1. Caeli's birthday, lower humidity, and my favorite TV programs are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October.
2. Sometimes I I cannot believe that I'm any older than 35. Where did the time go?.
3. I'm still learning and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"!
4. When I'm down, I I count my blessings, and soon I'm up again!
5. Sitting in front of the computer is where you'll find me most often.
6. A rainy day is good for reading a book and growing green grass.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening, tomorrow my plans include going to church, and Sunday, I want to read the newspaper and cut out coupons!
Check out the BOOK GIVEAWAY on my other blog Book Critiques.

I cannot believe you ate my cookies...and I was sooooo hungry! Look at me I'm actually feeble from cookie hunger...ok I don't look feeble with all this chub but trust me....I'm STARVING lol. Have a terrific day!!!
Our answers to #5 were pretty much the same. We really need to get out more!
hahahaaa...I LOVED your no. 6..when most would say a rainy day is good for reading, cooking, sleeping, eating..."growing green grass" is PRICELESS. I tell you, girlfriend, I love your personality!!
growing grass! my hubby reseeded the yard over the summer and he LOVES it when it rains. Just makes our yard that much greener.
Thanks for stopping by
I think we will both be 35 forever! It's a good place to be don't you think?
Thumbs up on #5! :-)
Glad to see someone else say they enjoy tv. When we are no longer learning is the day we die. We do have a lot in common and I will be back. Hope you come back again for a visit.
I agree with you, where does the time go?
Enjoy your weekend!
LOL! My BLOG title doesn't read "by design" -- I "officially" named it . so that it wouldn't show up over my home made title! *g*
Sometimes I wonder how I got to be 51 too... Sometimes I feel like I'm 16! (other times I feel like I'm 90...)
Thanks for stopping in! Have a great weekend!
The time certainly does fly by doesn't it! I need it to slow down! Thank you for visiting my new blog and saying hello :-)
Nice post today, time flies because we are always in such a hurry, my kids think i'ms 29! Just in case a nosy neighbor asks them!
Hi Sally, we are having a light rainy day with some cooler temps...I am loving it.I need to learn from you ... when I am down to count my blessings and stay away from the cookies.. If I didn't buy and place them in my house, I would not be tempted to eat them.
Have a good week-end and thanks for your visit to my place..
Hugs, Baba
Sal, I chuckled out loud over your comments on my blog about going gray! :)
And I TOTALLY identify with your number 2 fill-in...
Thank you for visiting my blog. I agree with #5 and with reading!
Oh I wish I had a laptop so I could sit outside on the computer!!
Happy Friday!
I wish I was better at cliping out coupons!!! I have tried several times but always forget to use them!! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love to read too, so I am going to enjoy your other blog! Happy friday!
Hi Sally,
I especially liked your answer for number two. Isn't it the truth! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I answered your question about the corn maze on my Friday Fill In post under comments.
Oh, Sally, your comment on my post today cracked me up. Funny indeed. Your comments always bring a smile. Hope you have a good weekend...and I will join you on Monday...Promise.
Counting our blessings is always wise! I like that you're a big reader, and were once a teacher, too!
Hi Smilingsall
Lower humidity.....I wish it gets 100% here.
Where did the years go???......I know what you are speaking of
Hope you have a nice week-end
Thanks for commenting on my empty nest--and you are right, my husband is doing a lot better than I am at this point! :-) I loved your #4 answer: SO important to count our blessings!
i am soooo with you on #2! and we had the same answer for #5. thanks for stopping by. have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend. :-)
I loved all your answers but the answer to #2 was right. As my best friend says, "Where did the time go when I wasn't watching."
Hello Sally, This is my second attempt at commenting today. I couldn't get to post??? anyway I laughed at your green grass answer, How very true. I still love to read a good book on a rainy day.
Time flies indeed but what is important is we were happy in the days in between then and now.
Great answers! Have a great weekend!
I so like your #4. Reminds me that that should always be done when things get rough...
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