Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Blind Leading the Blind

This saying is actually from the Bible (Luke 6:39) where Jesus is teaching that we cannot judge other's actions because we are unable to see their motives. I must continue applying this lesson. Is it just me or do you have trouble with this too?

Two Reminders:
1. Today is the final day for my BOOK GIVEAWAY: Shoot the Moon by Billie Letts on my other blog Book Critiques. I shut it off at 7 PM EST. If you have not yet thrown your name in the hat, hurry up!

2. Tomorrow is Blue Monday. I'll post a little after midnight so that early birds can more easily link in.


Dawn said...

I think people get caught up in being judgmental too easily. I know that sometimes when I find myself acting that way I have to stop and think that maybe there are reasons. It's a HARD lesson to learn sometimes.

take care,

Unknown said...

Yes, I do too!
Thanks for the comment. the cookie ended up not tasting so good. I ended up tossing it.

Jeanne said...

Sally, good thought. It is human nature to judge. Not a good trait. We have to walk in someones shoes before we can understand them.

I am checking my Trust poem. So far it seems ok. Bill checked his desk top and it was ok. I asked Beverly to check it and she will call me back.
A puzzlement! smile.


ellen b. said...

Ha! Great comic! Yep I have a problem in this area :0) Better to concentrate elsewhere for sure like my own heart and mind...
Have a lovely Sunday Sally and see you tomorrow with some Blue!

Coloradolady said...

Very good reminder....I guess I needed that this morning....after all the judgement I passed yesterday on the state fair experience! HaHa. See you tomorrow.....psst. I remember.

Grandma Faith said...

I like the cartoon. It's a good way to make an important point. It's hard to accept that my opinion about somethings just might not be right. I pray God will help me withhold my judgements till I get all the facts. (Reminds me of the presidential debate.)

Baba said...

Good morning Sally, It seems like human nature to judge other people before we get to know them..This is an area that we all need help in.. I am going to post something today that pertains to your post..come over later to visit..hugs, Baba

nikkicrumpet said...

Cute cartoon. I swear I use that phrase constantly!

Marie said...

Hi there, I am from Miam, went to school in North Miami and graduated in 1961 and left in 63 to move to Merritt Island with my hubby. My dad moved to Pembroke Pines and lived there till he finnally oved up here and was with me for one and a half years before he passed. I was so lucky tohave him with me.Take care and hope ot hear from you. Blessings and Hugs, Marie

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

I have a problem with that too I'm sorry to say.
Ihope to see you tomorrow on blue monday dear.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Funny cartoon! :)
Judging is hard for me too. I hate being judged, so that is a good reminder to pratice the golden rule. :)
Oh, and love the cows from the post below! :)

Stacey said...

Oh man oh man oh man... boy do I ever fall into this trap! Thank you for the reminders. Great post! :-) Stacey

Anonymous said...

I thought that phrase meant something quite different. Oops, lol. It is a good lesson. =)

Cottage Rose said...

I love the cartoon. I try so hard not to judge others, lest I be judge.
It is hard but I keep reminding myself of his words.

Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

I think we have all had a problem with that at one time or another. Thank you for that reminder. I hope your day is going well. I will stop by and see you tomorrow for Blue Monday :>) (God willing)

Confuzzled Shannon said...

My husband was just talking about something similar about seeing or thinking of others motives like ours they are always changing so you never really know what they are thinking even if it is after they do something they could feel ashamed for. He says it better but it made sense to me.

Life on the Edge said...

ROFL, that post is great! Hilarious! And so true unfortunately.

Forgot to say that my Blue post will be up at 6:00 a.m.


Susan Hickam said...

Hi Sally. Love the cartoon. I think the way you explained what it means is quite good. I think everybody does this sometimes. I do think animals probably get a kick out of what to them must be our strange antics.