Born to parents who died shortly after her birth, twenty-year-old genius Sarah Sims has been hidden in a secure CIA facility where she works to help her handlers achieve their goals. Yet her days of anonymity are limited because her aunt has discovered her existence and is determined to lead Sarah out of exile. But before she can leave the only world she’s ever known, Sarah needs what most people take for granted . . . a functioning face and the skills to use it. Will she remain in her secluded fortress or summon the courage to follow her heart?,

A baby is born with such severe facial deformities that several operations must be preformed in order for the child to breathe, eat, hear, and speak. Twenty years later, her aunt, a psychologist, stumbles across the evidence of the child's existence, and begins a determined quest to find and love her niece, no matter her niece's appearance. But without an acceptable face, the young lady has never been in public; she's never learned to experience emotions.
Hunt's talented writing pulls the reader into this tender thriller with realistic characters and believable dialogue. She teaches me something new with each one of her novels. At the core of this novel, the reader considers the importance of life, love, and pain.
This is one of those hard-to-put-down books. John Grisham, move over!
The Face is scheduled to be released in November. You can order a copy now for an unbelievable price.
Oh, that does sound so good. It also sounds like something I'd pick up and neglect all of my motherly duties for the day, until I finished it. Maybe I should stay away from it for now?
Thanks for your comment. My children also go to be between 7-8. I've been guilty of letting them watch too much t.v., but we do try to be careful about what they watch. Even certain preschool shows are off limits.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. You have a delightful blog from what I've read so far.
Happy Anniversary a little late. 50 years, you don't see that very often now a days.
I read Daily Bread for my daily devotions - it sounds just like Open Windows what you read.
The Face sounds really good.
I'll have to put that one on my list.
Sounds like a good one. Angela Hunt is great. Thanks for stopping by 2nd Cup today and leaving a comment, bless your heart! BTW, I was supposed to be a high school English teacher, but life got in the way. I admire high school teachers.
This sounds like a really intriguing (and possibly emotionally devastating) book. I'll have to look for a copy.
By the way, thanks for the congrats. I was just in the process of leaving a message for you that I've nominated you for the award, too! Had to check first because I thought you probably had already been nominated. But please feel free not to "play" if you don't want to.
Wasn't that book awesome, Sally? I'm glad you were able to get a copy. I couldn't put it down!
Thank you, Sally, for the kind review! I'm so glad you enjoyed The Face. You're one of my favorite reviewers! :-)
I've never heard of Angela Hunt, so I'll have to put this one on my TBR. You make it sound great!
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