Hello Blue Monday followers and fans! This Blue Monday blog will be brought to you by Smiling Sally's wonderful granddaughter, Jenna. :) I decided to put up a picture of me and my beautiful grandmother before her surgeries. As you can see in the picture Smiling Sally is sporting a stylish blue shirt! My family and I thank all of you for your prayers and comments from the last blog. Your compassion and care for my grandma is highly appreciated and has helped all of us through this hard time. Smiling Sally is doing great! She is breathing on her own now and responding well to us. Please keep her in your prayers, lets hope she heals soon! Thanks for reading.
indeed! :) hope she's getting better now :)
praying for her full recovery soon.
Glad to know that she is doing better. Will be praying for her full recovery.
I hope Sally is fine now.. praying for her full recovery!
pretty ladies I must say. more prayers for her early recovery from me.:-)
Thanks for the good news Jenna, and we'll continue praying for her complete and speedy recovery.
I miss Sally.
Get well soon, Sally!! nice shot, ladies :)
Lovely photo! I wish you will be soon ok! Keep on Smiling :) Sally!
LG Tina
Get well soon Sally...:)
praying for you Sally.. By the way joining BM for the first time.
it's great to hear that she's on her way to recovery...more prayers for you, sweet sally.
Glad to know that Sally's getting better. Thanks, Jenna.
Lovely photo :)
I was "blue" because Sally was having so much difficulty but I'm "pink" now that she is showing some improvement. She is in my prayers and Johnny and you all too.
How wonderful this is. A perfect way to spend the holiday knowing Sally is much improved.
Thank God. And, thank you Jenna for giving us a "Sally" update. She is in the thoughts and prayers of many across blogland. My prayers will continue for all of you.
Please give her our love.♥
Thinking about this lovely smiling soul during this week and praying she returns to her full life soon! She has much more smiling to do!!!
Miss Kathy
Thanks for the update. Your grandmother is a very, very , very special lady!!!!
This is the best news and I am so thankful to know Sally is improving. Prayers are going out to her by many more than you know. Jenna, this photo of you and Sally is darling.
Sally, I have a great feeling of relief today. Blessings and love to you and your family for a happy Fourth of July. This good news of your improved condition is so great to hear.
Love and prayers to you my dear blogging friend,
Sweet photo of you two! Sending love and prayers for dear Sally!
Hi Jenna, thank you for updating us. Always keeping Sally with my prayers. Happy Independence day!
Continuing to pray and expect great things for your grandma! :) Ephesians 3:20
That is good that shes better now, a nice gift for 4th of JULY
Nice to know that she is doing great. She is always in my prayers.
Thanks for that great picture and the update. So glad to know she is doing better, Praise the Lord! Will keep praying.
Glad to hear the news!! Prayers still coming for Sally's recovery! Have a safe and happy 4th.....tell Sally we are thining of her on this red, white and BLUE day!!
Sally, I hope you heal quickly and are home soon.
Oh, thank you so much for telling us this! God is so good and He does answer prayer! Still keeping our dear Sally and her family in my prayers! Tell her to hurry up and get well! We need her spunkiness in Blogland!
Shelia ;)
That's a great news, Send my regards to Ms. Sally. Pray for her total recovery and good health. She is so lucky to have a very supportive grandkids like you
Glad to hear that Sally is doing better. Here's to a full recovery! From the other Sally
We're happy to hear she's fine now. Send our regards to her..:)
Best wishes, and God bless!
Thanks for the good report.
Best wishes, Sally, to you and your loving family! Happy Blue Fourth! :)
What a wonderful, precious picture! You both look so beautiful and happy! I'm so glad to hear she is improving. Will continue to keep her in my prayers! {{hugs}}
Thank you for the update! May God continue to strengthen Sally and heal her...
Again, here are get-well wishes. Now with my blue post:
Blue Monday
So glad about the wonderful news....hoping for a full recovery!
- Our Travels
I'm so glad that she is making progress. I think of her often and look forward to the day she is up to blogging again.
Thank you for keeping us updated Jenna.
I mentioned Sally on my blue monday blog post...she is most definitely in my thoughts and prayers...please tell her we can't wait to see her back here! Happy Independence day.
Yes, we will be praying too...
I've been missing the BLUE MONDAYs Sally...
Thank you so much for the update. I'm still doing Blue Monday as usual, and am asking for others who read my blog to pray for your Grandma. She is such a special person, and I love the picture of the two of you.
God bless,
Kathy M.
Thanks for the update. I actually dreamed that she was doing Blue Monday today. Sorry to see that didn't happen but I am so happy to know she is breathing on her own.
I haven't participated in Blue Monday in a while - checking in on this Monday - I am sending my prayers and healing wishes for you Sally.
You are loved.
I hope Sally heals quickly. I have not stopped praying since she reminded us of the surgery weeks ago! Please have a good 4th of July Love and Hugs to your family
So glad to hear she is doing better and I will continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy 4th to you all!
Jenna... thanks so much for bringing us up to date on how Sally is doing... Give her our love and tell her she's in our prayers.
July 4th Blessings. Dixie
Praying things are going better every day and she'll be back and sharing her love of blue with all of us soon. You are wonderful granddaughters to keep things going for her.
I am praying for her fast recovery.
Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus! I'm so glad she is doing so much better. Praying for God's healing touch ~ I love that pretty picture. Thanks so much for the update. Give Sally my love and a hug.
Thanks so much for the update, Jenna. There are still many prayers coming her way!
Hooray! Awesome good news! Continuing to pray. :) And what a sweet picture of you and your grandmother - full of your special family memories. Thanks for sharing that as well. :)
Wonderful news. Thank you Jenna. Sally is special to so many of us in blogland.
Thank you for keeping us updated. We are all praying!
GREAT to hear she is getting better!!!
Came over here from Jeanne's blog. I am happy to hear Sally , your grandma is doing better.
We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
So glad to hear she's doing GREAT
bless all granddaughters in the world that love their grannies this much
Jenna, I stopped by tonight hoping there might be an update on your grandmother. So glad to see there is -- and that she's improving! Continuing to pray...
That's good news dear. we are looking forward for her fast recovery.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful news.
I'm so sorry to hear that your grandmother has been sick...I will pray for a speedy recover and hope she will be well soon!!
Praying for Sally. I am glad to know that she is breathing on her own and responding to you. That's very good news!!
Susan and Bentley
So so glad Sally is improving.
Please give her my love all the way from Canada
Love Claudie
Glad to hear this. I was praying she would get off the ventilator. send my well wishes to her;)
Oh dear Jenna, I haven't participated in Blue Monday for awhile. I didn't realize your grandmother was in hospital. I will certainly say a prayer for her and I'm so happy to hear she is now able to breathe on her own. Blessings and hugs. xx
So glad to hear she is responding and breathing on her own. I continue to pray for her complete recovery.
And, you are right...she is BEAUTIFUL...and so are you! :)
praise god, it's nice to hear that Jena. Hope for her speedy recovery. Get well soon Sally
I haven't participated in Blue Monday for a while. Sally,I had no idea you were having problems.I'm glad to hear you are breathing on your own and on your way to recovery.
Sending prayers your way,
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