Sunday, January 4, 2009


Have you ever memorized the books of the bible? I confess that I've attempted to several times. I get the New Testament, but I stumble on the Old Testament minor prophets.

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Anonymous said...

Good morning Sally, as always your cartoon is cute.

It is good to be home today. I love to visit my sister in Atlanta but home is where the heart is.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


Darlene said...

Morning Sally,

Great cartoon. I want to come live in your backyard!! LOVE your header!

Picket said...

Morning that cartoon! I have tried to memorize them all but I always mess up somewhere! lol But I am so thankful they are all right there waiting for me when I run to them for refuge! Have a great Sunday my friend!

Anonymous said...

That cartoon is so cute. The only way I was ever able to memorize the books of the Bible was to learn the songs. I can't say them, but I think I can still sing them. I haven't tried in a while. Many years ago I taught these songs, both the O.T. and the N.T. to kids in Sunday School.
Have a great day.

Dawn said...

The view in Floriday is certainly different from that here on the Cape!! I don't see any snow.

No, I've never tried to memorize but I do remember playing Sunday School when I was little with my step sisters. I think several of us got our own bible that year :)

take care,

sara said...

I used to have them memorized while my kids were in AWANA. They a a cute song they did it too and of course you learned it while you helped them learn it.....unfortunately it has slipped a way

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a great cartoon! My memory is soo~~~~ well lets just say I don't have one any more.
Thank-you for a great cartoon today,

Musings of A Minister said...

Sitting here this morning waiting for my slow computer to pull up your blog, I was smiling. It should make you feel good knowing you cause so many to smile. Yes, I have memorized the books of the Bible. I have been able, over the years, to open to any book I was looking for. Now that I do not handle it as often, it doesn't come as easy as before. How soon we forget.

Susan Hickam said...

Hey Sally! Thanks for stopping by yesterday. I have had limited sucess with memorizing the books of the bible but I just put the book tabs on each beginning page and I can find what I need that way. Love the cartoon and your little heart box from yesterday was very nice. Susan

The Muse said...

oh now that's cute!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love that cartoon, Sally!

I have tried to memorize them (have done it at points in my life) and promptly get twisted around when I'm asked to list them in order. I took Old and New Testament in college and had to know them then, plus I memorized them at a younger age... but I stumble on some of the chapters to this day. I know what you mean about the prophets.



Anonymous said...

When I was a child I was an alter girl the first one at my church.I could recite all the names,but as I got older my mind is like a sieve stuff leaks out...I still read them , they still comfort me but I have no need to memorize it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally
Your backyard header is so warm and inviting I can tell you. Its quite nippy here today and they are calling for freezing rain as the afternoon moves along.
Your backyard looks to be a relaxing place to read...
enjoy your day.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute cartoon, Sally!!!! Made me smile!!!

Love your header.... Want some company???????????? ha

Cottage Rose said...

Hey there Sally; Love the cartoon how cute. Love the sweet little Pink box, and the photo of the your son and his daughter i can see why you get so misty.

Have a great week


Missy Wertz said...

I did as a child for GA's, Acteens and Bible Drill. I confess, I cannot remember them. I even help children memorize now, but still have difficulty now. I have always had problems remembering though.

Anonymous said...

Yes I've memorized them but my retention is so poor I just have a general idea of where they all fall except for the real obvious ones and the New Testament. I just got the tip in the New Testament that all the T books are in alphabetical order starting with I Thessalonians, etc...

Amanda said...

Hey Sally,

I thought I'd let you know that since Robert died in 1790, I wasn't too close to him. Wink wink!! What you saw was a quote I posted about the hymn writer of "Come thou fount of many blessings" which was the video I posted. Sorry you couldn't get it to load and appreciate your compassion, but I had to chuckle when I read your comment.
Amanda B.

Joyfull said...

Love it!!!

tammy said...

I haven't, but I think I've heard them put to song before. That would help me!

Betty said...

Loved the cartoon.

I don't know the books of the Bible by heart, but I pretty well know where to turn in the Bible to find each book especially in the New Testament.

Thanks for visiting me today. Oh, I love the picture of your back yard. It is beautiful.

Shimmy Mom said...

The secret is to set them to music. At least that's how I learned them when I was in Youth Seminary Class in Junior High School.