Suggested by Miko
Are there any particular worlds in books where you’d like to live?
Or where you certainly would NOT want to live?
What about authors? If you were a character, who would you trust to write your life?
(This came to me when reviewing a Jonathan Carroll book - I’m not sure I’d like to live in the worlds of his books.)
I think I might like to live in Mitford, the small town written by Jan Karon, but only if I were one of the much loved secondary characters, although they are all quirky. Main characters have too many complications in their lives. And that's the very reason why I would NOT trust any author to write my life!
As for worlds where I'd rather not live, the first image that came to me was the tea party found in Alice Through the Looking Glass. I certainly would not want to live--or even visit--there!
Another world that would make me shudder would be Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451. They burned books in that world of the future!
No thank you. I'm grateful for my life, with its complications, struggles, and joys. I'll stay right here.
What choice would you make?
You are so right in saying that Farenheit 451 would be a bad book to live in. A horrible world and not just because they burn books!
That's a good point about main characters and complications. Even the happy endings usually come at a price.
I wish I'd thought of Alice in Wonderland! I definitely wouldn't want to live there either.
No wonderland wouldn't be a good place to live.
Can I be your neighbor in Mitford, for I too would love to live there. Even if it does have terrible winters =)
Being a book reviewer that is what I LOVE about books. You feel like you get to visit so many places without leaving your house.
I want those revolving tea cups!
Here is my BTT post
Wonderland. The thought makes me shudder.
Great answers, Smiling Sal! Thanks for visiting TeaReads. :)
Well, I wouldn't want to live there, but I always thought the garden in Through the Looking Glass would be a nice place to visit. As long as I could avoid any conversations with those nasty flowers!
Morning, Sally! I did a post a while back on the Mitford books. I love them but like you, wouldn't want to 'live' them! Has your celebrity caught up with you yet. Are there paparizzi hanging outside your front door trying to get a glimpse of you? Thanks for popping in to see me this morning and share in my joyness!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I'm not sure I would ever want to live in a bradbury book. Those story lines can be a little dark I agree.
Although I wouldn't mind living in an Ursula LeGuin book, possibly the Earthsea books. I like the characters, the emphasis on family, and values, and of course magic. :)
I would not want to live in Wonderland at all -- and never would want to participate in the tea party. =D Good pick! Mine is up here;
Yes, writers are always doing terrible things to their protagonists.
Those a great answers, I would not want to live in ALICE IN WONDERLAND =( scary!!!
I wish Rivindell from Lord of the Rings were a real place.
I imagine Ian McEwan would make my life sound like a brilliant masterpiece
Good answers, esp. Farenheit 451. I imagine Dante's Inferno would also be about the worst book in the world to live in, tho I've never read it!
Good point with Fahrenheit 451...I was wishing for the world of the Sugar Queen, where books magically appear,
Mitford would be a great place to live - I forgot about that :)
Farenheit 451 ... a nightmare...burnt books! ;0)
I agree with the Alice and Wonderland and not wanting to visit.
I just mentioned I'll read F451, which I never had a chance to read through high school. I think any "Orwellian" worlds would make me shudder. Like in Brave New World, 1984, Handmaid's Tale.
Good call on Fahrenheit 451, the idea of book burnings terrify me.
I had Wonderland in my post also, but I chose it as a place I would like to visit - so wacky and mysterious I'd always be on my toes - lol :)
I'm with you on not wanting to live in Alice through the Looking glass - too strange for me, plus the queen of hearts would just scare the crud out of me. :p
Hi Sally,
Great post. I picked The Great Gatsby because I would love to attend one or two of their parties. I also picked Mitford becasue I fell in love with not only the town, and the people, but how about that dog? LOL
I wouldn't mind retiring in Mitford when the time comes.
I'm completely with you on Fahrenheit 451...any of those kind of books: 1984, A Brave New World. No thank you.
I want to know how you got so lucky to not have a complex life! My life could fill a book easily any day! I love the idea of being a quirky secondary character in a small town novel.
I do have Jan Karon's books but I haven't read one yet. I am a bit more curious now that you said this. It made me think of Winesburg, Ohio. I don't think I want to live there, but if I HAD to pick a place I don't think I would mind people watching there.
Great post, and thanks for stopping by mine. :) I love the cartoons you have in your posts, very cute.
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