Monday, September 8, 2008

Blue Monday - Window To My World

There are many things to cover today. Thursday I hit post number 100. Keeping with the custom of Blogland, I have a giveaway. Check it out.

Without my asking, just because she could, Elizabeth worked on my Blue Monday button and improved it by making a border, labeling it Blue Monday, and listing my site. You see the new, improved button here! This is what I love about Blogging Buddies; everyone is so kindhearted!

On to the business at hand. It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue.

2. Drag the Blue Monday button from here, and place it on your blog.

3. Return here and leave your name (first or code name) and your URL (blog address).

4. Visit other Blue Monday participants by clicking on their links.

In addition to my 100th post, and Blue Monday, Cielo at The House in the Roses is the host of Enchanting Windows Party. Visit her blog to see other windows.

She's a lady who used to live happily-ever-after in South Florida, and then through some Horrible Happening she moved! (gasp!) It MUST have been a Horrible Happening as no one would ever leave South Florida otherwise!

Now, on to my Blue Monday window. (Did you notice that I worked hard to combine all of this?)

This is the window in my office. When I want to enjoy my world while I blog, this is my view. The window has a film on it to protect against UV rays. The walls are papered with an muted blue Italian design, along with a complementary border. Yep, I'm so old fashioned, I have wallpaper with a border that I think looks nice!

I made the valance; it was my first effort. I have dark blue mini blinds for privacy. Some would think it plain, and they would scurry to decorate it with drapery, curtains, and a table with pretties placed on top just so. But I think that God decorated my window much better than I ever could.

What do you see from the window closest to where you blog?

Blue Monday Participants
1. Claudie
2. kathy
3. bj
4. Judi
5. Faith
6. Llyn M
7. Lana G! - Week 2
8. ellen b
9. Melissa\'s Cozy Teacup
10. Baba\'s log
11. Shelia
12. charli and me
13. Elizabeth-EO
14. Jeanne
15. Angel
16. Kay
17. Robyn
18. Theresa

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

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bj said...

I like your blue window and that wallpaper is pretty, too.
hope your day is a good one!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Whata pretty room Sally, I like it!
Glad you commented to me. I had forgotten about Blue Monday. I went in and edited the kitchen pic and said it could be my contribution to Blue Monday also.
Have a blessed day Sally !

Anonymous said...

Sally I love your new button. I already added it to my site. Your window is beautiful and I really like your wallpaper. It is so pretty and calming. I can just imagine you in your office sitting at your desk looking out of your window.Thank you for sharing.

Grandma Faith said...

Thanks for coming to my blog for a visit. If I could turn back time, one of the things I would do is visit the first US Cow Parade in Chicago. Alas, I cannot, so I'm going to visit Chicago in November. Your window is very serene; your office inviting. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday.

Lori Lynn said...

Love the new button. Changing it on my blog now!

Grandma Faith said...

OOPS, I just messed up. I guess you entered me in Blue Monday because I asked you to yesterday. I was so excited this morning I entered again without checking the list. Please forgive me. I'll be more careful from now on.

Unknown said...

Great job combining the blue and the window! I"ll have my post up later today!

Susan Hickam said...

Sally- I didn't put my name in this week because i could not post this morning- it must have carried over from last week! said...

Oh.....I love blue! I'll participate next Monday if that's okay! Today's Window Party is enough partying for me for today!!!!


ellen b. said...

Hi Sally,
I'm joining in today. Love the button. I can see why you chose blue for the theme. You love blue too. Thanks for hosting this fun challenge.

Decor To Adore said...

I love blue! I have a wonderful blue bedroom.

Congrats on your 100th post!

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Congratulations on your 100 post!

Jeanne said...

Sally, I'm glad you were able to combine your blue with your window. I love your valence. good job. I also think the wallpaper is very attractive with the border. I am not convinced the decorators are right about no wallpaper. It has it's place, like your office. Very pretty.

Thanks for the update on Velda.

Hugs, Jeanne

Virginia said...

What a great job you did on your window balance, it looks very pretty. But I agree with you, there is nothing like God, His love decorates our life.
Blessings, Virginia

Anonymous said...

Morning, Sweet Smiling One! Oh, I never thought about the blue in my dishes. I'll join you and go change my title to Tea Party / Blue Monday and will tell about my blueness! Thanks for popping in.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Bridget said...

Happy Blue Monday...sounds like a contradiction in terms doesn't it? lol I forgot to get my blue ready for today. I hope to do this next week (if I can remember in time!)

p.s. I am working on a special posting about my bloggy friends. If you'd be willing to be part of it, please send me your profile pic in a larger format (or any pic of your face. My email is on my profile page!

Killlashandra said...

Pretty blue room. :) I wish my office looked half as nice as that. And oh if only I had a window to look from when I blog.

Sorry, no color pictures of those shots from the BSM post. W.W. ran around taking all those b/w ones as I left the setting on my camera at b/w.

Baba said...

Hi Sally, Blue is my favorite color.I love the blue logo made for you.. Mine is ready to view... have fun... Hugs, Baba

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! I think I did it. Now I can become a part of your Blue Monday! Yay!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Dawn said...

I think your window is very lovely! I like the wallpaper too! Out of my window (where I blog) I can see the two red maples out in the front yard. They were gifts from freinds when we bought our house! I like seeing how they have grown.

Happy Blue Monday!

take care,

nikkicrumpet said...

very smart to combine two posts in one! And what a pretty view you have!

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
Wish my computer faced a window....there's not enough room unless I make some major changes or get a laptop...hey that's an idea!

Your window is very pretty!

CIELO said...

Dearest Sally.... what a beautiful window, and gorgeous view... and you combined our party with Blue Monday so well! My sincere THANKS for participating. I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.



Beverly said...

Great job combining to wonderful blogging events. Very clever.

I think you did a great job with your valance. I can't sew at all.

Life on the Edge said...

Blue Monday is such a great idea! I was thinking of doing it myself because I love Pink Saturdays, but blue is my favorite color. Glad you did first because you get to organize it! lol

I was going to participate but just didn't get things around in time. Will definitely do it next week!


Anonymous said...

Sally,you are too fast for me1 I tried to schedule the post for tomorrow morning.oops.
For Blue Monday-Yikes,there is nothing in this house that is blue,other than a closet full of my dear Harvey's dress shirts. He is in bed now or I would go snap away and post them.maybe next time.
Yes I do use ritz

Anonymous said...

What do I see when I blog...out my window? My Harvey's poor orange tree that he hopes one day will produce just 1 orange.It makes him so Blue. Does this count as a Blue Monday?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally
I like what you did with your window and the window treatment. It is a lovely look so clean and goes really well with your wallpaper too. I love the view of the palm trees outside your window. Wow I'd love a view like that. What do I see from a window closest to where I blog? my on it right now and snow in a few months....
Thank you for sharing your new blue window look on Blue Monday.
Hope you had a great day.
p.s. you're right.. I can put other blue things on my blog on Blue Monday if I can't find much in my place.

imjacobsmom said...

Sorry I got such a late start today! ~ Robyn

Mindy said...

I love the new button. Aren't blog friends awesome?

I've passed along a blog award to you. You can just stop by my site to pick it up. :)

Cathy said...

Hi, Sally, I love your office and the view from the window. And I love blue and enjoyed all the blue things.

Lana G! said...

Nice work on that vallance! Have a wonderful blue Monday!

Connie said...

Beautiful, honey, especially with all the blue!