During the Bloggy Giveaway, a pregnant blogger had this hoop to jump through: look in the left sidebar and select the name you would prefer for her child BEFORE entering the giveaway! I couldn't believe that any parent could allow a pack of prize-hungry strangers to select the name of her child! However, when I looked, there were only two names to choose between; apparently, the couple each had a different choice. I guess that's better than flipping a coin.
To see just how unique your name is, click on the underlined blue question, and please come back to let me in on the fun. My results are listed in the box below.
There are 301 of me in the USA. To be honest, I like being one of many. No one in the blogosphere could find me very easily!!
I did this a while ago. My first name is very common, but combined with my last name...I'm unique!
Selecting the names of my sons was so...um...ambigous. I like Micah adn Kaiden, my wife liked Micah and Kaiden - and now for the rest of their life, they'll be Micah and Kaiden. Ambigous.
Hi Sally, I clicked on your name thingy and all these windows popped up and froze my computer! I had to shut down and now I'm afraid to go check it out. I guess it doesn't like my name. Thanks for coming by my tea party. How'd ya know I fed all those leftovers to Mr. Precious! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
There are approx. 350k people with my first name, 168th most popular name, and less than 2 with my combined name. Thats kinda cool to be so unique! Our last name is so unique there are less than 335 of us around.
There are 535 with my married name and 4 with my maiden name!! That was fun!
take care,
12,192 had my first name and about 1,200 have my last name. The combination one or fewer...so I guess that makes me pretty original!
that was interesting...
There are only 85 people with my first and last name.
The whole family had fun with that one. Thanks! ~ Robyn
Only one of me! And only one of my baby! Thanks to having my husband's South African surname. My first name (Jane) is actually 149th most popular - at least it's not in the top 100. That was one of my criteria for picking my baby's name (Esme) - that it not be in the top 100. And there are only 1500 or so with that first name.
TMI I know, but that was fun!
Ok, I admit that was pretty interesting. There are 109,740 with my first name, not my nickname.
Only one of me, statistically speaking...very interesting. I like to be unique.
According to this, 546 people in the US have my name. I think it's way more than that. There has been at least one other person with my name every place we've ever lived. :(
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