Monday, November 3, 2008

Blue Monday - Exciting Book Giveaway!

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Drag the Blue Monday button from here, and place it on your blog. Place another one on your sidebar.

3. Return here after midnight when Mr. Linky will be up, and leave your name and your URL. Do NOT link in until after your post is up. Please remember to leave a comment for me.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue participants.

Is it too early to begin shopping for Christmas--even if you don't have to spend a penny?

My offering for today is to have you read until you're blue in the face! On behalf of the generous Hachette Book Group, I can offer ten (10) books to bloggers! It's simple. You leave a comment. Weren't you going to do that anyway? In the comment, tell me which book you'd like to win. If you would like both books, you must leave one comment for each book. I select the winners, and I pass along your mailing information to Hachette Book Group. They mail you the brand new book! How sweet is that?

International motivational speaker and sought-after businesss consultant Reverend Myles Munroe proves that true leaders empower others to discover their own leadership gifts.

Joyce Meyer is one busy lady. Apart from the normal demands of life, she teaches daily on TV and radio, writes books, holds conferences in dozens of cities every year and ministers around the world...and she runs Joyce Meyer Ministries. So she's had to learn how to make the most of every minute of the day! In 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life, Joyce shares the most effective secrets she's learned over the years for making the most of each minute of the day. In less than two pages per entry, Joyce gives us eminently 'doable' tips that are clearcut and ...well, SIMPLE. But they can change your whole outlook, not to mention your schedule.

* Winners are restricted to the US and Canada. No PO Box mailing addresses, please.

* I must have a way of contacting you, so be sure to leave your email address in code: you[at]yourmail[dot]com

* I'll close the comments at 7PM EST November 8th and pick the winners. I will contact the winners via email to get their snail mail address. The winners will have three days to respond. If I do not hear from the winner(s) within three days, I will select another winner(s).

* If you're interested, leave a comment with your title choice and that all-important email in code.

If you do NOT want a book, please leave a comment anyway, telling me that you're keeping your current face color. Happy, happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Rechelle
2. ellen b
3. Diane@A Picture....
4. Claudie
5. Elizabeth-EO
6. Linnea
7. Anne Fannie
8. coloradolady
9. Kim
10. kathy b
11. fitty
12. An Enchanted Cottage
13. mom2my9 (Mexican Decor)
14. Eleanor
15. Gemma
16. CC
17. Sherrie
18. Kim
19. Backyard Neighbor
20. Lana G!
21. Baba\'s blog
22. Sweetie
23. Melissa
24. bj
25. PlantBuddy
26. Faith
27. Terie
28. Theresa
29. Kady
30. Barbara H.
31. Rita
32. Sally
33. Robyn
34. Knitty
35. Shelia
36. Carola Nativity Gallery
37. jsprik
38. Mojo
39. Dirkjogt, Belgium
40. Vikki.
41. April
42. Heidi Jo the Artist
43. Maria\'s Space

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

Get The Code

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Anonymous said...

Happy Blue Monday to you! Hope you have a wonderful week. I need to start reading more to at least get to a pale blue in the face :0)

Unknown said...

Hi Sally,
I probably could really use How to Simplify Your Life.
Happy Blue Monday!

Unknown said...

No need to enter me in the book giveaway, I've got piles to get through as it is! My current face color is a shade called Carolina blue!

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo I can't participate in the book give away. I'm from Canada, but Happy Blue Monday. I LOVE my blue monday post :)

Coloradolady said...

I would love the Joyce Meyer How to simplify your life....I need it!

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Sally, Happy Blue Monday to you! What a nice book giveaway you are having!
Did you ever receive my package?
Love, Ann

Anonymous said...

Oooh - what a great Blue Monday post!! I would love a chance to win Joyce Meyer's 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life... Boy, could I use that! My e-mail is yesteryrda[at]aol[dot]com... Donna

Eleanor said...

I love both authors - Myles Munroe has just been in Pretoria and is currently working on a project in Limpopo Province with government. What an opportunity to sow good things into our local administration! Joyce is a dear friend and mentor (through her books, of course!) Blessings and praying for your great country and its people in its election.

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Thanks for hosting today! This is my first time and can't wait to look at everyone else's! Have a great day!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Wonderful that you are offering a book giveaway! Good luck to all those in your world!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally..and if I won the book, it would be How To Simplify Your Life. The saints know I need to simplify...then,I could read till blue in the face..:)

Anonymous said...

P.S. I forgot to leave my email address... it's :
cat_white_cloud at yahoo dot com

Sherrie said...

Hi Sally,
I like your Blue Monday! You can put me down for the Joyce Meyer book. Maybe it will help me find time to do lots more reading! My Blue Monday is posted and you can see it here:
My email:
Take Care!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Sally. de4cided to quit "lurking" and comment. It's the Joyce Meyer book that drew me out. :) I can make time for reading that one, and maybe after I read it, I'll have MORE time. Do you think there's a chance? My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sally, I do like your blue face this morning and what it represents. I would love to win the Joyce Meyer book. My days for being a leader are over. I could have used it years ago whe I was involved in woman's clubs, church and business jobs, but it is all behind me now.
Now, I would love to simplify my life. Thank you for the delightful offer this morning. Love your blue today.


Baba said...

Good morning Sally, I love to read whenever I can get off of my computer....the book by Joyce sounds good... please enter me for the email address is..

Have a wonderful day. hugs, Baba

Sweetie said...

I love the Happy Face! And - it's not too early to Christmas shop. My book selection is In Charge. Happy Blue Monday.

Missy Wertz said...

I am participating this week! enter me for Joyce Myers book. Have a Happy Blue Monday!

bj said...

Good i am up at 5:45 and everyone beat me here already! Wow....the older I get the slower I move!!

I would sure like the Joyce book and if I win...I promise to read until my face looks like your Blue Monday post!! Thanks for giving me a chance to win her lovely book.

love, bj

Grandma Faith said...

Happy Blue Monday morning, Sally. It's good to be here with ya'll. The book give-away sounds great. I already have a big stack to read right now, so I wish all the luck to someone else. My face is sooo blue! Love, Faith

Unknown said...

Happy blue monday to everyone here! Amazing how many people are up and blogging before me even. I would love to win the Joyce Meyers book. I admire her and try to fit her show into my schedule because there's always something inspiring,educational about her show. My life is so complicated with my 4 kids, military life, job, school, etc... I need a little lift. This could be it. Thanks.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Good morning Sally,I would love a chance to win the book by Joyce Myers. Happy Blue Monday !

Darlene said...

Good Morning,

I would love to be entered for 100 Ways to Simplify your Life. Sounds good to me!

akmunkus (at) cableone ( dot) net


Life on the Edge said...

Happy Blue Monday! I would be interested in the Joyce Mayer book. I haven't read any of her books yet, but I have heard such good things about them!


Cat in the Foxgloves said...

OOhh I'd love to be in the running for the Joyce Meyer book! If you peek at my blog entry today, I was already thinking along those lines!
Fun blog!

Salmagundi said...

I figured I was stretching it with my Blue Monday post, but wanted to participate as I always enjoy all of the blue posts. Sally

Picket said...

Morning girl...ohhh put my name in the pot for the Joyce Meyer's book! Thanks for coming by this morning...I had to go over and 'fix' Nanna's post for her..she had to go out of town before daylight this morning and her computer was off! lol Happy Blue Monday girl!

Killlashandra said...

Well, I'd have to go with a simpler life. There's far too much going on in my life and any help to slow it down would be very cool. :)

As for Christmas shopping, it's never too early. I just bought a few things for my kids last friday I found on the clearance shelves.

imjacobsmom said...

Good Morning - I didn't forget to check in today! Go ahead put my name in for the Joyce Meyer book. Have a Happy Blue Monday. ~ Robyn

Knitty said...

Morning and Happy Blue Monday! I am off to a late start today and will be checking everyone's Blue Monday posts later today.
The blue streak you might see is me rushing off to get some things done! LOL

Carrie said...

This is my first Blue Monday post...thanks for sponsoring this meme.

Neabear said...

Thank you for hosting Blue Monday. Today I am reading the book I brought along. Hello Disneyland tomorrow. I will try to remember to wave at you.

Anonymous said...

simplify, simplify, simplify!!! i think all wives and mothers could use that book!! thanks for a great giveaway!! hugs and prayers...

Unknown said...

I already left you an email the other day with my address. You may not have checked your email. But if it's too late then I'm sorry; but I DID get back to you with my address. My email is that's the one I emailed you from.

Mojo said...

Man I must be slipping in my old age. I scheduled my post, then forgot to link it up here. Better late than never though, na?

Blue Monday #6: Lines in the Sand

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally!
That is a very nice Blue Monday blue face and what a great offer. I have some reading I have to finish up...its actually quite an amount of reading I have to finish up so I don't want to take a book from someone who is ready to read right now..not until I get caughlt up. I found some great choices and good luck to the lucky blue in the face readers!!

Hope you are having a great day.

Cathy said...

I would love to have Joyce Meyer's book, Sally. Thank you, dear book lover.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Happy Blue Monday! Hope it's great!

Dirkjogt said...

A new week has begun, so a new Blue Monday post is up.

Kathy b said...

Thanks for hosting this fun monday event.

Kathy b

Anonymous said...

very nice blog some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia.

Sara said...

Oh, my favorite color of blue would be - Aquamarine.

Sara said...

Oh, I really need that book - 100 Ways to Simplify your life...

nhsarab At yahoo dot com

Vylat said...

Hi, don't need a book, but my friend Terie dropping in and she got one. Thanks.

Kim said...

Sally, you are so kind and generous to be giving away books today. I would love for you to put me down for the Joyce Meyer book "100 ways to simplify your life". My little sister has 3 kids ages 7 and under and her life is total chaos. The book would be perfect for her. Have a great week!!

Shimmy Mom said...

I have a list of books so long that I have to read. I'm already turning blue in the face. Maybe I need the How to Simplify book, so I can make more time for reading! hehe.
Great give- away, though.
*Lots of hugs*

Anonymous said...

So very nice of you Sally. I would certainly read the Joyce Meyer book if it came my way. Thanks.

Dawn said...

That is a great until your blue in the face!!!! I will, however, keep my pale color for now LOL!!!

That is a very nice thing for you to do!

take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally. thanks for the comment. happy Blue Monday. (I've run out of blue to post!) lol Don't need any books but thanks for the offer.

Anonymous said...

Afternoon, sweet smiling one! Just add my little ole na a ame! Notice the three sylables? ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Afternoon, sweet smiling one! Just add my little ole na a ame! Notice the three sylables? ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Heidi Jo the Artist said...

If I would win, I would love the book by Joyce Meyer! What mom couldn’t use this book!? Thanks for sharing Sally! Happy Blue Monday!

Heidi Jo the Artist