My husband is a punctual person. If he tells you that he will meet you at a restaurant at 6:30, you can count on his arrival no later than 6:15. A doctor's appointment at 4:00 means that he will hop to it and report in around 3:30. He's explains that doctors will be happy if he arrives early!
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it.
~Franklin P. Jones
He came by this naturally. His father once telephoned us asking, "Well, are you coming or not?" It was 7:30 and we were due there at 8:00.
Although I'm not like the woman in the joke who is always late, I have never felt the urge to hustle to get someplace earlier than the appointed time. Over the years, this has been a cause for my husband's concern.
How about you?
- Are you an early bird?
- Are you one of those who slides in just under the wire?
- Or are you one who seems to always be running late?
I am ALWAYS late - I totally agree with your Franklin P Jones quote! I figure it's more efficient use of my time if I'm late and don't have to wait for people.
OK OK - I really don't like being late, but I cam by it naturally, I think . . .
Hi Sally! I guess I'm a pretty much on time person. Not too early, not too late. My mother on the other hand, if an appointment if at 3pm she'll show up at 2pm! I tell her that's to the point of being rude.
Thanks for stopping by my pinkness this morning,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Sally,
All the years I was working you could always count on me to be early. Now that I'm retired I am right on time. I have a feeling as the years go by I will be later and later. Don't forget to pick up the two awards I have posted on my blog.
Your description of your husband fit me to a T! Here's why I'm always early -- bonus reading time! I arrive early so I don't have the stress of possibly being late and get in a few pages, too! However, my sister reminds me that if I'm 15 min. early and she is 5 min. late, she should NOT be considered 20 min. late... :)
I'm an early person. I have to be at school by 8:15. I'm there at 6:30. I don't like being late at all! It drives me nuts. I'd rather be early, unless of course it is the doctor's office. I hate sitting there for so long! They are always late!
take care,
I am always ATLEAST 15-20 mins early to everything! Being late REALLY upsets me! I hate rushing around.lol
The older I get, the slower I am, it seems. It is hard for me to get somewhere on time. I have to start getting ready very early.
I'm always on time for something fun, but I'm always late for work - I wonder why? LOL ~ Robyn
How funny, your hubby sounds like mine. I am always on time, but my husband has to be twenty or thirty minutes early when he has appt. or we have to go some place. I got tired of being the first one to arived, now I refuse to rush, life is to short to live in hurry. Many Blessings, Virginia
Well...I am pretty much on time and its because I'm running behind and fast to get there on time! I am always asking myself "why do I do this to me?". My love bunny is about the same as your husband. He plans on getting there early...I can't manage that on my own or if I do, then I have time to do something else and then I'm in a rush again..*lol*..
I'm an early bird for sure. I don't like to be late and pretty much never am. My husband is always early too so we make a good team.
I pretty much run on time . I can't stand to be late . I have a sister in law that is always late every year for Thanksgiving.And this just upsets everyone. I think that would be considered rude.
Well, it depends. I'm somewhat of a procrastinator. Well, it's more like I try to cram in as many things as I possibly can do into any time I have available. So I usually end up running late, even if I start out early.
How about that for confusing?
And yes, to your question about your address. Thank you for responding so quickly...my plans are to go to the PO tomorrow and send out my mail packages. They have a lovely machine that will print you out a mailing label even when no one is working, and the lobby is open 24/7, a great help for a working mom!
So look for it this coming week.
I am the worlds worst procrastinator so I am always sliding in just barely on time or running a little late. It's a horrible habit and I am trying to break it!
I really, really hate being late to things, so I usually try getting there 15 minutes early. Of course, I bring a book with me, so I'm never bored while I'm waiting. =)
- Medieval Bookworm
I hate being late. It makes me feel anxious. My husband is super slow, which causes disagreements between us pretty regularly.
I do not like being late, I always opt for being early to avoid potential traffic issues and whatever other obstacles. My husband on the other hand is fine with being on time or a few minutes late. This used to cause much stress trying to get him out of the house as he "dinks" around.
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