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I'll bet that some of you did not know that my state has Christmas tree farms. Well, we do! Here's a map showing all the locations. I live where the lowest tree on the right is located. (Notice the blue in the background.)

I sheepishly admit to having a fake tree; several years ago, Johnny put his foot down and declared that he was "NOT" (Johnny yells when he puts his foot down!) going to do "ALL OF THIS HEAVY, STICKY WORK EVER AGAIN!" That year, after Christmas, we bought our first artificial Christmas tree, and we've had one ever since. Although I have never been to a tree farm and have never cut my own tree, this is how I used to get my Christmas trees. I bought them already cut. See the pretty blue?
Breathe deeply and maybe you'll be able to still smell the wonderful scent of fresh trees. Then again, you probably can already do that since you have a fresh tree in your homes! (sigh)
This worker wanted us to take a picture of the back of his shirt so that the church would get credit. This is not our church, but it is close by our home. Each year I love to look at that blue striped tent.

Give yourself a Christmas gift. Check out the GIVEAWAYS on my sidebar!
1. Anne Fannie 2. claudie from canada 3. ellen b 4. Lana G! 5. Kathy b 6. Baba 7. Elizabeth 8. sue-cottage 9. coloradolady 10. Sheia (Mrs. Magpie) | 11. CC 12. Eleanor 13. Diane 14. Mojo, NC, USA 15. Jinx 16. Shelia 17. Faith 18. Linda\'s Blue Gate 19. Linnea 20. The Muse | 21. Barbara H. 22. Knitty 23. jsprik 24. Charlotte 25. Heidi Jo the Artist 26. envoy-ette 27. The Pagan\'s Eye 28. Maria\'s Space 29. Rita 30. charli and me |
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I have a fake tree in the condo for the first time this year :0)
That's cute that the worker turned his back for the photo!! have a great week Sally!!
Oh Sally
I must get to bed. Have been waiting for you. Long day today but tons of fun with cousins.
I would love to go and pick out a beautiful tree where you live Sally.
Happy Blue Monday
Christmas Tree farms in Florida!? Who would of thunk! Love it!
Hi Sally, my husband got tired of all the pine needles from a real tree and wanted a fake Christmas Tree too so I fell for it. Last year I couldn't stand not having a real one, I missed the smell of pine in the air so I went by myself in his truck and bought one! Then when Christmas was over with, I complained about all the pine needles in the rug!LOL
So I bought a candle this year of a Christmas tree smell!
Hi Sally, I love the smell of a real Christmas tree!!! I have used both types of trees and this year I got a small real tree, but it doesn't smell good like a big tree..I will have to enjoy the bigger trees when we go to our daughter's house for Christmas!!!
It seems like Florida would get too hot to grow Christmas trees!!I have never gone out and cut down a fresh tree..they would smell great!!
Have a fun Blue Monday.. Hugs, Baba
I don't have a real tree here, I have an artificial. I bought a bouquet of pine cuttings and have them in a vase for the smell of pine. Have a great day.
Sally, loved the trees and the guy's blue shirt! :-)
Did you notice that I spelled my own name wrong??? Long day.
Sheila... who will visit everyone tomorrow! I always do! :-)
Having had a live tree fall on me twice in the same day, I've since feared live trees. However, last year..my artifical tree fell on me..so apparently it matters not whether the tree is real or not..the ornaments crash and break all the same...yet..the live trees makes the bigger clean-up. :)
Happy Blue Monday Sally and have a lovely day.
Hi Sal..
I Have a fake tree with lights already on them lol. I just did not like dealing with putting on lights and needles, and water, and asprins..is that how you spell aspirns lol. Thanks for your visit and for sharing your heart with me, I love seeing your smiling face!!
Hugz Lorie
I use to buy live trees and have them flocked. They are so prettttty. Kathy
We too have a fake tree, always have and probably always will…cheaper, “greener”, safer and less mess….Happy Blue Monday!
Heidi Jo the Artist
My Etsy Shop!
My Creative Blog!
We have had an artificial for many years now. I used to love to go find "just the right tree"! The smell in your home from a real tree is wonderful too. We just got too scared of the fire danger with a real tree. Hope you have a wonderful Monday. It is cold here with our high's only getting in the 30's today....brrrr
We used to go buy a tree every year, but it was getting expensive! I liked the $50 trees!! Finally I broke down and bought a prelit artifical tree and I love it! :)
I've never been to a tree farm. It does sound kind of quaint!
take care,
Hi Sally! Thanks for inviting me to join the fun!
We have an artifical tree also, in fact it is a fiber optic. My OCD kicked in when I went shopping for a tree, so it's just easier for me to know what it is going to look like. LOL
Morning, Sally!! Oh,I do love the smell of fresh trees, but they're too much trouble! The needles, the drooping limbs, broken ornaments, pet hazards! So for the last 30 years we been artificial all the way! lol
I'm up and linked now. You must be an hour ahead of us in time. We get up at 6am but I'm not usually able to get on my puter until around 7am.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
I enjoyed your Christmas tree post and the comments your visitors made. It seems artificial trees are very popular. Have a great day! Love, Faith
Ahhhh I love the smell of pine.... Doesn't that blue and white tent look so pretty.....
I've never had a flocked tree either, but I switched to artificial 3 years ago. I got a pre-lit tree for $25.00 on a Black Friday sale, and I LOVE it!
I usually manage to get the link correct with it going only to my Blue Monday post. Somehow I messed up today. Probably did not copy the whole URL when I pasted it in your linky place. I bet I am missing the .html part and that is why it can't find the page. Oh well, live and learn. I will always be extra careful now when I do the copy part to make sure I have the whole URL to a particular post. Oh, I have a fake prelit tree this year. A small one. Happy Blue Monday.
Love the real trees! We tend to use both real and artificial, and we plant out live tree after the New Year (we get a potted one rather than cut).
How can one beat that aroma? :)
Nice pics...I can just smell the pine now!
We used to get ours at a tree farm when we lived in GA, but here we just go to a lot. None of them have a tent cover, though -- that's a good idea! We've thought about getting an artificial one but haven't so far.
What a pretty tent. I love real trees but we have had artiicial ones for the past 18 years. We're on our 3rd tree. We bought the one we have now about 5 years ago. I just HAD to have a prelit one. Hubby reminds me of this every year when we put it back up and we have to figure out why some of the lights aren't burning. This year about half of the 1200 lights didn't come on. He, with a little help from me, worked for hours trying to get them to come on. He finally got many of them burning again, but we ended up having to put 3 extra strings of lights on it to fill in the dark gaps. I'm about ready to go back to real trees.
Happy Blue Mondlay.
Sally you’re not alone in that department... We had real trees for most of our marriage but after the kids moved out we thought why not... Today’s artificial trees look so real... Just spray a little pine sol and you have the real thing...LOL LOL... Loved your post today...
My husband is probably bringing a real home tonight. They do smell nice, but I could do without the mess. A real tree means a lot to him though, so I don't complain. Much. ;)
I noticed your permalink rule after I had linked. I'll do it right next time. If you want, you can delete this one and I'll add it right. Thanks.
Hi. It's me again. I did the perma-link thing. You can delete #23. Thanks.
I too just did the permalink, so you can delete #12 on Mr. Linky. Thanks for the heads up! Have a great day!
Heidi Jo the Artist
My Etsy Shop!
My Creative Blog!
I really like a live tree, but they are just too messy !
Hello, thank you so much for stopping by. I am planning to join your blue monday after christmas. I love real tree's the scent in wonderful! We have a tree farm here in WV. We planted it when we moved in 18 years ago.
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Sally, I've been using little artificial trees for years. They are just way too much easier. One of those large trees in your pictures looked like it could be a blue tree, very pretty.
Hello. My first entry ever. I saw your blog featured at Mojo's and I had a photo in mind. It was fun. Thank you!
Good afternoon Sally, I can smell the pine. I honestly didn't know they sold real trees in Flordia. It's true what they say. You learn something new every day. We have an artificial tree too. I remember the wonderful days growing up when we had a real tree though. I don't think there is any thing quite like the real thing.
Sally, I have no idea what a permalink is! Do I need to post the link to my blog? I put it on Mr. Linky, and he's not here???
Here's the address to this post...
I will come back later to check everyone's, but who has posts???
Sorry to sound so dumb, but I'm new to all of this...
Sheila :-)
Well you're right, I never knew Florida had christmas tree farms. However, there is something wonderful about the smell of freshly cut pine trees that's for sure. However, I have to admit, we have a fake tree this year too. Our pellet stove just dries the live ones out too fast.
B/C of our allergies, we have a fake tree. I do enjoy the smell of a real one. Happy Blue Monday!
Fun post! I, also, pine (get it?) for a real tree; but it isn't going to happen. We have allergic people here. A fake tree is better than sick people at Christmas. Sally
Love the tour of the tree lot--the smell of fresh-cut pine is heavenly. I had no idea there were tree farms in FL.
Hi Sally, The song Blue Christmas always reminds me of the year my Mom & I were decorating the tree and it fell over on me - yikes! So every time I hear that song the memory comes flooding back! I guess I didn't realize that you lived so down south in Florida. My uncle used to have a tree lot here in St. Paul. My favorites were the flocked trees. Growing up we used to have the old color wheel. Now we have an artificial pre-lit tree. Thank goodness for Jacob - he keeps it lit! Hope you are having a Happy Blue Monday! ~ Robyn
I am surprised that you have Christmas tree farms there! I had a flocked tree for years and loved them...the flocking keeps the needles from falling off lol...much less messy!
And some of those threes under the blue striped tent may be blue spruce.
Kathy b
booo hooo, i am so sorry to have missed Blue Monday but, hopefully, I can do it NEXT time...
We use an artifical tree, too, Sally. I love the real ones, but they are indeed messy, sticky, and DRY DRY DRY by Christmas Eve. I just love our little tiny tree...no trouble to take down or put up, no trouble in storing, no cussing when things don't go right....hee hee...
love, bj
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