We must pray for our young ones to follow Christ. It is not healthy--nor is it a stage they're going through--to sin. And, here's the "OUCH," Isaiah 53:6 says:
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

Nice p0st
Very good one, Sally. Modern TV and magazines seem to convey that it is normal and expected for teens to rebel, but I can testify, with my third teen in the house now, that that is not true. Teens yielded to God are an awesome force for Him.
And that passage in Isaiah is one of my favorites.
Thank you for another spiritual thought we should all adhere to. So glad you are home and trust you are doing well.
Great post, sad that so many people say, no big deal, just part of growing up, when a child goes a stray. It is a big deal. Mainly because we are not promised tomorrow and their souls are in mortal danger of being lost for ever.
How true Sally... Great funny today! Have a blessed Sunday
It's serious business when our young people go their own way! All we can do is love them, be there for them, and pray for them. Hopefully, they will have their eyes opened and realize their mistake. But in the meantime we need to set the example for them, without criticizing. Have a great week, Sally.
Amen! Amen! We must not forget the youth in our prayers and our ministry work.
Very true. Happy Sunday Sally
This is so beautiful, I really appreciate it. I have three college age kids at home as well as a high schooler. Need I say more?
My late mamma use to say "Life is hard, pray harder!"
Beautifully written post. I'm grateful my children hasn't strayed from the Lord.
Thank you for sharing this with all of us. God bless!
We all sin and we all stray at one time or another. I thank my parents for giving me the 'upbringing' that kept me on the straight and narrow!!!! I hope that my three sons can say the same thing about me.. I am proud of my sons--and think they are really great guys...
Hope you are feeling well.
Cute cartoon - serious message. Thanks for sharing. I always like sheep.
Excellent Scripture selection. Serious stuff here. But I can't stop laughing at that cartoon. LOL
Sure hope you are feeling ok, Sally..Praying for you, dear sister friend..
See you in the morning for BM...
xo bj
I like this 1. I pray for both my boys and their schools with a group of moms and still am perplexed at the iniquity that is found in my oldest. He and I butt heads constantly because he is so strong willed and wants to go his own way. It sure keeps me talking to the Lord of us all.
Even though my grandchildren are 6 and under I pray that they always have the Lord in their life. That their future spouse loves the Lord just as much as they do.
Thank-you Sally for this today.
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