Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Tagged to Death!

Carol at Charli and Me has tagged me!

Here are the rules: Answer the following questions. Tag five other bloggers. Let the bloggers know they have been tagged.

1. Name five things in your purse.
  • wallet with some money :-)
  • lipstick and mirror
  • tissues
  • key
  • pen and paper

2. Name five things in your work room. (My work room is my home office.)
  • My beautiful new Mac computer with a 21" screen!
  • Stacks of books
  • Exceptional Teacher Award, 2000
  • "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" plaque and family pictures.
  • Telephone, pens, pencils, paper, files

3. Name five things you have always wanted to do.
  • See the Grand Canyon.
  • Take guitar lessons.
  • Learn floral arranging.
  • Speak Spanish fluently. (Yo hablo muy poqito espanol.)
  • ? ? ? -- Sorry, I'm drawing a blank here.

4. Name five things your into.
  • Blogging.
  • Reading.
  • Reviewing.
  • Keeping in touch with family and friends.
  • My faith and my church.

5. Pick five bloggers to do the tag


It seems that all of Blogland is DEMANDING that I play a new tag! I got three tags in one day! Suzanne at Colorado Lady, Heidi Pocketbook at Bargain Hunting in the Corn, and Patty at Pip Stitch tagged me for a "photo tag". The rules of this tag are quick and easy:

1. Go to the the 4th folder where you keep your pictures on your computer.
2. Post the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the photo.
4. Tag 4 fellow bloggers to join in the fun!

I only have one folder because I delete pictures as soon as I've used them in a post. So here is my 4th photo in my only folder.

My husband plays golf every Wednesday morning, and I've talked him into creating a blog to keep a record of his time on the links. He took the camera and shot some pictures for his blog. This is the first hole. Notice the sun has not yet arisen. That's because my early bird husband tees off at 7:00 AM--or as soon as the sun pops up. It would please him if you would visit and leave a comment. Poor fellow is lonely in Blogland.


Judith at Judith on Sunday and Judith’s Quiet Moments has presented me with the Blog Love Award. Isn't this the cutest thing? I learned to type on a typewriter like this. I believe it was a Royal.
Here are the rules:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add the link of the blogger who shared the award with you.
3) Pass this award to bloggers whose blogs you love.
4) Add your link to the list of participants below.
5) Leave a message on the blog of the blogger who passed this award.

Now, this is a simple thing for me to do! If you're on my blogroll, I love you! And I would LOVE to present you with this neat award! Please tell me in a comment if you'll give me the pleasure of awarding you. (It IS more fun to give than to receive!)

(I wish I knew how to make those cute hearts to use instead of the word love. All I can come up with is this one that my granddaughter taught me: <3 Tip your head and you'll see a heart.



Justine said...

Morning Sally! Just popping in to say hello. Wow, you've been tagged backwards and forwards!

Justine :o )

bj said...

Well, Sally..I can see why you get tagged so many times..YOU ARE LOVED IN BLOGLAND! Congratulations on the award and thank you for passing it along.
Gotta go check out Johnny....

Darlene said...

Morning Sally,

You are getting tagged/awarded a bunch! I posted two awards today and I have more waiting. Is this what you are wanting to make?♥
If that is the heart you want just hold down the key that says Alt and push the 3 key on the keypad (to the right) on your keyboard. There are other symbols under the other numbers around.♥

April said...

First of all, let me just give a shout out to Darlene...I never knew how to make a heart, either! ♥ See...look what I can do now! I'm so excited!

Now, congrats on all of your awards, Sally! You deserve each and every one of them! If you don't mind, I would love to have the one you mentioned. I'll add it to my sidebar, if that's alright with you! Thanks!

Have an awesome day! ♥

Unknown said...

You are definitely loved to receive all these awards and tags! Thanks for thinking of me, too. It's my 3rd tag this week; when will I post them all? I think I'll do it in one post like you did!

Killlashandra said...

I've done the 4th folder picture post. It's fun to see what you've forgotten about stored away on the harddrive. ;) Congrats on all those awards though.

Anonymous said...

Sally I visited your husbands golf blog and tried to give the address to my Dad since he loves golf but the site will not come up. It comes up fine on your blog but not when typed in otherwise. Will try again but just wanted to let you know, incase was a problem -- maybe just my typing?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ah Sally, Congrats (I think) on being tagged over and over... I do like your answer about loving your new MAC. George and I are 'mac' people--and we wouldn't go back to windows for love nor money!!!!! How do you like it??? Have you always used mac's??

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Thanks for your comment at the Cafe today; it encouraged me. And you really should see the Canyon in person. You cannot grasp its depth and scope from pictures, no matter how good those photos are.

Judith said...

haha - my word you have been busy!! I hope you can have a relaxing day today? Judith

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Fun, Sally! Loved reading these, and amazing that you and I say the same thing about our Spanish. That's my favorite expression when I attempt to speak with a native! :-)



Anonymous said...

I came by to say Hello and I see you are a busy gal with all these the answers!

Cathy said...

Sally, you are just too popular, getting all these memes. That is a cute award, and thanks for passing it along. I visited your husband's blog.

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Sally, If you find out how to make those hearts please let me know. I did visit your hubbys blog and it is really nice. I am in the process of trying to get my hubby to start one but he wants no part of it. He's a silly guy :>) He says he will live vicariously through me.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I first learned to type on a typewriter like that one too..It was an Underwood and was my grandmothers..I used to sit and work and work trying to learn...Even then I knew that this would be something that i would love..never thinking a thing about computers of course!! Brings back a lot of memories...Thanks for visiting me. I have not been visiting like i should be...lazy I guess..Sandy

Lisa said...

My daughter uses those cute hearts too, I think the 3 has something to do with them....not sure what though.
Thanks for visiting my blog! It's exciting to see visitors when yur use to so few. Have fun with your tags....hehe.

Heather said...

wow so many tags! thanks for stopping by to see what Stella is up to! She's having so much fun.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Sally, Your T to T post was hilarious! LOLOL!

I received my Katie Brown Book last night! It is great, and I THANK YOU so very much! It will be a useful book this coming year! I posted it this afternoon! :) ~hugs, Rhonda

nikkicrumpet said...

You got tagged so much I bet it left a mark!!!

Dawn said...

Good afternoon. I am running so behind schedule today. I like the tag. I'll give it a try. Oh, I remember the pain of typing a report and leaving out a key paragraph, only to rip the paper out and start over again. Kids these days don't know how good they have it with cut and paste LOL!!!

take care,

Anonymous said...

Interesting tag Sally. I'll be glad to play along. This is the first tag I've gotten in awhile. Congrats on the award. I just received this one twice already but maybe third time is a charm. I too learned to type on typewriters like this. We had Royals and Underwoods in our classroom and switched around so we would know how to use both. I'm sure glad I learned.
Good day.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Sally; My but you are a very busy lady. All the tags, and such, I am wore out just reading it. lol
My Daddy had a type writer like the on in the photo, I use to play with it all the time. Wish I had it now.

Congrats on the Award...


Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Thanks Sally for the tag. If you find out how to make a cute heart let me know. I like the one your g.daughter taught you also.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally
Oh my you have been busy with tags and awards...thats fun and you get more posts and we get to learn more about you and thats fun for us.

I will have to check out Johnny's site. Geez you said you delete your pics after you've used them...I just can't part with my pics...hmmmmm..

YOu have a nice big screen! Thats fun blogging and viewing pics.

The answer to your I don't speak French. I do know some and took some at school, but not because I know anyone to talk French with or for it to be necessary to know. I don't really get why we are French bilingual...if I knew one of many other languages I WOULD have someone to speak a different language with around here.

have a nice evening Sally.

Sweetie said...

Sally, I really enjoyed this post. I think that the things that impressed me the most is that you received the Exceptional Teacher Award, 2000. You must have been a wonderful teacher!!

Neabear said...

Thank you, thank you Sally for the Joel Osteen book you had in one of your giveaways. It arrived today!! Yay!! I took a look at the devotion for today. I really liked it. For me it was appropriate. Thank you again!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Congrats on all your awards girl see people do love you in blog I need to practice this hear thingy..I was going to as Picket how she did that...hugs and smiles Gloria

Anonymous said...

Wow Sally, have a tag or two and a sweet award. I will be happy to accept your award. LOL.

I did have fun reading your tags. it is a great way to know our blogging friends better. I think it is cute that your dh has a blog. I just think I will have to say hello.

I wish I knew how to do the heart thing too. I am so happy you have your new computer. Do you see all of my blog now? I use a Mac lap top. I prefer it to a desk type. Maybe because it is all I have ever used.


imjacobsmom said...

Hi Sally,
I received my Katie Brown book last night too. I already have bookmarks to the recipes that I am dying to make! Congrats on all of your tags! I was going to pass some on to you but someone beat me to it ~ Robyn

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
Those were fun tags! The first one is one I haven't seen before.

I would love to accept the award!

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Sally,
Just dropping by to do some catch up since I lost my other computer to a crash (sigh). Hope you are having a Happy New year and may it be one full of blessings and joy, The best is yet to come.

Hugz Lorie

Shimmy Mom said...

I always love getting to know people better through meme's.

I don't think the cute little hearts works on Macs. I was told that if you hit control and the number 3 or the Option key and the number 3 that is what makes the heart but I've never gotten it to work. I think it only works on PC's but since you have a new mac, you could try it.


Libby's Library said...

You get tagged because you are so special!

Anonymous said...

♥♥♥ I didn't know that about the hearts!! Wow, I learned something new!

Funny how there are no tags for a while and then there are a lot of them going around. I'll keep some of these in mind to maybe do next week.