Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pink Saturday - Princess Shopping Ideas

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Stop by her Place to see the many other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Putting on display for the Pleasure of others.

Sometimes I think that my husband enjoys my blogging as much as I do. Johnny was going out to run an errand the other day, and I said, "Take the camera and snap some Pink pictures for me for Pink Saturday." Here's what he found: "Everything you need to be a princess"--a Pink one, of course--and all in this one box!

Some Pink telephones, along with a Pink tea set, and a Pink hair dryer for that princess.

For the grown-up princess, a Pink hair dryer. (Notice the Pink purse in the front.)

A special Pink baby doll. Looks like some commoner opened the package on the right!

Even Disney had Pink for her highness.

Of course, our princess will need some Pink royal clothing.

A Christmas stocking in Pink is a MUST.

Some light is necessary so that her highness can gaze upon her Pink treasures.

In South Florida, all princesses must have Pink flamingoes!

And to wrap it all up, some Pink paper and a Pink card. Get the one with a Pink purse on the Pink cover!

Happy Pink shopping!

Today's the final day for the cookbook giveaways. Check my sidebar.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sally
What an amazing hubby you have who would be willing to help out with your Pink Saturday. Its sooo nice when they get so involved with what you are doing. Nice.
The pictures of pinkness are so cute. Love all the Barbie items especially.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a lovely day.

Nancy McCarroll said...

Pink! How fun! Makes me want a sugar cookie with pink icing for breakfast!! Thanks for a nice blog.

Hootin Anni said...

Hi Sally....thanks for stopping by my show n tell yesterday. Golly, look at all the pink! You really did a superb job hunting for the color.

Love the trivets and I esepcially love the snowman paper towel holder.

Happy weekend.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I'm surprised the store didn't stop him. Around here, you can't even take photos in the middle part of a mall.

Darlene said...

Your hubby did a fine job of hunting for pink for your Saturday post! All that pink-ness is just lovely! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Dawn said...

I would say that your hubby did a great job with that camera!!! Everything is so pink! What a good sport he is!

Happy Pink Saturday.

take care,

Anonymous said...

What fun! I hope I have a little princess to shop for someday!

Fleur de Bee said...

This post is adorable, as is your husband1 LOVE IT! We have a pink phone in my daughters room and I will tell you it gets used the most LOL!

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Molly xx

Sondra Behne' said...

You are a true pink lady when it comes to being determined to find pink things for you pink post. My gosh how many times did i just say pink. Oh well it is Pink Saturday right?

Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.


Anonymous said...

Your hubby is a good pink photographer. I'm impressed.
Happy Pink Saturday.

Salmagundi said...

Lots of pink! We even call the Barbie aisle at Walmart the pink aisle. Do you have a princess to shop for? Sally

Sherrie said...

Hi Sally,
You have a wonderful hubby!! Those Pink photos are great!! Thanks for sharing. Mine is posted here:


bj said...

Oh, for PINK is always fun.. be it on the internet or in the stores by sweet hubbies...
Happy Day,

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I want that cute pink stocking! I remember how much fun it was to get Barbie stuff, and now it's a veritable feast! :-)



Betty said...

Now that's a good hubby!! LOL My husband would laugh and laugh if I asked him to take pink pictures. Have a wonderful pink Saturday and a very merry Christmas!!

Glennis said...

How fun that he's helping you! Mine will sometimes point out something pink - and he always reads it. But you husband is really getting into it, good for him!

And such great shots, too. Have a wonderful weekend together, the two of you!

Fifi Flowers said...

Happy Pink Saturday! I need to get out shopping... I am way behind! ENJOY your weekend! Fifi

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Love your PINK post, lots of fun!

~ Gabriela ~

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful husband you have. I love all the pinks, but little pink flamingo would have had to come home with me. Happy Pink Saturday and have a lovely day.

gbloom studio said...

What an awesome husband you have! He did a great job! I would be afraid to see what my husband would find! Have a lovely weekend! I love your blog banner! Merry Christmas!

nikkicrumpet said...

That made me smile to envision him running around the store snapping pictures of pink things...what a sweetheart he is!

sweetmemorymakingmom said...

Sally, I love your pink post. My two girls are into Sleeping Beauty. The will be getting lots of related items. I have to go out and buy a few more things and you have made my life easier. I love the pink phone and hairdryer. I know the girls would love them more. Where are they from? Walmart? Oh I hope I can find them Monday when I go out.

Thank you for stopping by. Maybe you could stop back and see my Pink Post. I was in a fog today or maybe just snowed. I put up pics of all the pink ornaments on my White Christmas Tree.

pink hugs, Ellen

Anonymous said...


The Muse said...

Ah...defining LOVE, one pinky at a time LOL

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Happy Pink Saturday!! This was just too cute. And how nice that you had help snapping pictures.:-)
From our home to yours
Happy Holidays!! hugs ~lynne~

Unknown said...

What a great husband! He did a super job.

Deb said...

You had a fun pink shopping day :-)

squawmama said...

Wow Sally....Isn't your main squeeze the bestest ever... How many men would go out and snap pictures for us let alone PINK ones... My husband is a pinkaphobic... I am sure he would have hesitated... Well I think yours is a blogwomans dream... And he did GREAT! Loved all your photos


Ellen said...

Seasons Greeting...some girls have all the luck, I need to ship my dear husband to Johnny to have a lesson or two. I enjoyed the shopping trip. Thank you for stopping by my place...Happy Holidays to you and yours. :)EllenL

Anonymous said...

What a fun shopping trip!
Merry Christmas!

Robyn said...

My 7 year old Kerri kept staring at all the photos, what a great variety you shared.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Merry Christmas.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Sally, Your Johnny did well. He is a good sport. Isn't it funny how our families are involved with our blogging. My hubby asks me sometimes how all of you are doing LOl I love it.

Miss Rhea said...

Awwwwww, Your Hubby is sweet :) I Love the furry Pink Stocking :) Happy Pink Saturday !!! And a Very Merry Christmas !!

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
That is so cute that your husband gets caught up in the blogging too!

You all managed to find quite a few pink things. It's amazing how much pink there is isn't it?

alicesg said...

Very beautiful and cute pink there. Every young girl's dream. Happy Pink Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! You sure found lots of pink out there in the aisles!! Hope your weekend is going well.

Deare Diary said...

What a Pinkie sweet hubby you have. I think that my hubby likes me blogging too but he would never admit it. He asks me every day if I am blogging and what I am blogging about *giggle*. Fun reading this pink post.
Judy Deare

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, you are welcome anytime!
Now that hubby of yours is a keeper. What a guy to join in on the Pink madness! Merry Christmas!


Sally, that is so cute and sweet that your husband snapped some photos for you! I love it.

Dawn said...

What a nice hubby! Happy holidays.

Anonymous said...

What a great hubby. He did a great job.

imjacobsmom said...

Your husband was terrific! He shot a treasure trove of pink! Hope you are having a great Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

Sally, don't think I am nuts commenting this late. I slept the early evening away and now I am awake. LOL. I'll be sorry tomorrow. I'll probably fall asleep in church. I hope not.

Johnny did the most wonderful job finding pink. I enjoyed all and chuckled at his diverse photos. Good job Johnny.

Glad you like my crazy pink tree. I had fun with it.

Christmas hugs...Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Oh Sally I would love one of those Conair Pink Hair Dryers. I have been looking for one. Doubt if I can find one her in Canada. But I will look.
Thanks to your hubby for taking such great pinks.
See you Monday
Claudie from Canada
I'm right behind Jeanne on this post.
It's been a busy day.

Cathy said...

Little girls and even big ones love pink.

Stephanie said...

How sweet! WE are ALL Pink Princesses on Saturday!! Thanks for sharing!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Nerissa Alford said...

That is the cutest! What a sweet hubby :) I have to say, I missed out on all the pink princess stuff when I was younger & a tomboy.
Happy Pink Saturday

Life on the Edge said...

What a fun pink post! Can you believe I hated pink and anything girly when I was little? My daughter would have loved all of this though.


KatCollects said...

What a great husband to take pictures for you like that, I think that is so sweet! Happy belated pink Saturday.

Cathi said...

Oh. My. Gosh!
He really had a pink shopping experience!!

tammy said...

Wish I had a little girl to buy pink for. I don't think my boys would appreciate it ; ) There's always grandkids to look forward to though, right?

Neabear said...

That is great that your hubby was willing to find some pink for you. He did a great job. Happy Belated Pink Saturday. I am trying to catch up here. Also have a very Merry Christmas!!

Jeanie said...

What a wonderful PinkSat post! Have a gorgeous, beautiful and peaceful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Sally. I apologize for being late getting to this post. I am having a catch up day today.

Your husband did great with his pink photography. I think I might need one of those flamingos. ;-)