If you’re anything like me, one of your favorite reasons to read is for the story. Not for the character development and interaction. Not because of the descriptive, emotive powers of the writer. Not because of deep, literary meaning hidden beneath layers of metaphor. (Even though those are all good things.) No … it’s because you want to know what happens next?
Or, um, is it just me?
Yes, I read for the story. I think that's the main reason I am turned off from romance novels--so much pablum. Girl is alone. Boy is alone. Girl meets boy. Love happens. (boring!) Or run-of-the-mill mysteries that are easily solved by the third chapter. If you know what happens next, or who did the deed, why bother reading?
I appreciate authors who know how to turn a corner in the plot and give me something unexpected. In addition, I like to experience new things.
I'm currently reading Dark Star by Creston Mapes, a story about a rock star on trial for murdering his psychic. It's written in first person in a flip-flop style as the young singer finds success and then flips to the trial. I find it a gripping read, because I want to discover not only what happens next, but how did it come about?
How do you feel?
Yes, an interesting story is definitely important! I feel having engaging characters in the story plays a factor too. :)
I agree. Sometimes I read for other reasons by requirement, but pleasure is the requirement for anything I choose to read myself.
I totally agree on the Romance novels! :-k
I've never heard of Dark Star... it sounds very intriguing. I will put it on my WL. You know... for the writing and metaphors. :-D
Good Morning Sally
I like a good read too and yes I want to know what happens next. I'm not into reading romantic novels either whereas I used to enjoy reading Danielle Steele etc. not that I'm not into the romantic stuff either but its so the same...in many ways, however, do you read Nora Roberts? I wrote to another blogger about it recently also, wonder if it was Dawn? anyway I only discovered her a couple of years ago.
I am not into unrealistic stories, however hers were so real like. Trilogies such as "The ? Rose" "The Yellow Lily" and "Black Dahlia" I'm forgetting the colours, and another good trilogy "Key of Knowledge" and 2 other "Key" books. Suspenseful too.
Do you ever feel at the end of a good story or trilogy that you're going to miss the people? I know I've read a good book when...
I'll keep your book choices in mind when I get back to reading...
Have a lovely day Sally,
I do. I love reading the story. As much as I want to finish a book and know what happens, I am always sad when a good book ends.
take care,
Like Judi, I'm a fan of Nora Roberts. She's one of the few writers who can effectively spin a romance into something more than the usual. I know a few guys who read her stories and love it!
I read different books for different reasons.
I've never read much romance, but I do like watching romantic comedies even though it's obvious how it's going to end. A good unexpected twist is one of the best parts of reading, IMO. =)
I do like a historical romance once in a while. Mainly for the history part of it.
Booking through stories
LOL I'm all about character development and layered plots. I don't like romance.
Morning sweet smiling reading one!! Oh, I agree with you...what's the use in reading those fluffy book? I enjoy mysteries, but good ones. The kind that make you think you know who did it, but then you change your mind, and then in the last chapter you're blown away! I love to read Patricia Cornwell...she keeps me guessing!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Maybe part of this discussion also involves where the reader is in her life and reading experience. Like you, I can determine how some books are going to end in the third chapter, but I couldn't 20 years ago. Same with movies.
Oh my gosh Sal.... romance novels. Used to love them (in my younger days) and now can't pick one up for the life of me (forced myself to finish Nicholas Sparks, "Nights in Rodanthe". It was painful for me...too predictable. Am hoping that the movie is better. Dont' tell anyone I said that. LOL ), so yes, I have to agree, the story must be the "hook", the characters are what keeps you there.
A book that isnt' good...just isnt' good.
*thanks for taggig me. I'm trying to think of interesting quirks about myself. Will answer it today.
To me there is NOTHING like a well written book. My hubby says I'm book addicted...I keep telling him it's cheaper than alot of other things most women shop for! My preference is murder mysteries and thrillers. I like political espionage type books too. I just wish the really good authors wrote FASTER! Because I purchase so many books...I've become the designated Library to everyone I know. They know if they want a good read I have stacks and stacks to choose from. I'll have to check out the book you suggested...i'm always looking for new authors.
I love a good page-turner, whatever the genre!
That book really does sound interesting. Can't wait to see your review.
I appreciate the unexpected in a story, too. It probably is harder these days to write that way with the experience and the number of ways people have already read and seen several plot lines.
I'm with you. I need to have a story that is interesting and less than predictable. I like it when an author keeps you guessing so that you hardly even know what to guess about. It isn't just a story about boy meets girl, and I can guess if they get together or not. Rather, the story should be one in which I'm not even sure if the two of them getting together or not is even the endgame.
Story with an engaging plot is important. That's the whole point of reading unless I'm looking for a philosophical treatise (which I do on other occasions). I think the reason why most of the spin-offs of Jane Austen are poor-written is that they have very empty plots.
I love to read, and I do like romance...but sometimes I pick up a book and swear I have read it before. That tells me too many of the romance novels are all the same.
I do love to find a book that totally keeps me on edge, and a surprise ending....the good kind that is.
You have sparked an interest in this one...I may have to check it out. Sounds interesting.
LOL - You summed up romance novels rather nicely.
Your book sounds way more exciting than mine right now. I'm reading iLearning for class. Interesting but certainly not gripping by any means. ;)
I can't stand the suspence. I have to know and then go back and read the story. It's one of the quirky things about me LOL
I like when authors give the reader something unexpected too. New experiences make life more interesting :)
It's interesting because I think my first response came from what I like to read most, which is literary fiction, which with out good character development, etc is just usually not that good. But I do occasionally like to dip into other genres for fun and then I think my expectations change a little. An action/adventure book is more likely to be story driven, and while I would like them to be developed, it's just not such a big deal if they aren't.
I think you've hit upon a winning read. How did you like the outcome of Dark Star?
Creston Mapes
Hi Sally,
I feel the same way about uniform romance novels, I also became disenchanted with the true crime books written by Ann Rule. it was always the same formula. Lately, I have been trying to read a few books from the end cap of Target and they are the pits. One in particular is called The Year of the Fog. The premise of the book could have been completed in one chapter. The rest of the book dragged on and on. I usually don't peek at the ending , but I had to only because I couldn't put myself through it any more.... However, I just completed a cute story that moves along from Target called Driving Sideways. The author escapes me because I loaned my book to my cousin. Now I just bought that teen series about the vampires, I guess you really like the books or you don't. I'll let you know what I think in a few days. ~ Robyn
I like surprises in the books I read too! It leaves me questioning endlessly. How it happened? Why? Then, if I figured it out, ah the feeling is priceless! That's why I enjoy reading so much. :)
O wind , why do you never rest,
Wandering, whistling to and fro,
Bring rain out of the west,
From the dim north bringing snow?
~by wow powerleveling
Can't stand romance novels either-mostly because they make me dissatisfied with being single but also because they are horribly predictable. You should try reading Ted Dekker-a christian author who does not do predictable-esp love Blink and his
Circle Trilogy-Red, Black and White.
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