Monday, January 5, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue & White Jar

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another
Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit. For those who just can't wait, Mr. Linky will be up after midnight!

Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
I appreciate it when you take the time to leave a comment for me.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue participants. (That's why the Permalink is so important.)

Today, I want to share my new blue and white jar. I bought it at Ross a few weeks ago just because it's pretty. I've always loved blue and white.

The top comes off. I have no idea what to do with it or even what it's called.

Can anyone tell me?

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. ellen b
3. Sweetie
4. Gloria
5. kathy b
6. Robyn
7. Elizabeth
8. The Muse
9. Rechelle
10. Jeanne
11. sue-cottage
12. Kim
13. Natural Moments
14. Linnea
15. Dawn
16. Lorrie
17. White Iris Designs
18. Mojo, NC, USA
19. bj
20. Gemma
21. Carlotta
22. Melissa
23. Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer
24. Dixie in French Lique
25. Helen
26. Diane
27. Barbara H.
28. Charlotte
29. JLS Hall
30. Cheryl
31. Darlene
32. Sherrie
33. Sheila
34. Jane
35. jsprik
36. Lisa
37. Baba
38. Linda
39. amanda
40. charli and me
41. Mamapippa - Belgium
42. Heidi Pocketbook
43. Carola Nativity Gallery

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

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Anonymous said...

I love it! Don't what it's called but it sure is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

hmm, It's really pretty but couldn't tell you it's official use :0)
Happy blue to you Sally!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Happy BLUE Monday to you Sally...I am up and running thanks the little it for tea?? Hugs and smiles Gloria

Sweetie said...

Sally, I have no idea what your lovely piece is called either but it would look nice with a teapot that I have in almost the same pattern. Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

I was just at Ross and they do have some lovely blue and white pieces. I have no idea what yours is for other than just to look really pretty where ever you put it.

Kathy b

imjacobsmom said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally! I wondering if your little jar was meant for tea? Who cares though, it's just pretty! You could use it for a variety of things....

Unknown said...

At first I thought it was a biscuit jar, until you took the top off. Now I think it's either a replica ginger jar or oil jar.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Hey Sally. Happy Blue Monday!
It looks like a ginger jar to me.
Whatever it's "official" use, it's just plain pretty!
Enjoy your day!

The Muse said...

ginger jar? tea? spices? lol i'd buy it for the looks :)

artis1111 said...

Sometimes it dosen't matter what it is fore you just have to have it!. Lovely..Kathy

Kim said...

I have no idea what it is either--but I do know it is pretty! I find lots of great stuff at Ross--looks like you do too....

Anonymous said...

The design and motif may make it useful for tea? I am sure their are many joys to it.

Neabear said...

Happy Blue Monday to you! I think your jar is very pretty. Not sure of its use. But like others said, ginger, oil, spices are possiblities.

Dawn said...

I don't know what it is called, but it's very pretty!! I think I would just look at it and admire it :)

take care,

Lorrie said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally, very pretty jar. I just love Ross's, so many great finds there.

I forgot to do a Permalink the first time, could you remove my first link up at #16? Thanks!

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Hi Sally, the jug is pretty, but I dont quite know what to do with it either!lol!

Happy Blue Monday!

Mojo said...

My dad would have probably said its purpose was "to make you ask questions". Which, if you think about it, is not a bad purpose to have.

I couldn't begin to guess if it has a specialized purpose, but if you like it does it really have to?

Gemma Wiseman said...

That jar has such a pretty shape and design! No idea if it is meant for a specific purpose, but it could be so useful for anything small.

Carlotta said...

Love the blue jar. Have no idea what it would be for though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally, Love your pretty jar. Maybe it is a ginger jar all pretty in blue and white.

Have a happy day.


Missy Wertz said...

It is very pretty. If it is small, I would say it looks like an ink well. I it is a little larger, something to store things in. It would look pretty as is or with some dried or fresh flowers and the lid sitting to the side.

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Don't you just love Ross? (I need to go by and see what they have new). Not sure what it is...but I could easily find a place for it in my home!

Anonymous said...

No matter the intended is very pleasing to the eye..very nice!

Nanna said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally, I thought I'd give this blue stuff a try lol, it' always nice to hear fromm you, great psost todday!

Dixie said...

Mornin' Sally.. I couldn't resist joining in on your Blue Monday for the first time. Happy New Year!

Your little jar is a replica of a Chinese apothocary jar... all the rage back in the 1970's... I don't know why I know this stuff.. but I do... ;) My hubby says it's because I'm a closet Jeopardy contestant!

wishing you a toasty warm Blue Monday!

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
Love your new blue and white jar! We have a Ross here, and they always carry some unusual things!

Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but it is pretty!

Anonymous said...

The jar is so pretty. Maybe it's a multi-purpose jar. I think it can be used for many different things.
Happy Blue Monday.

jlshall said...

Very pretty, Sally. My aunt used to have a jar like that and she kept bath salts in it. Perfect in a blue and white bathroom. Happy Blue Monday!

Cheryl said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally, Love the blue jar I agree with Jlshall I think it would be nice in a bathroom or even on a vanity. It's beautiful. Happy Blue Monday Everyone

Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..Snatch JOY!

Darlene said...

Your jar is beautiful. I just love to go to Ross you never know what you might find! Happy Blue Monday! Mine really is a blue Monday cause it is sleeting. I hope it doesn't coat the roads!

sara said...

I love blue and white too!! I bought a blue and white vase while in romania this summer that I love!!!

what a find! what are you going to use it for?

Sherrie said...

Hi Sally,
Very pretty jar!! Maybe that's its use, just to be pretty! My Blue Monday is posted. Have a great day!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love it, Sally. Blue & White is my fave! :-)

Happy Blue Monday!



Anonymous said...

Love the blue too, its so pretty!
How are the new shoes coming along?

LADY JANE said...

Sally,love your blue post! No matter what you use it for ,even if only for decoration it is truly YOU! Happy Blue Monday to all.....

nikkicrumpet said...

The only blue my eyes could concentrate on was the blue in your backyard....dang didn't tell me you lived in HEAVEN!!!!!

tammy said...

Cute jar! Ross is my boyfriend. Love that place. And love the pic of your backyard. AZ & FL winters are the best!

Anonymous said...

beautiful!! Happy Blue Monday!!

squawmama said...

Good Morning Sally... love your new banner... your backyard is beautiful... and the jar is very lovely... Great post


akawest said...

I have no clue as to the name of that type of jar. I would imagine admiring its beauty would be a fine use.

Caren said...

Very pretty jar! I love blue and white too. I'd call it a Ginger jar but who knows if that's right?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pretty Blue Monday object, Sally.. I don't know what I'd do with that little jar. It's pretty--but all it would do here at my home is collect dust!!! ha

Baba said...

Good morning Sally,I love your cute blue and white jar... it looks pretty where ever you display it.. I never shop at Ross's , maybe I need to start!!!My Temptations post is ready. Hugs, Baba

Anonymous said...

I know I know what it is ....PRETTY...... isn't that all that matters..... love the blue and white...

Anonymous said...

Afternoon, Sweet Sally. Oh, I adore your pretty new jar. Looks like a loose leaf tea jar to me, but what do I know? Nuttin'. Sorry I wasn't able to contribute to Blue Monday, but hopefully next Monday I'll be a Blue One again.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Sally,
I have always been drawn to the white and blue too. Your jar is just beautiful. Happy Blue Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally
That is a very pretty little jar. I wonder what one would use it for. I think its just made to admire...thats what I would do.
thank you for sharing your Blue Monday.

Susie Q said...

Such a pretty jar! I have seen some lke that called tobacco jars but yuck. No one should put THAT in something so pretty! : )
Ginger jar would be better!
It could hold tea, spices, pet treats, bath beads/salts, candies,
flowers with the lid sitting aside it...or just sit and look lovely!


Heidi Pocketbook said...

I don't know what it's purpose is, other than to look pretty! It looks like something my favorite aunt would have loved.

Carrie said...

Your blue and white jar looks like a tea caddy for storing loose tea. The tea would be retrieved with a spoon and added to the teapot or teacup.

Andi said...

What a beautiful blue and white jar Sally! I wanted to stop by and say hi...I missed getting my post done for Blue Monday but I'll have one next week for sure.

Happy Monday...Blue Monday!


Salmagundi said...

Could it be for tea or spices? Lovely, whatever its use!! Sally

Shirl said...

Hello Sally, I'm still making my pink saturday visits. Thank you so much for stopping by. Loved your pink and your blue!
Happy New Year, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Patty said...

It sure is pretty whatever it is.

joyh82 said...

Oh I love your banner with the beautiful backyard. Also love blue and white vases. Happy New Year!

The Raggedy Girl said...

New Reader and I love Blue Monday and can't wait till next week to find something blue to share.
Roberta Anne

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous jar, Sally ... isn't it wonderful how nicely blue-and-white ceramice mix and match? This piece reminds me of a ginger jar, but the neck doesn't look wide enough for a nobby piece of ginger :o)

This is my no-longer-official first week for a Blue Monday post, but the time difference (or ???) made Mr. Linky disappear before I got my link added. Hope you'll stop by anyhow, at

Have a great week, and thanks for hosting!


Belinda said...

I love the idea of Blue Monday, and I'm going to try to participate next week! As for your blue and white jar...its so pretty, and as far as I'm concerned, as long as something looks pretty, you don't really have to have an actual use for it! :-)