In an article from this Sunday, August 10, The Miami Herald, Sharon Harvey Rosenberg reports, "Bottled water does not taste better, according to blind taste tests, and tap water must meet stricter safety measures." She cites studies from the Center for a New American Dream, a nonprofit consumer group in Maryland. They state that 40 percent of bottled water sold is just tap water!
For those who live in areas where they feel they need extra filtering, there are filtering systems that would still prove far less costly than buying bottled water.
Rosenberg adds, "A gallon of water from your kitchen sink costs about $.002, which is less than one cent, based on the national average. In contrast, you'll pay on average about $1.50 for a 20-ounce container of bottled water."
If you are still doubtful, try calling your local water center and ask for a safety report.
Note: Cold water tastes best. Keep cold water on hand in the refrigerator in reusable, nontoxic bottles.
How often do you buy/drink bottled water?

- daily
- weekly
- every now and again
- never
We stopped buying bottled water about a year ago, and bought a filter pitcher. It has saved us at least $20 a week. We drink alot of water.
I always drink tap water.
I buy one case of bottled water a month...once it's gone, it's gone!lol Tap after that!
Morning, Sally. You know I heard this not long ago and kinda laughed. The hip and chic are always running around slurping out of their bought water bottles. We must spread the word!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I never buy water . I have always said that I bet it was just tap water ! Somebody is sure getting rich though !
I confess I buy bottled water. I always bring it to school with me. I've seen some funky brown come out of the tap there!
I have a friend that comes over to knit. She always asks for tap water if I offer her bottled. I suppose there really is something to say about not falling into the trap of the spring water companies.
take care,
We used to drink tap water but something in our water changed in taste and actually started making my husband sick. We have tried filtering it too but it still tastes awful.
I drink both. I prefer to buy a 1.5 litre of water and I put it in the freezer to freeze up some and then I'm good to sip out of the bottle. My water at home isn't that yummy...but it is better when I've kept in the fridge. I really should invest in a filter thingy and in the end it would be better all around I'm sure.
I don't like the idea of the bottles piling up around the world...
Also - I have been to Florida and have enjoy those little warm rains of the day....you are lucky to get a nice breeze too.
That is such an excellent suggestion. I fill two water bottles from home when going anywhere to make sure my thirsty family don't go spending money unnecessarily.
You know, I probably need to do this.I have allergies and asthma and drink lots of water that I have been buying!
I've actually heard that Dasani is made from the water out of the Hollywood, FL water plant. So when we drink tap down here, it's just like Dasani. :)
We bought Nalgalene bottles earlier this year (to eliminate using & wasting plastic bottles) and installed a whole house filter system. Here in Tampa the water is really hard so the softener system has allowed us to reduce the amount of shampoo and laundry detergent used. The cost of the system replaced the cost of montly water delivery and tastes great, I highly recommend both for your wallet and for the environment.
Hope you will come back to God Gave Me You and subscribe to my rss feed!!Just getting back to you from the comment you left on the Bloggy Giveaways.
Glad to meet you.
Hi Sally,
We only drink tap. I can't believe the amount of money people spend on bottled water. I mean what ever did we do without it? By the way you have been tagged. No pressure though. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I've never bought into the bottled water fad. I've actually read that government regulations for tap water are actually more stringent than those for bottled water.
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