The conductor came out. The four soloists took their seats. My baby boy is the second from the left. Doesn't he look handsome in his tuxedo?

His voice is amazing, if I do say so myself.

This was taken during the Hallelujah Chorus when everyone stood.

It was a memorable experience and well worth the trip.

I know that these are busy times, so I don't expect everyone to listen to this video, but if you'd like to hear the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah, I am offering it here. Note: This is not my son's performance.

Give yourself a Christmas gift. Check out the GIVEAWAYS on my sidebar!
You must be so proud of your (not so) baby boy! I'll take a listen of that video now.
I can see why you are so proud, that is quite an honor. He is very handsome in his tux too.
What a thrill it must have been for you to see/hear your son perform. He's certainly handsome in his tux.
take care,
Good morning, Sweet Smiling Sally,
Oh, how I've missed my morning coffee with you. I am so glad to be back but things are still pretty shaky with this internet service...don't know if I'll be kicked off any minute or not...
This choir is amazing and yes, your baby boy is indeed a handsome fella. Bet he is as sweet as he is handsome, too.
love, bj
It sounds like it was a wonderful evening. I'm glad you have another good Christmas memory to add to your list. What a talented boy you have!
How exciting to see him perform with the orchestra. I know you are a proud momma!!!!
Morning, Most Smileing One! How proud you must be with your darling son! I love his music and have been priviledged to sing it many times! Your son does look so gorgeous in his tux! Now, your DIL's cell phone camera takes fantastic pictures! I'm so impressed! Thanks for coming to see me and yes, I hop up and down all over my floor and now my piano is sitting in the middle of it waiting. Had to move it out of my living room so the carpet guys can lay new carpet! Whew! I've already had my Christmas!
Be a sweetie,
shelia :)
I know you are so proud of him! It is great to have that kind of talent and to put it to good use in a production like this.
Wish I could have been there!
Good Morning Sally
How very proud you and Johnny were during this performance. Your son looks very handsome in his tux. Wow. What a lovely day that was for you.
I hope you have a great day today too.
Good Morning Sally, How wonderful that you were able to attend your son's concert... I know your buttons must have been popping right off of your shirt... And he looked so handsome up there with his tux on... That was a moving video... That song always makes me have goosebumps.... Have a wonderful Wednesday...
Good morning Sally, As I am sitting here and drinking my coffee, the music is giving me goosebumps like Donna..if this music doesn't put you in the Christmas spirit, nothing will.
Congrats on your son's performance!!
I wish we could have heard his voice singing..My daughters in high School would sing in a choir at Christmas , wearing long evening gowns... makes a Mama proud as you are of your son.
Thanks for sharing this video with us... hugs, Baba
Morning girl...oh you should be proud..what an honor and I bet he did fantastic! I listened to the video..wow I bet that would be something to really hear right there in person! Hope you are having a great week girl...it is really busy around here...man I have missed so much these last few days! Take care!
The Hallelujah Chorus always gives me goose bumps. Can you imagine Handel writing those notes? I can't imagine writing a sales ditty much less something as grand as this.
Before Christianity became a crime in schools, and way back when most churches had choirs and music directors, I had the grand privilege and pleasure of learning and singing this wonderful song many times. It is an amazing piece of music. Thank you for sharing this with us.
How wonderful you were able to witness your son's solo. I know how proud you are.
What a neat opportunity! I'm glad he got to sing and you got to go hear the performance.
I have never been to one of these but would love to go.
What a wonderful experience for all of you!! Sally
Sally, how great that you got to hear him perform this masterpiece! I know you must be proud. I love the church in this video, and it seems the perfect venue for "The Messiah." If you someone puts your son's performance on you-tube, please let us know so we can share in it, too! :-)
What a wonderful experience! What a wonderful voice he must have. :)
Very cool that you have such a talented son...tell me...did mom get a bit teary eyed when he performed?
Wow thats wonderful and of course you have every right to be proud, I think its just fantastic!!
How wonderful that you are close enough to be able to see that!!! You must be very proud!!!
Hi Sally, how wonderful that you could go to the performance and hear your son. Those are experiences to treasure. Great pictures for a cell phone!!
Hi Sally, how wonderful that you could go to the performance and hear your son. Those are experiences to treasure. Great pictures for a cell phone!!
Oh how wonderful! I bet it was wonderful to hear him and the choir sing.
Just wanted to tell you that I received the Carmindy book in the mail day before yesterday! It was a nice surprise.
I'll try to rejoin Blue Monday this week as I am on the road to recovery. It's going to take a while before I am 100% though.
Sally, thank you so much for your kind comment on the loss of our Babette. Anyone who has lost their pet knows the pain of that loss.
You must be so proud of your son. I love the Hallelujah Chorus. Our church is having their program for Christmas this Sunday.
I adore the snowman and the saying.
Christmas hugs...Jeanne
Beautiful! And how great that your son is a part. I play the piano in our church's choir and I love it!
Oh Boy Sally, I bet you had goosebumps! That is really something! Like Shelia said your DIL's phone takes great pics. Your son looks so handsome! Merry Christmas! ~ Robyn
Wow! I am proud for you. How wonderful to have such talent in the family. Makes me teary-eyed just thinking about it and I'm not even there to hear him. Silly me. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
That is wonderful. I remember singing the Hallelujah Chorus in High School. I have cd's of Handles Messiah that I listen to every year! So glad that you got to enjoy the concert.
Yes, your son looks great, Sally. And the video was beautiful.
Sally this was just wonderful! Congratulations to your son. You must be so proud. What a great night everyone must have had.
My goodness. I can just imagine how you felt sitting there listening to your son sing. I'm thrilled for you and for him. What a blessing.
Must have been a powerful experience. Both hearing your son sing and the fact that he was glorifiying God with that heavenly music.
I listened to the video. Thanks for the link The chorus and the whole piece always makes me cry when I hear it. A taste of eternity, and what we will be doing.
Kathy b
Thanks for the enccouragin post Mom! i was so glad that you and Dad could come up and experience this with us. Love you.
Simply and truly MARVELOUS! :)
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