I have a few Christmas things in my kitchen that I'd like to share. These trivets were purchased in 1982. They're ceramic and have hooks on the backs that would allow them to be hung. They rest on little rubber feet. I like to leave them on my stove top. The color brings a bit of Christmas into my kitchen.
Here's Mr. Snowman. I bought him a few years ago. I love the little white star on top of the paper towels he holds for me. Of course, I enjoy his blue and white attire too! His cheerful face makes him a favorite of my grandkids. I don't remember where he was when I bought him.
Of course, I have hot pads; I'm sure you do too. My mother gave me these, and that's why they're special to me.
Christmas cookies need a cookie jar, and I found this lovely nativity cookie jar at Walmart a few years ago. I just love it! You rooster lovers take note of the guy on the roof!

I'm giving away some cooking books. See my sidebar if you're interested.
Hi Kathy, thanks for your encouraging words about my chair project! My fave in your kitchen is the nativity cookie jar! I love all the others too!
I really love that paper towel holder. You have a lot of special things in your kitchen. Makes me wish I had saved more than I did from my Mom.
Good morning Sally, Your Christmas kitchen is so festive and lovely. I have never seen a nativity cookie jar. It's so pretty. I can see why you love it. All of your decorations are so nice. I have never seen a snowman towel holder either. Where have I been? LOL I have to get out more to shop. I hope you have a great day. Don't eat to many Christmas cookies :>)
Hi Sally, Cute Christmas treasures! I love the snowman towel holder! So cute! :) ~hugs, Rhonda
You have lovely kitchen treasures! I especially like the cookie jar.
I've never seen a paper towel holder like that -- very cute! All your Christmas kitchen accents are fun.
Fun stuff in your kitchen Sally. Love the snowman and that cookie jar is great!! Have a good weekend.
LOve the snowman paper towel holder. He has the cutest expression on his face!
How sweet! I think I NEED that cookie jar. :) The snowman is adorable and I can imagine how the kids enjoy him.
Good morning Sally, I just love that snowman hugging your paper towels, too cute! I'm a lover of cookie jars and the nativity jar is so unique and adorable with that rooster on the roof.
I love my makeup book so much that I bought one for a friend. I've been restraining myself from entering anymore of your book giveaways since I won but the cookbooks are tempting me. I might have to take a look and throw my name in the hat.
Hugs, Bridget
Hi Sally,
Those are just adorable Christmas accents! I especially like the snowman! :)
Very cute Christmas items. I have never seen a paper towel Christmas holder. He is cute! Thanks for saying hi today. Merry Christmas!!
Love all of these - especially the snowman holder. So cute.
Christmas hugs,
I love the paper towel holder! So cute!
The Snowman paper towel holder is too cute
Hi Sally, I do love your kitchen Christmas things. Trivets, pot holders, a paper towel holder, and a cookie jar. I think that covers it all. They are all so fun and festive. You are missing something. I have a dish soap dispenser that is a Christmas ball. However, That is all I have. LOL.
The cookies are dee lish!!! I wish I could share some with you.
Christmas hugs...Jeanne
I love your trivets. Very cute! And I love the cookie jar!
Thanks for stopping by. I have saved you in my bloglines, so I will be back.
Merry Christmas!
thanks for sharing your Christmas treasures:)
Looks like you're all set to get to cookin' up someting wonderful and festive for Christmas! Love your little snowmen!!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think this is the first time I have been to yours. I like your snowman paper towell holder and the Nativity cookie jar. I will be back again sometime.
oh my goodness, I love that snowman paper towel holder!!! If you ever remember where you got it, let me know!!!!
That's a great cookie jar - I've never seen one like it. Sally
I absolutely love the snowman paper towel holder! How cute is that??? Thanks for sharing!
Cute things in your kitchen!
Merry Christmas and thanks for coming by my blog!
Being a book reviewer must be interesting!
Lovely Kitchen decor Sally! Thanks for sharing. Love the cookie jar!
The little snowwman is just precious! I love snowmen. Thanks for visiting Shore's End.
i love having Christmas things in my kitchen also. It's so cheery.
Great Christmas decor in the kitchen. I love the snowman paper towel holder. Jean
Everything is so precious, but I really love the Snowman paper towel holder, he is too cute.
Thanks for stopping by, I love that snowman!
My favorite is the snowman paper towel holder. That is so cute! I also like the cookie jar. I've never seen anything like that before! Your kitchen must look nice and festive!!!
take care,
Hi Sally
I love your Christmas kitchen pictures especially the snowman towel holder. He looks so happy and bright too. I wonder whether that lovely cookie jar is filled to the brim with yummy cookies..mmmmmmm...Yum!
have a lovely day
That's a cute cookie jar.:0D
thank you for visiting me today! my napkin holder is actually a plain black napkin holder and then i have a nativity figurine standing in front of it that I found at JoAnn Fabrics last Christmas. your trivets and kitchen Christmas items are really cute!
Cute Christmas things, Sally ~ I loved the snowman.
All the little decorative touches makes your kitchen warm with holiday appeal.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Do come again soon.
Thanks for visiting my blog today! I love your show and tell items ... especially the nativity themed cookie jar. A friend mentioned recently that she has just purchased a small durable nativity set to keep down low, where her grandchildren can play with it and ask lots of questions. What a great way to teach them the truth of Christmas!
Who knew paper towel could look so adorable!!!
You have some really cute kitchen Christmas things! Love the snowman towel holder! I don't think I have ever seen a Nativity cookie jar before, neat!
Hi Sally...cute trivests. I really like the first one. And the snowman is cute, too.
(Yeah...I can see your other posts now!!)
Lovely christmas things ]Thanks for sharing them
All of your treasures are lovely. I especially like the snowman paper towel holder. He made me smile.
Oh, I love the SNOWMAN!!!! Kathy
Love the snowman paper towel holder!!! Too cute ;o)
Hey Sally.... I really loved all your show & tell things especially the paper towel holder... It is nice you have a few of your mother’s hot pads... I have some ornaments and Christmas platters that my mom left me... I always think of her when I pull them out for the holidays... Have a good night
Hi, thanks for stopping by. I love your things, I think I have a trivet of the little girl just like yours, I'd forgot all about it until I saw yours! Now I'm going to have to go look for it.
Everything really pops on your black granite and black stove. I love the nativity cookie jar. How unique! I've never seen one. Merry Christmas!
Hi Sally, your kitchen is all fixed up for the Holidays!
Merry Christmas to you and your family and also Happy Show and Tell Friday!
Love, Ann
Show and tell was the BEST! Have a great weekend!
I love your Cookie Jar - sometimes you just never know what you'll find at Wal-Mart! Merry Christmas!
Love the cookie jar and the paper towel holder. Thanks for stopping by my blog and Merry Christmas to you!
Okay that paper towel holder is mine!!!!!! :) Just kidding! I love it and I have not seen anything like it on the shelves this year!
Happy Holidays
I love that snowman paper towel holder! Your decorations are lovely.
Very nice Christmas things. I esp like the snowman - blue, too. :)
Merry Christmas.
Cuteness! Total cuteness, Sally!
Oh yes i do love that KING of the Roost LOL
I have never seen a nativity cookie jar! I love that, and wonder if it would make me stop and think about how bad I was being when I start to get a cookie! laurie
Thank you for joining in the fun! I loved seeing your special Christmas treasures...the snowman is too cute!
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