In the church I attend, people are welcome to come in whatever attire makes them comfortable. Although most ladies wear slacks, some ladies wear skirts or dresses; you won't find any men in suits and ties! I have seen young men in sideways caps, and in the South Florida church I previously attended, I often saw shorts.
The theory is that people will then be free to come and not worry about what to wear. How is it in your church?
Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

Good mornin Sally, it is the same at our Church, you come as you like...most all men wears slacks and shirt, no suits...every now and then a gentleman may wear a suit, but we are very casual dress here. Ladies mostly wear slacks and nice shirts some may wear a skirt or dress. Weds. nights or Sunday night it's jeans for all even shorts for the kids in the summer.
I feel you go to Church to worship, not have a dressing contest.....
Happy Sunday to you.
Hi Sally
Over the years dress in church has changed hasnt it....I think its not what you wear that should be questioned.
hope you are feeling good and having a nice day.
I haven't seen anyone show up wearing pajama yet. But, since the pastor wears jeans, I expect pajamas any day now. All are welcome. The church is one of the biggest in the country. Come as you are.
Cute comic Sally :) I much prefer a church that is come as you are. Happy Sunday ♥
I like a church where you can come as you are. I do think it is best to dress modestly however. The ever popular low-cut tops and too short shorts can be a stumbling block to the guys! I'm so glad that God looks not on the outward appearance but at the heart! Hope you're well and have a Happy Sunday, Sally.
The dress code is the same at my church. You are free to wear whatever you have. We are not judged by what we wear, but how we live. We have some older ladies that still wear hats. Regardless, there has never been anyone wearing something not in good taste. Blessings being sent your way.
At our church some really dress up but we have some people that wear jeans and flip flops:) I'm so glad that Jesus looks at our hearts and not our designer labels.
In my "growing up" years, our church scene reflected dresses, suits/ties. For a period, my father even insisted that mom and I wear hats.
I'm so encouraged that more church families have relaxed their dress codes. Still, I feel better about grooming more carefully than I might, say, running to Safeway!
Hope you're feeling much better!
That would make a great "couple" Halloween costume.
I was just remarking to my husband last night about how people come to church. I hate seeing people show up in jeans, tank tops, shorts, etc. I just think that they could show a little more respect for where they are. Just my feeling!!!!
It is a truly mixed bag...
Each one leaning towards his or her style...
Come as you are is how it should be at all churches. It is not about what you wear, it is about Who you love and worship.
Same for us, Sally... I grew up having to dress up --and we NEVER went to church unless we were properly dressed!!!!! (Know what I mean?)
Today--it's amazing to me to see people looking so sloppy going to church. BUT--if that is the only way to get them there, I guess it's okay. But--I'm still 'old-school' in many ways.
The group I hate to see dressed so sloppily are the teens --and it almost seems like disrespect at times. Oh Well---tis life.
How are you feeling?
About the same at our church. Casual.
This is funny.
It is pretty casual at our church, and I am used to it for the most part. But, I still have trouble with them bringing their coffee into the service. Hope you are feeling better. Sally
What a cute cartoon. People at our church come in everything from beautiful designer looking outfits to jeans and lots of shorts in the summertime. We do have some men who wear suits and ties in the winter but by far the most do not. I think my hubby is enjoying not wearing a suit and tie every Sunday as he did for so many many years. Next Saturday we're going to a wedding and he will be dragging out one of his suits and picking out a tie again.
Hope you're having a great day.
Hey Sally.... It is the same at the Church we went too back home... as long as they were clean, no holes in revealing areas,and covered up areas lol the Pastor was more worried about the inside more then the our side.... love the comic..... you find the most funnest ones..... have a great week,
I wasn't sure if you went back to posts after you'd already read them once so I thought I would come by and tell you what I said in my comments :) I have no control over the advertising...it's just a video off of YouTube..not one of mine :) You can click the 'x' on it and minimize the ad though...that's what I always do. I hope you're having a nice day :)
I would say that the sky is the limit with what you see people wearing at our church. Many of the "old timers" still dress up with ladies in Sunday dresses and the men in suits. Most everyone else wears just about anything.
Same here, anything goes. In one way it is good, but I think I like it the old ways. It seemed like respect.
I agree that a more casual dress has taken place when it comes to church. I remember as a kid, I always wore a dress, hat, and gloves. Personally, I don't think jeans are appropriate. Its a little too casual. Nice shorts in hot weather are certainly appropriate. Everyone has their own opinion, however! Cute cartoon.
I think it is awesome that God accepts us as we are!
I belong to a home church so we wear what is comfortable. I was always taught, growing up, that you should wear your very best clothes for the Lord on Sunday. So so many things I was taught have been tossed along the wayside, however.
Like a man's word!! What ever happened to THAT ? and...service in a store.? Good grief, we USED to have people wait on us and treat us so nice. Now....well..you know.
See you in the morning for BM.
xo bj
I am with NeedledMom on this one! Would you meet the president like that? Probably Not, we should show our Lord and Saviour a lil more respect by dressing appropriatly and respectfully! just sayin'
Have you heard the story of this man that comes to a Church in some old cloths because he didn't have much money. The preacher told him to ask Jesus what he would think about him wearing what he had on to this Church. So the next week the man came back in the same clothes and the preacher came up to him and said I guess you didn't talk to Jesus, and the man said I did but he said he has never been in this Church before.
How are you doing, Sally? Did you get the biopsy recults yet? I hope and pray that they are favorable...Christine
Church is on my list. Good to hear about church attending. It soothes me. Thanks.
The dress code is the same at my church. You are free to wear whatever you have
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