers too (mostly my dog friends) and it was a riot: nonstop eating and talking!
They say today is the bluest Monday of the year... Nothing better than enjoying a good meal with a blogging friend.
That sounds exciting meeting up friends online. What a lovely smile you two have. It shows that you had wonderful time at that day.
Sounds like a lot of fun!
I've never met another blogger -- but I'm just getting my blog restarted so hopefully in the future I will get the opportunity :-)
Thank you for coming to visit me!
You and Donnie are the best blue picture I have ever seen, Sally. How fun!...Christine
Did we get here too late to link? Shucks... :)
Happy blue monday - you two are looking great in blue!
Hi, Sally! :)
Oh. I guess I am too late already. I wasn't able to link my post here. :(
Anyway,have a greet week ahead. :)
Happy Blue Monday Sally
What a sweet Fergie puppy...she looks so comfortable and elegant surrounded with the blues of this Monday. The pottery is lovely...and in keeping with the puppy too.
Hope you are doing well and have a great rest of the day
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