Most people around the age of forty, need help reading, and they get "cheaters" or glasses or they get books with large print. I have an astigmatism in my eyes. I don't see things at a distance as sharply as others do. The doctors have told me that it cannot be corrected, but I don't mind. You don't miss what you never had. I see well enough to watch movies in a theater, to follow a football game from a stadium seat, and to pass a driving test.
The good news is I don't need reading glasses. The astigmatism works for me when I read. Hey, I can even read the yellow pages!
What about you?
Do you rely on large print Bibles and books, or do you use cheaters?
Or are you fortunate like me?

Don't miss the BOOK GIVEAWAY on my other blog Book Critiques.
You are up early today Sally. I was like you for years. Lately I have been wearing my glasses to read, use the computer and to watch movies. sigh. I do not wear them on a regular basis. However, I am much older than you. October will be my 69th birthday. sigh. Getting old is not for sissies. smile. I am going to try to go to church today.
Hugs, Sally
I have worn glasses since I was 12 (I'm 47 now) and within the last few months I've noticed I need to take them off to read close up! I have an appointment coming up and I know I am going to need bifocals. To me that is a sure sign I'm getting older.
take care,
Hi Sally...Cute cartoon...I think I see just fine without glasses, but I do put on cheaters to read...and if I forget to take them off, wow...do I ever find the crumbs, cobwebs & dust bunnies...so
I think I'll just leave them off EXCEPT to read. ;-) Bo
I've never had my eyes checked, I'm thinking I should because I'm turning 40 in a few days!
I'm 38 and my vision is still perfect! I'm sure it won't last forever though!
Justine :o )
I've worn bifocals forever, but the top part is just clear glass as I can see distances just fine. I just hated putting my glasses on and off when I wanted to read something. There is a solution for everything. Sally
I have the light weight ones. I really don't mind. The only thing is when I am painting a mural and I get sweaty they slip down. But that is what your finger is for!. Heee Kathy
You are lucky. Its good to a have something like that work for you for a change isn't it?
I have worn glasses for distance since I was 17. My eye sight has pretty much remained the same from that point on so at least they are not getting worse.
I just got progressive glasses a couple of years ago because I would have to take my glasses off to read close. Without them on I can read everything even small very well but the distance prescription was not working with closeup. It has really helped me now so I'm alright.
I hope you've had a great weekend Sally. It is just about starting to look like fall around here...I saw a little hint of some colouring of leaves this weekend.
Oh Sally, My eyes have deteriorated "before my eyes". Just this past month I resorted to "cheaters" after 6 years of laser surgery. Maybe it's my new addiction to blogging that is the cause. ~ Robyn
Hello Sally, I visited you on Pink Saturday and I think I am going to join you for Blue Monday tomorrow!
I have had glasses since I was in school. As soon as I could, I got contact lenses and have worn them for years! I now have one contact that sees far and one that sees near and that takes care of my reading and seeing far problem! Even though I am in my late 50s, I told the doctor, I am not going to wear glasses again! We will see how long that will last!
Love, Ann
Homecoming went well. :) Both kids were home on time with 5 minute to spare before curfew. Other than some freshman writing graduation dates in red soap all over my husband's toyota that our son drove to the dance in with his date, nothing terrible happened.
As for my eyes, I've suffered myopia occasionally from spending way too much time in front of a computer monitor. But so far it just comes and goes.
Hi Sally -- I'm glad to hear your eyes are eyes are still working fine. I wear cheapie magnifiers for reading, the computer and stitching, and I have prescription glasses for driving. Maybe it's because of the popularity of Ray-Bans in the 80's but I've always liked wearing glasses and seeing them on other people.
Hi Sally, I wanted to thank you for stopping by Pollywog Creek recently and commenting so kindly on my photography.
As for my vision - it is not good - which is one of the reasons I love photography. It helps me focus on what I ordinarily cannot see. I wear monovision contacts - reading out of my left eye and focusing on distance out of my right eye, which means I have lost a bit of focus in the middle, but even with contacts, my distance vision is not good.
Fall in South Florida! I think I detected a little hint of it yesterday morning for about 5 minutes! =) I can't wait for cooler weather. I'm a Florida native, but I've never adjusted to the heat and humidity.
May your days ahead be blessed!
I've worn glasses since I was a kid. I now have tri-focals and they the best glasses I have ever had. I asked the doctor one time if my eyes would ever stop getting worse. He said, "Only when you're dead." Oh, Well! Thanks for visiting my blog. Take care.
Hi Sally, I have been wearing tri-focals for 5 years now..I hate wearing glasses, they get in my way.I have tried contacts, but it is not very clear for up close reading..I wish I could afford to have corrective eye surgery..You are lucky to have good vision with little help..See you on Monday...
Hugs, Baba
I do use those little Wal-Mart reading glasses when reading, and a magnifier in addition when doing cross stitch.
I want to get my eyes checked -- I probably do need at least bifocals -- but I don't know who to go to. It is a long story, but I went to two different eye drs. a few years ago for sudden double vision, and they told me completely different things based on my eye exam at the moment when I tried to tell them that this was different from normal. It went away after a couple of days. But I don't want to go back to either of them and am not sure who else to go to. I need to ask around for recommendations.
I have worn glasses for reading since I was 12, and moved up to full-time eyewear before college. In the last year my eyesight has actually improved, even after turning 40 and all my cancer treatments! Now I don't wear glasses for reading, crafting, or computer work, just driving, TV, and movies. Interesting!
I'm profoundly nearsighted - have been since diagnosed at the age of 8. I wore the most amazing thick-lensed glasses until I was about 12, then I got contact lenses.
At about 50 years, I started having problems focusing on things close-up - my eye doctor tried something where he'd correct one eye for distance and the other for close, and I was supposed to switch focus....it didn't work! so now I'm corrected for distance, and I use 2.00 reading glasses for close. The kind of glasses you buy in the drugstore or carwash.
Hey - it works for me!
I have astigmatism and I need readers. Forty stinks!
Cheaters Sal... I use cheaters. And I am having to wear my cheaters more and more (cooking, computer use, etc)
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